
Located about 15km north-west of Toowoomba, Meringandan is not considered part of the Crow's Nest District. However, many of the descendants of the first settlers in this area selected land around Crow's Nest.
The area was originally part of Gowrie Station. The name, it is believed is from the aboriginal meaning red soil or fire clay. Around the late 1860's Gowrie Station (taken up in 1841) was broken up and selectors, many of German descent settled in the area. A school and churches were established by the 1870's. With the opening of the Toowoomba-Crow's Nest railway line, which ran via Meringandan the area flourished until an alternate line was built from Toowoomba to Haden in 1910.


Located about 15km north-west of Toowoomba, Meringandan is not considered part of the Crow's Nest District. However, many of the descendants of the first settlers in this area selected land around Crow's Nest.
The area was originally part of Gowrie Station. The name, it is believed is from the aboriginal meaning red soil or fire clay. Around the late 1860's Gowrie Station (taken up in 1841) was broken up and selectors, many of German descent settled in the area. A school and churches were established by the 1870's. With the opening of the Toowoomba-Crow's Nest railway line, which ran via Meringandan the area flourished until an alternate line was built from Toowoomba to Haden in 1910. Settlers from the Goombungee & Haden areas no longer had need to haul their produce to Meringandan. Settlers from the Goombungee & Haden areas no longer had need to haul their produce to Meringandan.