George Kahler

M, b. 13 February 1916

George Ernest Kahler

M, b. 28 July 1883, d. 5 December 1919

Children of George Ernest Kahler and Alvina Florentina Trost

Georgina (May) Kahler

F, b. 19 May 1906, d. 27 October 1994

Gladys Pearlie Kahler

F, b. 1913

Hannah Marie Kahler

F, b. 1887, d. 7 February 1964
  • Hannah Marie Kahler was born in 1887 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Henry Kahler and Wiebke Margaretha (Margaret) Ramke.
  • Hannah Marie Kahler appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1925 living at Geham. She carried out home duties.
  • She appeared on the Electoral Roll with Henry Kahler in 1926 in Geham. Henry was a farmer and his daughters Hannah and Margaret carried out home duties. Margaret gave her address as Myrtle Grove. Son James was also a farmer at Geham.
  • Hannah Marie Kahler appeared on the Electoral Roll with Henry Kahler in 1934 in Geham. He was a farmer. His daughter Hannah most likely lived with him.
  • Hannah Marie Kahler died on 7 February 1964 in Queensland.
  • Hannah was buried on 8 February 1964 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery.

Heinrich Kahler

M, b. circa 1800
  • Heinrich Kahler was born circa 1800.

Heinrich (Henry) Kahler

M, b. 1829, d. 27 November 1901
  • Heinrich (Henry) Kahler was born in 1829 in Germany.
  • He was the son of Johann Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Faust.
  • Heinrich (Henry) Kahler married Elizabeth Kahler circa 1852.
  • Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler immigrated to Moreton Bay on 31 July 1862. Heinrich aged 32, and Elizabeth aged 34 and their children Elizabeth aged 7, Johann 4 and Heinrich an infant travelled on the La Rochelle which departed Hamburg on 28 April 1862 and arrived in Brisbane on 31 July 1862. Heinrich's younger brother Johann Jost aged 25 and his sister Helene aged 31 also travelled with the family. In her application for naturalization Heinrich and Elizabeth's daughter Elizabeth stated that she had arrived in Brisbane from Germany on the La Rochelle on 7 July 1861.

    The family was from Niederaphe,
    Kurhessen in Germany.
    Henry was a well know blacksmith in Cabarlah.

  • In February 1866 The Darling Downs Gazette published an advertisement for the sale of 21 1/2 acres of prime land owned by a Henry Kahler. The land was situated near the Gowrie-Highfields roads and consisted of 11 acres under cultivation, the rest being fenced into 2 acre lots. Did this land belong to this Henry Kahler? Would he have had the money and time to establish such a farm in the 3 1/2 years he was in the Colony?
    In March both Henry and Joseph bought land along the Highfields Road. Henry purchased over 17 acres paying up to £5 per acre, while "John"- Joseph? secured almost 20 acres paying up to £4 per acre.
    In July 1866 another advertisement appeared in The Darling Downs Gazette regarding the sale of Henry's land at Gowrie. This time the realter had been instructed to sell both the Mortgages.
    Later in the year both Joseph and Henry's names appear in reports of dealing with the Court of Petty Sessions.
  • Heinrich (Henry) Kahler was present at the arrest of John Alexander Herrlich for the murder of Johann (Michael) Klein on 10 February 1870 in Cedar Scrub. The Darling Downs Gazette reported:- : "John Alexander Herrlich was brought up at the Police Court on Tuesday last, charged with the wilful murder of Michael Klein at the Cedar Scrub, near Perseverance Station, on the 12th day of February last. The prisoner appeared to be suffering from extreme exhaustion, and was accommodated with a seat during the examination. Sub-Inspector Harris conducted the case for the Crown.
    Acting Sub-Inspector McCarthy said he apprehended the prisoner between 10 and 11 o'clock at night on Friday, the 8th April last, at a house on the Highfields road, about twelve miles from Toowoomba ; produced the warrant, and said to prisoner- "The charge against yon is that, on the 12th day of February last, you did unlawfully kill one Michael Klein near the Cedar Scrub at Perseverance Station ;" prisoner paused for a few seconds, after which he said, "I came to these people to give myself up ;" witness brought him next day to Toowoomba, and confined him in the watch house. By the Bench: I arrested the prisoner between 10 and 11 o'clock at night at Jost Kahler's house on the Highfields road ; four other men were present, namely, Murray, Heinrich Kahler, Jost Kahler, and another German, whom he (witness) did not know. Examination by Mr Sub-inspector Harris continued: On 12th April witness and Acting-Sergeant Shea proceeded again to Highfields, and saw the gun now produced taken from beneath some bark at the rear of Heinrich Kahler's house and in close proximity to where the prisoner was apprehended; believed the gun to be loaded in both barrels, as the nipples were capped and the ramrod would not go down the whole length of the barrel ; could not at present say what the barrels contained. The Court adjourned for a few minutes in order to give Sergeant Shea sufficient time to draw the charges, but as the operation occupied the court some considerable period, the gun was taken to the watch-house, and subsequently unloaded in the presence of McCarthy. The Police Magistrate having read over the evidence of the previous witness, inquired of the prisoner whether he had any intention to ask questions, and the prisoner replied that the only questions he would ask would be put in the Court. Catherine Frances Ambrose, daughter of Mrs. Kynock of Perseverance Station, said she had known the prisoner for some time past ; remembered seeing him at his hut in the Perseverance Scrub about December last, and had a convention with him in reference to the Kleins ; he said, "When will the Kliens be out again,'' and witnessed answered, "They will be out next week ;" prisoner then remarked, "If I catch them taking away any more of my cedar, this time by God I will shoot him ;" Michael and George Klein were the only persons taking cedar from the scrub at that time, and to the best of her belief she thought he intended to shoot Michael Klien: knew the gun produced, having seen it frequently in the prisoner's possession; know it particularly by the stock, as the witness lent him the tools to make it with ; had no doubt whatever that the gun belonged to the prisoner; saw the dead body of Michael Klien being conveyed from the scrub in a spring cart on the Sunday after the murder. William Kane said that in the month of January last he was in the employment of Mrs Kynoch, of Perseverance Station; was sent to the Cedar Scrub at that time by Mrs Kynoch for a load of cedar, and saw the prisoner; when he first came up to witness he said, "You knock off; I will not allow any person to take that cedar; I have been down to Ipswich and received legal advice to arrest any teams that come to the scrub to take away cedar." Witness told him that he had received an authority from Michael Klein to take away a load; and he replied, '" will not allow Michael Klein or any other person to take cedar from there, and if Michael Klein docs so I have advice what to do, and I will do it if I swing by the neck the next minute." Michael Klein was a carrier working at the scrub about that time, and witness had seen him removing timber on several occasions previous to the time now mentioned; saw the body of Michael Klein lying dead in a cart, when it was being brought from the Cedar Scrub, about nine or ten weeks ago; knew prisoner quite well, and seldom, if ever, saw him without a gun; believed the gun now produced to be the one usually carried by the prisoner. Dr Roberts said that about 2 o'clock on the morning of the 13th of February last he held a post mortem examination on the body of a man named Michael Klein, at the Perseverance Cedar Scrub ; the body was quite cold having been some time dead; on the right side of the lower part of the breast bone there was a gun-shot wound ; the edges were blackened with gunpowder, and the charge had entered the body by this wound ; it had then carried away a portion of the heart, passed through the right lung, and out at a second wound in the back, between the blade bone and the right side of the spine ; the wound in the back was slightly above the wound in the breast ; the effect of such a wound would be instantaneous death ; the wound might have been caused by a bullet, or a charge of shot discharged at very close quarters, and from the appearance of the wound witness would say that the shot must have been fired within two feet of the body; the deceased was a remarkably healthy looking man. Terence McCall said he was a carrier, residing at Highfields, and on the 12th day of February last he was getting cedar from the Perseverance Scrub; knew the prisoner, and saw him about 1 o'clock on the afternoon of that day passing through the scrub; he was then carrying a gun the same as that now produced; witness had often seen the gun in prisoner's possession. Constable McCafferty said that he accompanied Dr Roberts to the Perseverance Scrub, on the night of the 12th February last, and on the morning of the next day, between I and 2 o'clock, Dr Roberts made a post mortem examination on the body of a man named Michael Klein; witness assisted in removing the clothing from the body, which he now p[roduced, as well as a number of bullets received from the Police Magistrate a few days afterwards. On the application of Mr Sub-Inspector Harris the further hearing of the case was adjourned to Thursday, at 10 o'clock."

  • On 17 November 1871, Heinrich (Henry) Kahler's name was mentioned during the court case against Joseph Cossart and William Richard Wilkes William Wilkes and Joseph Cossart were charged with removing timber from a Crown Reserve without have a license. On the 18th they appeared in Court. The Toowoomba Chronicle and Advertiser reported:-"Joseph Cossart and William Wilkes appeared in custody charged with stealing timber, the property of Martin Meldon. Mr. Ocock appeared for the complainant. It appeared from the evidence that Meldon missed some cedar logs from Perseverance Scrub which he claimed as his properly, and saw one of the logs on a dray. He applied for and obtained a search warrant, and on Saturday last he in company with Constable Delamer went to the above scrub, where they saw two drays loaded with cedar In the possession of Joseph Cossart and William Wilkes; of these logs Meldon claimed one on one dray and three on the other as his property. Cossart and Wilkes were apprehended and taken to the Toowoomba lockup, and the drays were also taken into Toowoomba. Meldon, in his evidence before the Court, said he knew the timber was his by a particular mark, that he valued it at £10, that it might have been cut seven or eight months, that he helped to cut the big log with Matthew McDermott, and the other logs with Joe Hoey, Jenkins, and other men. Henry Kahler deposed to cutting timber for Meldon, with other men, seven or eight months ago, and helping to brand the logs in the latter end of April- three of the logs on the dray outside the Courthouse was part of the timber then cut and branded. Matthew McDermott corroborated the evidence of Meldon, and stated the big log outside the Court was one that he helped Meldon to cut six or seven months ago. Matthias Graham deposed: l am a carrier; I employed Cossart and Wilkes to take the timber outside the Court from Perseverance Scrub to Mr Cocks' saw mill to Toowoomba; I helped them to load it, and told them to deliver it at Cocks' yard to my order; the timber was felled by Harry Wynyard over three years ago; his brands were on the timber at the butts of the logs; the butts have been cut off; I purchased the timber from Wynyard about three years ago; I did not see the timber, but he authorised me to take the timber with his brand; I saw his brand on the logs now outside the Court; I saw Meldon and his men cutting the part of the big log now outside the Court on which the brand was; I believe the timber outside the Court to be my property. Cross-examined by Mr. Ocock - I have known Wynyard four or five years; he lived at Highfields when I purchased the timber; he did not deliver an ytimber- he told me to take it; I paid him £1 for the timber; Wynyard did not tell me how many logs he had in the scrub; I saw these logs in the scrub eight or nine months ago; Meldon's men were there at the time-Harry Kahler was one of them; I saw them cutting the butt of the big log and gave them notice not to touch any timber with the WH brand; they cut off the butt; Wynyard is in the colony; I saw him not long ago; he is out of town now; I hold a timber license which I renew half-yearly. The witness was told by the Police Magistrate that he could refuse to answer any question that might incriminate himself. Martin Meldon recalled: I did not fell the tree from which the large log was taken; there Is not a tree standing in the scrub that is any good: I believe they have all been felled over seven years; by cutting the log I mean I cut the tree into lengths fit for removing; I did not cut off any brands to my knowledge; I cut the logs believing them to be the property of the Government and I being duly licensed to cut and remove timber; Graham never cautioned me not to cut off brands; he offered to purchase from me the very timber he now claims. The prisoners were discharged from custody."

  • Heinrich (Henry) Kahler was naturalised in 1876 in Queensland.
  • In 1901 Henry was listed as a farmer of Geham in the 1901 Crow's Nest Post Office Directory. However, his son Joseph's obituary stated that his father was a well known blacksmith.
  • On 4 June 1901,his wife, Elizabeth Kahler died in Queensland.
  • Heinrich (Henry) Kahler died on 27 November 1901 in Queensland.
  • Heinrich was buried in Cabarlah Cemetery. LUTH1-00D-0012.

Children of Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler

Henry Kahler

M, b. 1885, d. 1885
  • Henry Kahler died in 1885 in Queensland.
  • He was born in 1885 in Queensland.
  • He was the son of Elizabeth Kahler.

Henry Kahler

M, b. 1862, d. 11 December 1940
  • Henry Kahler was born in 1862 in Germany.
  • He was the son of Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler.
  • Henry Kahler immigrated on 31 July 1862 to Moreton Bay with Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler. Heinrich aged 32, and Elizabeth aged 34 and their children Elizabeth aged 7, Johann 4 and Heinrich an infant travelled on the La Rochelle which departed Hamburg on 28 April 1862 and arrived in Brisbane on 31 July 1862. Heinrich's younger brother Johann Jost aged 25 and his sister Helene aged 31 also travelled with the family. In her application for naturalization Heinrich and Elizabeth's daughter Elizabeth stated that she had arrived in Brisbane from Germany on the La Rochelle on 7 July 1861.

    The family was from Niederaphe,
    Kurhessen in Germany.
    Henry was a well know blacksmith in Cabarlah.

  • At the age of 24 years, Henry Kahler married Wiebke Margaretha (Margaret) Ramke, daughter of George Friedrich Ramke and Agnetha Hindrich, in 1886 in Queensland.
  • Henry Kahler was naturalised in 1891 in Queensland.
  • In 1901 Henry jnr was listed as a farmer of Geham in the 1901 Crow's Nest Post Office Directory.
  • He and Wiebke Margaretha (Margaret) Ramke appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Geham. Henry was a farmer.
  • Henry Kahler and Wiebke Margaretha (Margaret) Ramke appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1925 living at Geham. Henry was a farmer.
  • Henry Kahler appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1926 living at Geham. Henry was a farmer and his daughters Hannah and Margaret carried out home duties. Margaret gave her address as Myrtle Grove. Son James was also a farmer at Geham.
  • On 12 March 1927,his wife, Wiebke Margaretha (Margaret) Ramke died in Queensland.
  • Henry Kahler appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1934 living at Geham. He was a farmer. His daughter Hannah most likely lived with him.
  • He's son Alfred Frederick Kahler married Constance Alice Pether in July 1935 in St Bridgits Church, Longreach, Queensland. At the time Henry was living at Myrtledale, Geham.
  • Henry Kahler died on 11 December 1940 in Queensland.
  • Henry was buried on 12 December 1940 in Cabarlah Cemetery. LUTH1-00H-0015.

Children of Henry Kahler and Wiebke Margaretha (Margaret) Ramke

Irene Zara Kahler

F, b. 1907

Irven Northcote Kahler

M, b. 18 June 1907, d. 11 June 1996
  • Irven Northcote Kahler was born on 18 June 1907 in Queensland. He was a twin to Leslie.
  • He was the son of Joseph Phillip Kahler and Ann Hebbel.
  • At the age of 22 years, Irven Northcote Kahler married Vera Evelyn Franke, daughter of Herman Theodore Robert Franke and Maria Dorothea Wilhelmine Kiemann, in 1930 in Queensland.
  • Irven Northcote Kahler and Vera Evelyn Franke appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1934 living at Geham. Irven was a farmer. Vera gave her address as Ivydale.
  • In November 1950,Irven Northcote Kahler's mother, Ann Hebbel died in Queensland. Her funeral notice appeared in The Brisbane Courier on 21 Nov 1950. It read:- " KAHLER.— Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Borman, Cawdor, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. P. Kahler. Gympie. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kahler. Ipswich, Mr and Mrs. I. N. Kahler, Geham. Sgt. L. C. Kahler, Charleville. and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kahler, Gatton, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved Mother, Mother-in law, and Grandmother, Anna Kahler relict of the late J. P. Kahler, Ivydale, Geham, which is appointed to leave from the resldence of Mr. and Mrs. H G. Borman, Cawdor, after service commencing at II a.m., This Day (Tuesday) for the Cabarlah Cemetery. T. S. BURSTOW. Funeral Director."
  • On 22 December 1971,his wife, Vera Evelyn Franke died in Queensland at age 60.
  • Irven Northcote Kahler died on 11 June 1996 at age 88.
  • Irven was buried on 14 June 1996 in Cabarlah Cemetery.
  • A plaque was erected by the citizens of the Geham-Carbarlah community for his community service. The inscription reads:-
    Erected to the memory of I.N. (JOHNNY) KAHLER J.P 1907-1996 By the citizens of the Geham-Cabarlah District for his service to the community
    Crow's Nest Shire Councillor 1949 - 82
    Geham State School Chairman 1942 -71
    Cabarlah Sports Committee Chairman 1942 - 87
    Cabarlah Fire Brigade First Officer 1951 - 89
    Cabarlah Cemetery Trustee Chairman 1947- 84/
    Geham Presbyterian Church 1934 -77.
    Plaque erected to Iven Northcote (Johhny) Kahler for his service to the Cabarlah-Geham community - Photo thanks to Monumnets Australia

James Kahler

M, b. 1893, d. 24 September 1981

Johann Kahler

M, b. 12 July 1858, d. September 1925
  • Johann Kahler was born on 12 July 1858 in Germany. (Although his death notice in The Brisbane Courier states he was born in 1856 in Toowoomba, it would appear he was born in Germany around 1858 and was about 4 years old when his parents arrived in Queensland.)
  • He was the son of Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler.
  • Johann Kahler immigrated on 31 July 1862 to Moreton Bay with Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler. Heinrich aged 32, and Elizabeth aged 34 and their children Elizabeth aged 7, Johann 4 and Heinrich an infant travelled on the La Rochelle which departed Hamburg on 28 April 1862 and arrived in Brisbane on 31 July 1862. Heinrich's younger brother Johann Jost aged 25 and his sister Helene aged 31 also travelled with the family. In her application for naturalization Heinrich and Elizabeth's daughter Elizabeth stated that she had arrived in Brisbane from Germany on the La Rochelle on 7 July 1861.

    The family was from Niederaphe,
    Kurhessen in Germany.
    Henry was a well know blacksmith in Cabarlah.

  • At the age of 26 years, Johann Kahler married Anna Elise Jende in 1885 in Queensland.
  • Johann Kahler and Anna Elise Jende appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Douglas. John was a farmer and Anna Eliza carried out home duties.
  • Johann Kahler and appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1919 and 1925 living at Cunnamulla. Anna Elise Jende was possibly living with him although the name on the roll was Anna Elizabeth ? - their daughter?
  • Johann Kahler died in September 1925 in Cunnamulla, Queensland, at age 67. His obituary appeared in The Courier Mail :- "CUNNAMULLA.
    Obituary.-An old identity, Mr. John Kahler, died here this week. He was a native of Toowoomba, where he was born on July 12, 1856. He leaves a wife and a grown family."

Children of Johann Kahler and Anna Elise Jende

Johann Heinrich (Henry) Kahler

M, b. circa 1800
  • Johann Heinrich (Henry) Kahler was born circa 1800.
  • Johann Heinrich (Henry) Kahler married Elizabeth Faust circa 1825.

Children of Johann Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Faust

Johann Henrich (John Henry) Kahler

M, b. 23 January 1869, d. 31 January 1950

Children of Johann Henrich (John Henry) Kahler and Anna Wilhelmina Dunemann

Johann Jost Joseph Kahler

M, b. 1840, d. 1 April 1912
  • Johann Jost Joseph Kahler was born in 1840 in Niederaphe, Kurhessen, Germany.
  • He was the son of Johann Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Faust.
  • Johann Jost Joseph Kahler immigrated on 31 July 1862 to Moreton Bay with Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler. Heinrich aged 32, and Elizabeth aged 34 and their children Elizabeth aged 7, Johann 4 and Heinrich an infant travelled on the La Rochelle which departed Hamburg on 28 April 1862 and arrived in Brisbane on 31 July 1862. Heinrich's younger brother Johann Jost aged 25 and his sister Helene aged 31 also travelled with the family. In her application for naturalization Heinrich and Elizabeth's daughter Elizabeth stated that she had arrived in Brisbane from Germany on the La Rochelle on 7 July 1861.

    The family was from Niederaphe,
    Kurhessen in Germany.
    Henry was a well know blacksmith in Cabarlah.

  • In February 1866 The Darling Downs Gazette published an advertisement for the sale of 21 1/2 acres of prime land owned by a Henry Kahler. The land was situated near the Gowrie-Highfields roads and consisted of 11 acres under cultivation, the rest being fenced into 2 acre lots. Did this land belong to this Henry Kahler? Would he have had the money and time to establish such a farm in the 3 1/2 years he was in the Colony?
    In March both Henry and Joseph bought land along the Highfields Road. Henry purchased over 17 acres paying up to £5 per acre, while "John"- Joseph? secured almost 20 acres paying up to £4 per acre.
    In July 1866 another advertisement appeared in The Darling Downs Gazette regarding the sale of Henry's land at Gowrie. This time the realter had been instructed to sell both the Mortgages.
    Later in the year both Joseph and Henry's names appear in reports of dealing with the Court of Petty Sessions.
  • At the age of 27 years, Johann Jost Joseph Kahler married Marie Louise Schmaling, daughter of Christian Frederick Schmaling and Caroline Muller, on 28 May 1867 in Queensland.
  • Johann Jost Joseph Kahler was present at the arrest of John Alexander Herrlich for the murder of Johann (Michael) Klein on 10 February 1870 in Cedar Scrub. The Darling Downs Gazette reported:- : "John Alexander Herrlich was brought up at the Police Court on Tuesday last, charged with the wilful murder of Michael Klein at the Cedar Scrub, near Perseverance Station, on the 12th day of February last. The prisoner appeared to be suffering from extreme exhaustion, and was accommodated with a seat during the examination. Sub-Inspector Harris conducted the case for the Crown.
    Acting Sub-Inspector McCarthy said he apprehended the prisoner between 10 and 11 o'clock at night on Friday, the 8th April last, at a house on the Highfields road, about twelve miles from Toowoomba ; produced the warrant, and said to prisoner- "The charge against yon is that, on the 12th day of February last, you did unlawfully kill one Michael Klein near the Cedar Scrub at Perseverance Station ;" prisoner paused for a few seconds, after which he said, "I came to these people to give myself up ;" witness brought him next day to Toowoomba, and confined him in the watch house. By the Bench: I arrested the prisoner between 10 and 11 o'clock at night at Jost Kahler's house on the Highfields road ; four other men were present, namely, Murray, Heinrich Kahler, Jost Kahler, and another German, whom he (witness) did not know. Examination by Mr Sub-inspector Harris continued: On 12th April witness and Acting-Sergeant Shea proceeded again to Highfields, and saw the gun now produced taken from beneath some bark at the rear of Heinrich Kahler's house and in close proximity to where the prisoner was apprehended; believed the gun to be loaded in both barrels, as the nipples were capped and the ramrod would not go down the whole length of the barrel ; could not at present say what the barrels contained. The Court adjourned for a few minutes in order to give Sergeant Shea sufficient time to draw the charges, but as the operation occupied the court some considerable period, the gun was taken to the watch-house, and subsequently unloaded in the presence of McCarthy. The Police Magistrate having read over the evidence of the previous witness, inquired of the prisoner whether he had any intention to ask questions, and the prisoner replied that the only questions he would ask would be put in the Court. Catherine Frances Ambrose, daughter of Mrs. Kynock of Perseverance Station, said she had known the prisoner for some time past ; remembered seeing him at his hut in the Perseverance Scrub about December last, and had a convention with him in reference to the Kleins ; he said, "When will the Kliens be out again,'' and witnessed answered, "They will be out next week ;" prisoner then remarked, "If I catch them taking away any more of my cedar, this time by God I will shoot him ;" Michael and George Klein were the only persons taking cedar from the scrub at that time, and to the best of her belief she thought he intended to shoot Michael Klien: knew the gun produced, having seen it frequently in the prisoner's possession; know it particularly by the stock, as the witness lent him the tools to make it with ; had no doubt whatever that the gun belonged to the prisoner; saw the dead body of Michael Klien being conveyed from the scrub in a spring cart on the Sunday after the murder. William Kane said that in the month of January last he was in the employment of Mrs Kynoch, of Perseverance Station; was sent to the Cedar Scrub at that time by Mrs Kynoch for a load of cedar, and saw the prisoner; when he first came up to witness he said, "You knock off; I will not allow any person to take that cedar; I have been down to Ipswich and received legal advice to arrest any teams that come to the scrub to take away cedar." Witness told him that he had received an authority from Michael Klein to take away a load; and he replied, '" will not allow Michael Klein or any other person to take cedar from there, and if Michael Klein docs so I have advice what to do, and I will do it if I swing by the neck the next minute." Michael Klein was a carrier working at the scrub about that time, and witness had seen him removing timber on several occasions previous to the time now mentioned; saw the body of Michael Klein lying dead in a cart, when it was being brought from the Cedar Scrub, about nine or ten weeks ago; knew prisoner quite well, and seldom, if ever, saw him without a gun; believed the gun now produced to be the one usually carried by the prisoner. Dr Roberts said that about 2 o'clock on the morning of the 13th of February last he held a post mortem examination on the body of a man named Michael Klein, at the Perseverance Cedar Scrub ; the body was quite cold having been some time dead; on the right side of the lower part of the breast bone there was a gun-shot wound ; the edges were blackened with gunpowder, and the charge had entered the body by this wound ; it had then carried away a portion of the heart, passed through the right lung, and out at a second wound in the back, between the blade bone and the right side of the spine ; the wound in the back was slightly above the wound in the breast ; the effect of such a wound would be instantaneous death ; the wound might have been caused by a bullet, or a charge of shot discharged at very close quarters, and from the appearance of the wound witness would say that the shot must have been fired within two feet of the body; the deceased was a remarkably healthy looking man. Terence McCall said he was a carrier, residing at Highfields, and on the 12th day of February last he was getting cedar from the Perseverance Scrub; knew the prisoner, and saw him about 1 o'clock on the afternoon of that day passing through the scrub; he was then carrying a gun the same as that now produced; witness had often seen the gun in prisoner's possession. Constable McCafferty said that he accompanied Dr Roberts to the Perseverance Scrub, on the night of the 12th February last, and on the morning of the next day, between I and 2 o'clock, Dr Roberts made a post mortem examination on the body of a man named Michael Klein; witness assisted in removing the clothing from the body, which he now p[roduced, as well as a number of bullets received from the Police Magistrate a few days afterwards. On the application of Mr Sub-Inspector Harris the further hearing of the case was adjourned to Thursday, at 10 o'clock."

  • The following article appeared in the The Darling Downs Gazette on 30 July 1870. "WEDNESDAY, JULY 27TH. Before His Honor Mr Justice Lutwyche.
    ON the re-opening of the Court this morning, His Honor said he was gratified to say that there was no civil business for adjudication at this assize, and consequently the gentlemen of the special jury would be immediately discharged from attendance on the Court. The criminal business was then resumed, and the jury sworn on the previous day having answered to their names. James Alexander Herrlich was put upon his trial, charged with feloniously killing one Michael Klien, at the Cedar Scrub near Perseverance Station, on Saturday, the 12th day of February last, and Joseph Kahler was charged in the same indictment with being an accessory after the fact. (The evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution, and also for the defence, appeared in our issue of the 26th instant] His Honor wished to know from the Crown Prosecutor whether he intended to press the charge of feloniously harbouring against the prisoner Kahler after hearing the evidence of the witnesses Murray and Sims given on the previous day. Mr Paul, on behalf of the Crown, said it was his intention to withdraw the charge against Kahler. His Honor then directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty against Joseph Kahler, and the prisoner, was discharged from custody."
  • On 27 February 1885,Johann Jost Joseph Kahler's son, Phillip William Kahler was buried in Cabarlah Cemetery.
  • On 2 May 1885,Johann Jost Joseph Kahler's son, Reinhard Theodor Kahler was buried in Cabarlah Cemetery.
  • Johann Jost Joseph Kahler died on 1 April 1912 in Queensland.
  • Johann was buried on 3 April 1912 in Cabarlah Cemetery.

Children of Johann Jost Joseph Kahler and Marie Louise Schmaling

John Henry Kahler

M, b. circa 1868, d. 4 August 1868
  • John Henry Kahler was born circa 1868.
  • John was buried in 1868 in Lone Grave, Donovan Road, Cabarlah.
    Lone Grave of Johan, Pauline and Mary Kahler, children of Johann and Maria Kahler on Donovan Road, Cabarlah
  • He was the son of Johann Jost Joseph Kahler and Marie Louise Schmaling.
  • John Henry Kahler died on 4 August 1868 in Queensland.

John Henry Kahler

M, b. 1886

John Joseph Kahler

M, b. 7 April 1875, d. 1942
  • John Joseph Kahler was also known as Johann Joseph.
  • He was born on 7 April 1875 in Queensland.
  • He was the son of Johann Jost Joseph Kahler and Marie Louise Schmaling.
  • At the age of 24 years and 12 days, John Joseph Kahler married Anna Maria Utschink, daughter of Friedrick Utschink and Wilhelminia Gersekowski, on 19 April 1899 in Queensland.
  • John Joseph Kahler and Anna Maria Utschink appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Geham. John was a farmer, as was his brother Christian who also farmed in the Geham district.
  • On 22 September 1904,John Joseph Kahler's daughter, Ada Louise Kahler was buried in Cabarlah Cemetery.
  • In November 1908 William Gossow and John Kahler were charged with arson as reported by The Brisbane Courier on 18 Nov 1908 :- John Kahler and William Gossow were arrested this morning and charge con jointly with wilfully and unlawfully burning Gossow's dwelling at Merritt's Creek (our Crow's Nest correspondent wired yesterday) The case was remanded till Tuesday next, no bail being allowed."
  • John Joseph Kahler and Anna Maria Utschink appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1925 living at Geham. John was a farmer.
  • John Joseph Kahler was mentioned in the Obituary of Marie Louise Schmaling on 6 September 1933. Toowoomba Chronicle.
  • John Joseph Kahler and Anna Maria Utschink appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1934 living at Geham. John was a farmer.
  • John Joseph Kahler died in 1942 in Queensland. Her funeral notice appeared in The Brisbane Courier on 28 Jul 1942. KAHLER.— The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. J. J. Kahler and Family, 'Argyle.' Geham. are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of her late beloved husband and their Father, Johanne Joseph Kahler, which will move from his late residence, at 2.30 p.m.. This
    Day (Tuesdayi) for the Cabarlah Cemetery. ROSENSTENGELS PTY. LTD., Funeral Director. Toowoomba."
  • John was buried on 28 July 1942 in Cabarlah Cemetery.

Children of John Joseph Kahler and Anna Maria Utschink

Joseph Phillip Kahler

M, b. 9 July 1864, d. 5 May 1932
  • Joseph Phillip Kahler was also known as John Gustavus Kahler.
  • He was born on 9 July 1864 in Gowrie Road, Queensland.
  • He was the son of Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler.
  • On 3 January 1880 he was appointed trustee of the Geham Cemetery Reserve.
  • At the age of 31 years, Joseph Phillip Kahler married Ann Hebbel, daughter of John Heinrich Hebbel and Mathilda Magdeline Andersen, in 1896 in Queensland.
  • Joseph Phillip Kahler and Ann Hebbel appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Geham. Joseph was a farmer.
  • Joseph Phillip Kahler and Ann Hebbel appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1925 and 1926 living at Geham. Joseph was a farmer.
  • Joseph Phillip Kahler's daughter Nellie Ada Kahler married Herbert George Bormann, son of Friedrick Bormann and Wilhelmina Utschink, in June 1925 in Presbyterian Church, Geham, Queensland. Their marriage was reported in The Queenslander on 13 June 1925 - "A picturesque Wedding was celebrated at Geham recently. When Miss Nellie Ada Kahler (only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.J.P Kahler of Ivydale Geham) was married to Mr. Herbert George Borman (Calaborma, Cawdor). The ceremony which was performed by the Rev. A.M. Martin (Toowoomba), assisted by the Rev. A. W. Cossart, took place at the Geham Presbyterian Church, which had been artistically decorated with ferns and flowers. Asparagus plumbous and pink and white roses were arranged on the rostrum and stairs, and ribbon streamers twined with asparagus fern held a white and silver flower decked wedding bell over the bridal party. The service was fully choral. Mrs. N. C. Hansen presided at the organ, and during the signing of the register the children the Presbyterian Sunday School (of which the bride was a teacher) sang "O Perfect Love" The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a sleeveless gown of pearl white martiette, finished with pointed panels embroidered with coral pearl beads. An embroidered court train of the same material, lined with coral satin, fell from the shoulders, and was caught at one side with a large white satin bow and touches of silver. She wore a veil of white tulle embroidered in silver thread and caught under a coronet of orange blossom, and carried a sheaf of arum lilies and fern. Mr. Fred. Borman (brother of the bridegroom) was best man, and Messer's. Richard and Joseph Kahler were groomsmen. After the ceremony a reception was held at Ivydale, the home of the bride's parents, at Geham. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Borman left for Sydney and the Blue Mountains, where the honeymoon will be spent; the bride's travelling dress was a tailored suit of nigger brown gabardine, trimmed with brown fur, and a small felt hat."
  • Joseph Phillip Kahler died on 5 May 1932 in Queensland at age 67.
  • Joseph was buried on 6 May 1932 in Cabarlah Cemetery. LUTH1-00H-0016.
  • On 16 June 1932 Joseph Phillip Kahler's obituary appeared in Toowoomba Chronicle. It read:-
    "MR. J. P. KAHLER.
    In the passing away of Joseph Philip Kahler on May 5 in the Toowoomba General Hospital, Geham lost one of its leading farmers and most respected of citizens, a citizen whose loss will be felt for a long time; a friend whose memory will be cherished for years. He was born at Gowrie-road, Toowoomba, on July 9, 1864, and with his parents, the late Henry Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler, settled at first in Cabarlah, where his father was the well-known blacksmith. He took up farming, married Miss Anna Hebbel, of Perseverance, and settled down to a long and prosperous life on the well-known farm of "Ivydale," where he lived until a month before his death, which followed an operation. The late Mr. Kahler was a staunch follower of the Presbyterian Church, and for years was the chairman of the local Geham Church. The remains were interred in the Cabarlah Cemetery, the Rev. A. M. Martin, of Toowoomba, officiating at the graveside. The cortege, almost two miles long, was one of the largest ever seen in Geham, and was an ample testimony to the respect felt for the late Mr. Kahler, who is survived by his widow, and the following children, Richard Henry Philip (Gympie), Mrs Herbert Borman (Cawdor), Joseph Phillip (Brisbane), Irwen Northcotte (Geham), Leslie Chelmsford (Ipswich), and Benjamin Eric (Murgon).

    Wreaths were sent from: Loving Wife and Family, Brother Henry and Family, Tom, Will and Family, Jack, Tilly and Family, Tom and Children. Evelyn and Eric, Katie and Jim, Aunt Christina, May and Tom, Esme and Ann, Auntie, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kahler and Family, and Ciss, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kahler i and Family, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Kahler, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kahler and Family, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Franke (Senr), Mr. Sid. Kahler, Mr. and Mrs. F. Patzwald and Family and Mrs. B. Argus, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Patzwald and Family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ranke and Family, Mr.and Mrs. F. Strack and Family, Mr. T, McWilliam, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yuide and Family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fenelly and family, Mr. H. Erb and Miss J. Erb, Mrs. Mary A. Black, Mr. and Mrs. W. Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Plant, Miss Madge Adams, Mr. snd Mrs. J. G. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and Farmiy, Mr. and Mrs. Dellamont and Family, Cr. and Mrs. W. Quinn,
    Mrs. Strack (senr) and Family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Konz. Herman, Essie, Ernie and Maud, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanrahan and Family, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilkes and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Uischink and family, Mr and Mrs. Huil, the Donovan Family, Members of the Geham Cabarlah Country Women's Association, Geham Ladies' Guild and members of the Church, Mr. and Mrs. A.Merritt (Cabarlah).

    Messages of sympathy were received from the following:
    Dick, Glad and Vi. (Gympie), Will, Marguerite and Family, Toowoomba),Alf (Mungindi), Ann (Jondaryan),Aunt Christina, May, Tom, Beryl, Claude and Gladys (Toowoomba), Jack,Tilly and Family (Bundaberg), Aunt Mary and Norma (Toowoomba), Violet, Mick and Keith (Brisbane), Mr. and Mrs. Domin (Gympie), the Dickson Family (Brisbane), Flo and Arthur Coles (Toowoomba), Crows Nest Ladies' Guild, Merritt's Creek Fellowship Society, Presbyterian Church Committee, Geham-Cabarlah C.W.A., Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ambrose and family (Goombungee), Mr. and Mrs. I. Costello and family (Cabarlah), Mr. James Haden (Goondoola Station), Mr. and Mrs. J. Case and Family (Pipe Clay) Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Troundell and Family (Pinelands), Cr. and Mrs. J. Kynoch (Ravensbourne), Mr. and Mrs. T. Brennan Hampton), Mrs. A. Donaldson (Crows Nest) Mr. and Mrs. Bange (Kingaroy), Miss M Adams (Cabarlah), Cr. and Mrs W. Diamond and family (Ravensbourne). Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pierce (Merritts Creek), Percy and Norman . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Costello (Cabarlah).Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Barnes (Pinelands). Mr.and Mrs. Heibert Price (Oakey). Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs (Crow's Nest). Mr. and Mrs. W. Borman and Family (Silverleigh). Mr. and Mrs. Knight and Family (Merritt s Creek), Mr. and Mrs. Brennan (Highlields), Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abel (Toowoomba), Mr. and Mrs. Seymour and Family (Taylor), Mr. and Mrs. P. Eaydon (Acland), Mr. and Mrs. A. Abel (Highfields), Mr. and Mrs. Erb and Family (Toowoomba), Mr. and Mrs. BarneyBrady and Marie (Wcstbrook), Mr. and Mrs. J. Cossart. senr. (Toowoomba), Mr.and Mrs. G. Brazier and Family (Kleinton), Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Zeller(Mount Luke), Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilkes and Family (Kleinton), Mr. and Mrs. N. Genrich (Cawdor), Mr. and Mrs. F. Konz (Cawdor), Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Eattler (Toowoomba). Mr. and Mrs. F. J Lowien (Geham), Mr. and Mrs. H Strack (Geham), Mr. and Mrs. J. Fallon and Family (Toowoomba), Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Plant iToowoomba), Mr. and j Mrs. George Adams and Family (Cabariah). Miss Evelyn Jackson (Brisbane), Elsie and Addie Fopel (Toowoomba). L. Hanralian (Taylor), Walsh and Co. (Tcowocmba), Wonderley and Hall (Toowoomba), Mrs. E. Marshall and Family (Toowoomba), Mr. and Mrs. T. Goodrich (Toowoomba), Miss Eileen Adams (Toowoomba). Mr, Mrs. and Miss Chamberlain (Toowomba), Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brady (Toowoomba). Ken. McKenzie (Ipswich), Mr. and ; S. Fitch (Toowoomba), Estelle (Ipswich). Dorothy Hume (Wondai), K. Mrs. P. Doig (Taylor), Mr. and Mrs. Sheedy and Babe Brennan (Toowoomba), Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Plant and Family (Cabarlah). Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Chapman and Family (Hampton), Mrs.'A. McLaughlin and Family (Toowoomba), Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Taylor (Geham), Mr. and Mrs. T. Shannon senr. and Family (Merritt's Creek), Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg and Family (Cawdor), Mrs. Leahy and Family(Kleinton). Mr. H. Thompson (Toowcombai) Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hansen (Toowoomba), and Mrs. French (Crow's Nest).
  • The Index to Wills - Southern District 1901-1940 shows a will reference, "not firmed" , of "1932/576 743635 SCT/P1822" for both John Gustavus and Joseph Phillip - they are the same person.

Children of Joseph Phillip Kahler and Ann Hebbel

Joseph Phillip Kahler

M, b. 28 July 1905, d. 13 April 1984
  • Joseph Phillip Kahler was born on 28 July 1905 in Queensland.
  • He was the son of Joseph Phillip Kahler and Ann Hebbel.
  • Joseph was a groomsman at the wedding of Nellie Ada Kahler and Herbert George Bormann, son of Friedrick Bormann and Wilhelmina Utschink, in June 1925 in Presbyterian Church, Geham, Queensland; Their marriage was reported in The Queenslander on 13 June 1925 - "A picturesque Wedding was celebrated at Geham recently. When Miss Nellie Ada Kahler (only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.J.P Kahler of Ivydale Geham) was married to Mr. Herbert George Borman (Calaborma, Cawdor). The ceremony which was performed by the Rev. A.M. Martin (Toowoomba), assisted by the Rev. A. W. Cossart, took place at the Geham Presbyterian Church, which had been artistically decorated with ferns and flowers. Asparagus plumbous and pink and white roses were arranged on the rostrum and stairs, and ribbon streamers twined with asparagus fern held a white and silver flower decked wedding bell over the bridal party. The service was fully choral. Mrs. N. C. Hansen presided at the organ, and during the signing of the register the children the Presbyterian Sunday School (of which the bride was a teacher) sang "O Perfect Love" The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a sleeveless gown of pearl white martiette, finished with pointed panels embroidered with coral pearl beads. An embroidered court train of the same material, lined with coral satin, fell from the shoulders, and was caught at one side with a large white satin bow and touches of silver. She wore a veil of white tulle embroidered in silver thread and caught under a coronet of orange blossom, and carried a sheaf of arum lilies and fern. Mr. Fred. Borman (brother of the bridegroom) was best man, and Messer's. Richard and Joseph Kahler were groomsmen. After the ceremony a reception was held at Ivydale, the home of the bride's parents, at Geham. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Borman left for Sydney and the Blue Mountains, where the honeymoon will be spent; the bride's travelling dress was a tailored suit of nigger brown gabardine, trimmed with brown fur, and a small felt hat."
  • At the age of 28 years, Joseph Phillip Kahler married Lillian Estelle Hale Foote in 1934 in Central Congregational Church, Ipswich, Queensland.
  • In November 1950,Joseph Phillip Kahler's mother, Ann Hebbel died in Queensland. Her funeral notice appeared in The Brisbane Courier on 21 Nov 1950. It read:- " KAHLER.— Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Borman, Cawdor, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. P. Kahler. Gympie. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kahler. Ipswich, Mr and Mrs. I. N. Kahler, Geham. Sgt. L. C. Kahler, Charleville. and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kahler, Gatton, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved Mother, Mother-in law, and Grandmother, Anna Kahler relict of the late J. P. Kahler, Ivydale, Geham, which is appointed to leave from the resldence of Mr. and Mrs. H G. Borman, Cawdor, after service commencing at II a.m., This Day (Tuesday) for the Cabarlah Cemetery. T. S. BURSTOW. Funeral Director."
  • Joseph Phillip Kahler died on 13 April 1984 in Queensland at age 78.
  • Joseph was buried on 17 April 1984 in Cabarlah Cemetery.

Kenneth Leslie Kahler

M, b. 1902

Leonard Ernest Kahler

M, b. 1909, d. 11 September 1987
  • Leonard Ernest Kahler was born in 1909 in Queensland.
  • He was the son of Johann Henrich (John Henry) Kahler and Anna Wilhelmina Dunemann.
  • Leonard Ernest Kahler appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1934 living at Geham. Leonard was a labourer.
  • At the age of 25 years, Leonard Ernest Kahler married Ethel Beryl Wilkes in 1934 in Queensland.
  • Leonard Ernest Kahler died on 11 September 1987.
  • Leonard was buried on 14 September 1987 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery.

Leslie Chelmford Kahler

M, b. 18 June 1907, d. 6 January 1979
  • Leslie Chelmford Kahler was born on 18 June 1907 in Queensland. He was a twin to Irven.
  • He was the son of Joseph Phillip Kahler and Ann Hebbel.
  • In November 1950,Leslie Chelmford Kahler's mother, Ann Hebbel died in Queensland. Her funeral notice appeared in The Brisbane Courier on 21 Nov 1950. It read:- " KAHLER.— Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Borman, Cawdor, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. P. Kahler. Gympie. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kahler. Ipswich, Mr and Mrs. I. N. Kahler, Geham. Sgt. L. C. Kahler, Charleville. and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kahler, Gatton, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved Mother, Mother-in law, and Grandmother, Anna Kahler relict of the late J. P. Kahler, Ivydale, Geham, which is appointed to leave from the resldence of Mr. and Mrs. H G. Borman, Cawdor, after service commencing at II a.m., This Day (Tuesday) for the Cabarlah Cemetery. T. S. BURSTOW. Funeral Director."
  • Leslie Chelmford Kahler died on 6 January 1979 in Queensland at age 71.
  • Leslie was buried on 8 January 1979 in Cabarlah Cemetery. LUTH1-00M-0018.

Lily Mathilda Kahler

F, b. 1907, d. 1982

Lorna Elizabeth Kahler

F, b. 1928, d. 24 June 1990

Louisa Kahler

F, b. 4 August 1898

Magdelina (Helene) Kahler

F, b. 1836, d. 5 March 1887
  • Magdelina (Helene) Kahler was born in 1836 in Germany.
  • She was the daughter of Johann Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Faust.
  • Magdelina (Helene) Kahler immigrated on 31 July 1862 to Moreton Bay with Heinrich (Henry) Kahler and Elizabeth Kahler. Heinrich aged 32, and Elizabeth aged 34 and their children Elizabeth aged 7, Johann 4 and Heinrich an infant travelled on the La Rochelle which departed Hamburg on 28 April 1862 and arrived in Brisbane on 31 July 1862. Heinrich's younger brother Johann Jost aged 25 and his sister Helene aged 31 also travelled with the family. In her application for naturalization Heinrich and Elizabeth's daughter Elizabeth stated that she had arrived in Brisbane from Germany on the La Rochelle on 7 July 1861.

    The family was from Niederaphe,
    Kurhessen in Germany.
    Henry was a well know blacksmith in Cabarlah.

  • At the age of 26 years, Magdelina (Helene) Kahler married Christian Phillip (Phillip) Abel on 6 August 1862 in Brisbane, Queensland. Her marriage to Phillip just a few days after her arrival suggests he was eitheron the same ship as Helene, or they had known each other in Germany. They had a number of children.
  • Magdelina (Helene) Kahler died on 5 March 1887 in Queensland.

Children of Magdelina (Helene) Kahler and Christian Phillip (Phillip) Abel

Margaret Evelyn Caroline Kahler

F, b. 1907, d. 29 March 1990
  • Margaret Evelyn Caroline Kahler was born in 1907 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Henry Kahler and Wiebke Margaretha (Margaret) Ramke.
  • Margaret Evelyn Caroline Kahler appeared on the Electoral Roll with Henry Kahler in 1926 in Geham. Henry was a farmer and his daughters Hannah and Margaret carried out home duties. Margaret gave her address as Myrtle Grove. Son James was also a farmer at Geham.
  • At the age of 23 years, Margaret Evelyn Caroline Kahler married Eric Luke in 1930 in Queensland.
  • Margaret Evelyn Caroline Kahler died on 29 March 1990.
  • Margaret was buried on 2 April 1990 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. CE5A-011-0002 - She is buried with her husband Eric who died on 16 Jan 1967.

Margaret Florentina Kahler

F, b. 1910
  • Margaret Florentina Kahler was born in 1910 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of George Ernest Kahler and Alvina Florentina Trost.
  • Margaret Florentina Kahler appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1934 living at Mt Luke. She carried out home duties.