Herman Wackerling

M, b. 1880, d. 10 January 1940
- Chyebassa - 4 April 1884: Other Immigrants on the same ship
- Herman Wackerling was born in 1880 in Switzerland.
- He was the son of Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen.
- Herman Wackerling immigrated on 25 August 1884 to Queensland with Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen. Rudolph 27, Elizabeth 29, Hermann 4, Bertha 1 and Rudolph an infant travelled on the Chyebassa.
- Herman Wackerling was naturalised in 1899.
- He appeared on the Electoral Roll with Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen in 1905 in Ravensbourne. Rudolph was a farmer as was his son Herman.
- In 1907 Hermann was granted a lease of 80 acres in the Parish of Beauraba.
- On 8 May 1916 Herman placed this ad in the Ipswich Times :- "For Sale, five, fully paid up Shares in the Queensland Farmers' Co-operative Co., Booval. Willing to sell for £2 10s. Apply to H. Wackerling, Ravensbourne."
- Herman Wackerling appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at Ravensbourne. He was a farmer.
- Herman Wackerling died on 10 January 1940 in Queensland. A notice to his creditors to his estate stated he lived at Ravensbourne.
- Herman was buried on 11 January 1940 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. OPD1-001-0026.
Rosa Wackerling
F, b. 1889
- Rosa Wackerling was born in 1889 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen.
- At the age of 23 years, Rosa Wackerling married Robert Wealthy Bayliss in 1912 in Queensland.
Rudolph Wackerling

M, b. 1857, d. 29 March 1938
- Chyebassa - 4 April 1884: Other Immigrants on the same ship
- Rudolph Wackerling was born in 1857.
- Rudolph Wackerling married Elizabeth Hadengen circa 1878.
- Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen immigrated to Queensland on 25 August 1884. Rudolph 27, Elizabeth 29, Hermann 4, Bertha 1 and Rudolph an infant travelled on the Chyebassa.
- Rudolph Wackerling was naturalised in 1888 in Queensland.
- Conditional approval for Rudolph Wackerling's selection of land in Parish of Deongwar, Ravensbourne,was given on 24 November 1888. He had a holding of 80 acres.
- On 3 January 1891 The Darling Downs Gazette reported that Gisler Brothers had won a claim againt Rudolph in the Small Claims court for goods to the value of £15 5s 6d; with costs.
- On 16 April 1903 Rudolph Wackerling gave evidence in court when the will of Andreas Schusser was disputed. The will of Andreas Schusser was contested by his first wife's daughter Johanna Drews. The Telegraph reported:- Toowoomba Estate. Undue Influence Alleged.
In the Supreme Court yesterday, before his honour Mr. Justice Real, the following matter was dealt, with: — in the matter of SCHUSSER AND ANOTHER
V. DREWS; APPLICATION FOR PROBATE Mr. F. G. Hamilton (instructed by Mr. O. W. Hamilton, and his town agents, Messrs. Graham and Hunter) appeared for the plaintiffs There was no appearance on behalf of the defendant. This was an action in which Bertha Schusser and Rudolf Wakerling (sic) were the plaintiffs, and Johanna Drews was the defendant. The matter was one for probate of the will of Andreas Schusser to be granted to the plaintiffs as executors. The defendant in the notion was stated to be the daughter of the testator. Mr. Hamilton said he understood that there was no appearance on behalf of the defendant. The plaintiff's solicitors had that morning received a letter informing them that there was no intention on behalf of the defendant to appear. He read the affidavit of Thomas Brown Hunter, member of the firm of Messrs. Graham and Hunter, that notice of trial had been served. In this ease it was set out in the pleadings that Andreas Schusser, late of Toowoomba, farmer, deceased, died on November 2, 1902, at Toowoomba. Ho duly made and executed his last will, hearing the date of October 20, 1902, and thereby appointed plaintiffs executors. He was at the time of the execution of his will of sound mind, memory, and understanding. Plaintiffs denied that the defendant was the lawful daughter of the said Andreas Schusser, deceased. The plaintiffs denied that the defendant had any interest in the estate of the deceased, and claimed probate of the will in solemn form. Tho statement of defence set out the following particulars : The defendant was the wife of Frank Drews, of Drayton, near Toowoomba, Queensland, farmer, and was the lawful daughter and one of the next of kin of Andreas Schusser. Defendant claimed that the alleged will of the deceased was not duly executed according to law. It was further claimed that the deceased was not at the time the said will purported to be executed, of sound mind, memory, and understanding, and that at the time of the alleged execution of the alleged will, the deceased did not know and approve of the contents thereof. The said Andreas Schusser was induced to execute the said alleged will (if duly executed, which defendant denied) by the undue influence of each of the plaintiffs. His Honour said he could not see what the statements in the claim and the defence had to do with the case. Mr. Hamilton said that an application for probate had been made before the registrar, and the defendant had lodged a caveat, claim- mg to be one of the next of kin. Rules laid down that in such event the plaintiff should, in his statement of claim, if he disputed that, allege it. The execution of the will would have to be proved and that the testator was at the time of sound mind, memory, and understanding. The registrar (Mr. J. L. Blood-Smyth) produced the will. Theodore Franz Heindrick Johannes Langebeeker, minister of religion, duty authorized to celebrate marriages, said he had known the deceased. He knew Rudolf Wackerling. He did not know Bertha Schusser. He remembered on October 18 deceased and Wackerling calling on him at the parsonage late in the afternoon. Schusser asked witness to make a will for him in favour of his young wife, to whom he had been married that day. He wanted to leave her everything. Witness said he (the deceased) should come on Monday' morning. On that day they came, and he drew up the will (produced). He explained the will to Schusser and Wackerling. Two young men witnessed the signing of the will. He explained the will to Schusser in German, as he did not understand English. He told him he was leaving all his real and personal estate to his young wife. Schusser said he was content. He signed the will, and then the witnesses signed it. They were all present during tho signing of the will. Witness gave it to Schusser, and Schusser gave it to Wackerling for safe keeping. The will was prepared exactly as Schusser told him. The deceased appeared to be in the full possession of all his mental faculties. Witness made no draft of the will. Andrew Busiko, farmer at Toowoomba, said he had known the deceased for 15 years. In October last Schusser asked him to witness his will. They went to the Rev. Mr. Langbeeker's house. Mr. Langebeeker read out a document which he understood to be Schusser's will, and by which he was leaving all his property to his wife. Witness thought. Schusser was all right in his mind. His Honour : How old was he ? Witness: About 70 Mr. Hamilton : You know he is dead? Witness : Yes. His Honour : Did you see him dead? Witness : Yes. His Honour : Was he in perfectly good health when he made the will ? Witness: Yes. His Honour : Ho died a fortnight after wards. Nicholas Phillips Eliiott. medical practitioner, of Toowoomba, said he had known the deceased for about twelve months and had attended him professionally. He died on October 31, 1902. He consulted witness about three times previously. Witness gave a certificate of death. The cause of death was acute inflammation of the kidneys and heart failure. Mr. Hamilton : Had you an opportunity of judging of his condition ? Yes. His Honour : What, did you treat him for previous to this ? Dyspepsia His Honour : Do you think a man should get married under the circumstance of the case ? It is a matter of opinion. As to his capacity of making a will ? He was perfectly well able to do it. Rudolf Wackerling, farmer, residing at Ravensbourne, near Toowoomba, said he had known Andreas Schusser, now deceased. He was the husband of his (witness's) daughter. Witness was one of the plaintiffs in the action, and claimed to be one of the executors under the will. Witness knew him a week before he was married. He was married in October last. Witness received a letter, came into town, and saw Schusser. He asked if he could marry his (witness's) daughter. Witness said that when he liked to marry his daughter he would give her to him. On a subsequent occasion Schusser said he would give her his property. His daughter was present, and said he could do as he liked. They were afterwards married in the court-house. ' Do you know that gentleman (indicating a gentleman in court) ? Witness : Yes ; he is the gentleman who marries people at the court-house. His Honour asked did not the law required a declaration as to an objection to be married by a clergyman before a marriage at the court-house was legal? The matter was looked up and it was found that that was so. Mr. Hamilton said that the clergyman had been asked to marry them, but he had re fused as they were not of his congregation. Witness, continuing, said he signed a con sent to the marriage. Witness, the day after the wedding, went with Schusser to Busiko. He did not hear what was said. Mr. Schusser left everything by his will to his wife, who was witness's daughter. His daughter gave witness the will, and he kept it until Schusser died. Bertha Schusser, widow of the deceased, said she was one of the executors under her husband's will. She had known him for about a month before the marriage. She agreed to marry him, and wrote to her father, who gave his consent. Before the marriage the deceased told her he would make all the property over to her. A will was made. Witness was not present when it was signed. ..Her father gave her the will, which she read. She did not speak to her husband about it. On the Monday the will was signed he was in good health. It was a week afterwards before he got ill, and witness told him to go to the doctor. He was ill for 14 days before he died. Witness attended her husband in his illness. He told her to look after the will and she would get everything. Up to about 3 o'clock on the day he died — he died at 6 o'clock — he seemed to understand everything said to him. His Hononr : How did yon come to know him? Witness: I was working at a hotel.
And he used to visit it? Yes. He asked you to marry him, and you said you would? Yes. He was living by himself ? Yes. G. Essex Evans, registrar of births, marriages, and deaths, produced a copy of the register of the death of Schusser, He know Schusser, had married him. He was perfectly sane when married and capable of making a will. His Honour granted probate of the will. Mr. Hamilton asked for costs against the defendant. His Honour said that unless it could be shown that defendant was no relation of the testator he would not grant costs. Mr. Hamilton said they had been charged with undue influence. His Honour said that he had found the testator to have been sane, but be was an old man of 70, that he married a girl whom he had not known for any length of time previous. Her father and two others were present when he made his will, and he was not left by himself for a single moment, The girl he married was only a child of 19. The fact that defendant did not come into court indicated that she ceased to put that construction on the matter that she must have done at first. He had come to a similar conclusion that if she came into court to fight the matter it would be different.. The testator picked up a girl of 19 whom he had not known, then she in charge of her father went to a clergyman and the will was read over in the presence of the father. Also tho testator died within 14 days from the marriage. Mr. Hamilton said that the defendant could have withdrawn the caveat long ago. Instead of that it was left till the last moment. It must be remembered too, that the testator had been living alone. His Honour said if it could he shown that the defendant was not the testator's daughter, he would grant costs, as then she would have had no bushiness to interfere. Mr. Hamilton said that the testator was married to his, first wife in 1868 and on the death of that wife he described defendant as her daughter. He stated also that she was 41 years of age at that time. The date of the death of the first wife made it impossible for the defendant to be the testator's daughter. His Honour said he declined to grant costs. He thought that when an old man of 70 disregarded all natural obligations and took a sudden fancy to someone he had not previously known, that he might be said to have got softening of the brain. The books on insanity pointed to that." - Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1905 living at Ravensbourne. Rudolph was a farmer as was his son Herman.
- Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1913 living at Ravensbourne. Rudolph was a farmer and their son Rudolph jnr a labourer.
- Rudolph Wackerling was listed as the next of kin of Rudolph Wackerling when she enlisted in the Australian Army on 1 August 1916 in Toowoomba. He joined the 25th Battalion. He gave his next of kin as his father Rudolph of Ravensbourne. He was sent to France and wounded in action 20 Sep 1917, and again on 13 Feb 1918 and again in April that year. He was then sent back to Australia due to a wounded right leg and was discharged on 16 Oct 1918.
- Rudolph Wackerling and Charles Wackerling appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1921 living at Ravensbourne. Rudy was a labourer and Charles a farmer.
- On 17 March 1924,his wife, Elizabeth Hadengen died in Queensland.
- At the age of 67 years, Rudolph Wackerling married Amelia Elizabeth Caroline Dunemann, daughter of Heinrich Christian August Dunemann and Johanna Dorothea Friedriche Just, in 1924 in Queensland.
- Rudolph Wackerling witnessed the death of Amelia Elizabeth Caroline Dunemann in 1932 in Queensland.
- Rudolph Wackerling died on 29 March 1938 in Queensland.
- Rudolph was buried on 31 March 1938 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. BC1-012-0061.
Children of Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen
- Herman Wackerling b. 1880, d. 10 January 1940
- Bertha Wackerling b. 1882, d. 1931
- Rudolph Wackerling b. 1884, d. 1942
- Rosa Wackerling b. 1889
- Charles Wackerling b. 1895, d. 21 December 1986
- Gottlieb Wackerling b. 1898, d. 1898
Rudolph Wackerling

M, b. 1884, d. 1942
- Chyebassa - 4 April 1884: Other Immigrants on the same ship
- Rudolph Wackerling was born in 1884 in Switzerland.
- He was the son of Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen.
- Rudolph Wackerling immigrated on 25 August 1884 to Queensland with Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen. Rudolph 27, Elizabeth 29, Hermann 4, Bertha 1 and Rudolph an infant travelled on the Chyebassa.
- Rudolph Wackerling appeared on the Electoral Roll with Rudolph Wackerling and Elizabeth Hadengen in 1913 in Ravensbourne. Rudolph was a farmer and their son Rudolph jnr a labourer.
- Rudolph Wackerling enlisted in the AIF on 1 August 1916 in Toowoomba. He joined the 25th Battalion. He gave his next of kin as his father Rudolph of Ravensbourne. He was sent to France and wounded in action 20 Sep 1917, and again on 13 Feb 1918 and again in April that year. He was then sent back to Australia due to a wounded right leg and was discharged on 16 Oct 1918.
- He appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1925 and 1930 living at Ravensbourne. He was a labourer.
- Rudolph Wackerling died in 1942 in Brisbane, Queensland.
Una Madeline Wackford 
F, b. 1899, d. 19 December 1959
- Una Madeline Wackford was born in 1899. She was the daughter of Henry Wakford and Elizabeth Ann Craig.
- At the age of 18 years, Una Madeline Wackford married Adolf Amene Reinke, son of Carl (Charles) August Reinke and Emilie Charlotte Friedreke Kuhnemann, on 2 July 1917 in Clermont, Queensland. They lived at Mt Morgan, Muttaburra, Goombungee (where three children were born) and Toowoomba.
- Una Madeline Wackford and Adolf Amene Reinke appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1925 living at Neuve, Goombungee. He was a farmer and Una carried out domestic duties.
- Una Madeline Wackford and Adolf Amene Reinke were divorced in 1936 in Queensland; Una divorced Adolf on grounds of desertion. She was living at Toowoomba where he had left her in 1930, and Adolph in Bundaberg.
- Una Madeline Wackford died on 19 December 1959.
- Una was buried on 21 December 1959 in Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery. CE5A-005-0051.
Edna Ruth Waddell
F, b. 18 February 1891, d. 12 June 1978
- Charts: Descendants of William Crawford.
- Edna Ruth Waddell was born on 18 February 1891 in Nowra, New South Wales. She was the daughter of David Waddell and Clara Jane Watts.
- At the age of 21 years, Edna Ruth Waddell married James Gilbert Crawford, son of James Crawford and Flora Ann McMullen, in 1913 in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.
- In 1967,her husband, James Gilbert Crawford died in Lismore, New South Wales.
- Edna Ruth Waddell died on 12 June 1978 in Lismore, New South Wales, at age 87.
Children of Edna Ruth Waddell and James Gilbert Crawford
- Edna Ruth Crawford b. 14 January 1914, d. 27 April 2002
- James David Crawford+ b. 12 December 1915, d. 23 September 1997
- William Robert Maxwell Crawford b. 10 August 1919, d. 3 December 1972
- Henry Gilbert Crawford b. 18 February 1928, d. 1 November 1997
Benjamin Waddington
M, b. 1865
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Jeffery
- Benjamin Waddington was born in 1865 in Huddlesfield, Yorkshire.
- At the age of 18 years, Benjamin Waddington married Rhoda Jefferis, daughter of John Jefferis and Rhoda Taylor, in December 1883 in Huddersfield, West Riding.
- Benjamin Waddington and Rhoda Jefferis appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 in Longwood, Yorkshire. Rhhoda is shown as a 35 year old woollen weaver born Huddlesfield, Yorkshire, Ben is shown as a36 year old drain pipe layer, born Huddlesfield. Charlie is a 17 year old railway clerk and Doris is 3 both born Huddlesfield.
Children of Benjamin Waddington and Rhoda Jefferis
- Charles Waddington b. 1884
- Dora Waddington b. 1898
Charles Waddington
M, b. 1884
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Jeffery
- Charles Waddington was born in 1884 in Yorkshire.
- He was the son of Benjamin Waddington and Rhoda Jefferis.
- At the time of the 31 March 1901 census, Charles Waddington was living in the household of Rhoda Jefferis and Benjamin Waddington in Longwood, Yorkshire. Rhhoda is shown as a 35 year old woollen weaver born Huddlesfield, Yorkshire, Ben is shown as a36 year old drain pipe layer, born Huddlesfield. Charlie is a 17 year old railway clerk and Doris is 3 both born Huddlesfield.
Dora Waddington
F, b. 1898
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Jeffery
- Dora Waddington was born in 1898 in Yorkshire.
- She was the daughter of Benjamin Waddington and Rhoda Jefferis.
- At the time of the 31 March 1901 census, Dora Waddington was living in the household of Rhoda Jefferis and Benjamin Waddington in Longwood, Yorkshire. Rhhoda is shown as a 35 year old woollen weaver born Huddlesfield, Yorkshire, Ben is shown as a36 year old drain pipe layer, born Huddlesfield. Charlie is a 17 year old railway clerk and Doris is 3 both born Huddlesfield.
Amy Maria Wade
F, b. circa 1870, d. 1932
- Amy Maria Wade was born circa 1870. She was the daughter of Joseph Wade and Maria Nelson.
- Amy Maria Wade married Percy Allan Smyth, son of Charles Blackmore Smyth and Mary Gainey, in 1889 in Queensland.
- Amy Maria Wade died in 1932 in Queensland.
Gladys Amelia Wadsworth
F, b. 26 September 1890, d. 21 February 1981
- Charts: Descendants of Charles Eyles
- Gladys Amelia Wadsworth was born on 26 September 1890.
- At the age of 25 years, 2 months and 26 days, Gladys Amelia Wadsworth married Edward Robert Eyles, son of Charles Eyles and Amelia Mytton, on 22 December 1915 in New Zealand.
- Gladys Amelia Wadsworth died on 21 February 1981 at age 90.
- Gladys was buried on 24 February 1981 in Richmond Cemetery.
Noel Maurice Wadsworth
M, b. 6 December 1895, d. 1975
- Charts: Descendants of Charles Eyles
- Noel Maurice Wadsworth was born on 6 December 1895.
- At the age of 24 years, Noel Maurice Wadsworth married Angie Ruby Lammas, daughter of Ralph Arthur Lammas and Ethel Janet Russ, in 1920.
- In 1971,his wife, Angie Ruby Lammas died in New Zealand.
- Noel Maurice Wadsworth died in 1975 in New Zealand.
Edward Waghorn
M, b. circa 1866
- Edward Waghorn was born circa 1866.
- His marriage to Julia Fanny Primmer, daughter of John Primmer and Ann Norman, was registered in the June 1900 Quarter in Brighton, Sussex Registration District.
Evelyn Esther Waghorn
F, b. 17 September 1898, d. 14 May 1973
- Charts: Descendants of Charles Eyles
- Evelyn Esther Waghorn was born on 17 September 1898.
- At the age of 21 years and 5 months, Evelyn Esther Waghorn married Hubert Philip Eyles, son of Charles Eyles and Amelia Mytton, on 17 February 1920 in New Zealand.
- On 29 February 1960,her husband, Hubert Philip Eyles died at age 62.
- Evelyn Esther Waghorn died on 14 May 1973 at age 74.
- Evelyn was buried in Dovedale Cemetery. Her husband Hubert was also interred in the grave.
Child of Evelyn Esther Waghorn and Hubert Philip Eyles
- Lester William Eyles b. 1932, d. 28 February 1935
Alfred Wagland
M, b. 1871, d. 1931
- Alfred Wagland was born in 1871 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Mark Wagland and Catherine Ann Griffith.
- Alfred Wagland died in 1931 in Queensland.
Ann Augusta Wagland
F, b. 1864
- Ann Augusta Wagland was born in 1864 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Mark Wagland and Catherine Ann Griffith.
Hannah Auguste Wagland
F, b. 17 February 1864, d. 25 March 1903
- Hannah Auguste Wagland was born on 17 February 1864 in Pikes Creek, Warwick, Queensland. She was the daughter of Mark Wagnand and Catherine Griffith.
- At the age of 17 years, 8 months and 15 days, Hannah Auguste Wagland married Johann Nicholas Borgert, son of Johann Nicholas Borgert and Antje Beate Muller, on 1 November 1881 in Queensland.
- Hannah Auguste Wagland and Johann Nicholas Borgert appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Mocatta Street, Goombungee. John was a labourer and Annie carried out domestic duties.
- Hannah Auguste Wagland died on 25 March 1903 in Bororen, Queensland, at age 39.
Children of Hannah Auguste Wagland and Johann Nicholas Borgert
- John Mark Borgert b. 3 March 1882, d. 13 January 1951
- Wilhelm Borgert b. 5 July 1883, d. 25 November 1967
- George James Borgert b. 5 November 1885, d. 6 October 1953
- Annie Catherine Borgert+ b. 16 November 1887, d. 19 July 1957
- Louisa Borgert+ b. 4 August 1889, d. 9 July 1967
- Alfred Ernest Borgert b. 10 April 1892, d. 3 November 1959
- Matilda Margaret Borgert b. 10 April 1892, d. 23 February 1965
- Frederick Borgert b. 5 December 1893
- Lillie Cecile Borgert b. 15 June 1896
- Walter Borgert b. 13 August 1898, d. 1956
- Peter Borgert b. 28 December 1900, d. 29 September 1978
John Wagland
M, b. circa 1870, d. 1961
- John Wagland was born circa 1870.
- He was the son of Mark Wagland and Catherine Ann Griffith.
- John Wagland married Anna Wilhelmina Magdelina Ruff, daughter of Hans Detlef Nicholas Ruff and Augusta Kolberg, in 1905 in Queensland.
- John Wagland died in 1961 in Brisbane, Queensland.
Lloyd Maurice Wagland
M, b. 1911, d. 24 December 1986
- Lloyd Maurice Wagland was born in 1911 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Maurice Mark Wagland and Barbara Gertrude Fiechtner.
- At the age of 28 years, Lloyd Maurice Wagland married Lola May Patava, daughter of Daniel Patava and Mary Elizabeth Salome Hirning, in 1939 in Queensland.
- On 15 April 1955,his wife, Lola May Patava died in Brisbane, Queensland, at age 44.
- Lloyd Maurice Wagland died on 24 December 1986.
- Lloyd was buried on 29 December 1986 in Clifton Cemetery. CE1-018-0067.
Louisa Wagland 
F, b. 1866, d. 14 February 1942
- Business Owners: Other Business Owners
- Louisa Wagland was born in 1866 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Mark Wagland and Catherine Ann Griffith.
- At the age of 20 years, Louisa Wagland married Frederick Wockner, son of Christian Wockner and Charlotte Edith Walker, in 1886 in Queensland.
- Louisa Wagland and Frederick Wockner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Morcatta Street, Goombungee. Frederick was an agent and Louisa a hotel keeper.
- Louisa Wagland appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Morcatta Street, Goombungee. Frederick was an agent and Louisa a hotel keeper.
- She and Frederick Wockner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1908 living at Meringandan. Fred was a farmer.
- Louisa Wagland and Frederick Wockner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1913 living at Meringandan. Frederick was a pig buyer. Their son Walter was a butcher.
- Louisa Wagland and Frederick Wockner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1925 living at Goombungee. Frederick was a farmer.
- On 3 April 1937,her husband, Frederick Wockner died in Goombungee, Queensland. He was residing at Goombungee at the time of his death and he was a licensed victualler.
- Louisa Wagland died on 14 February 1942 in Queensland.
- Louisa was buried on 15 February 1942 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. CEOLD1-004-0018.
Children of Louisa Wagland and Frederick Wockner
- Percy Wockner b. 1888, d. 1956
- Walter Wockner b. 1890, d. 1970
- Herbert John Wockner b. 1892, d. 1965
- Norman Keith Wockner b. 1894, d. 1975
- Arthur Frederick Wockner b. 1898, d. 1979
Mark Wagland
M, b. 1842, d. 1873
- Mark Wagland was born in 1842 in Somersetshire, England. He was the son of Samuel Wagland and Augusta.
- At the age of 21 years, Mark Wagland married Catherine Ann Griffith in 1863 in Queensland.
- Mark Wagland died in 1873 in Queensland.
Children of Mark Wagland and Catherine Ann Griffith
- Ann Augusta Wagland b. 1864
- Louisa Wagland+ b. 1866, d. 14 February 1942
- Walter Wagland b. 1869, d. 1891
- John Wagland b. circa 1870, d. 1961
- Alfred Wagland b. 1871, d. 1931
- Maurice Mark Wagland+ b. 1873, d. 1939
Maurice Mark Wagland
M, b. 1873, d. 1939
- Maurice Mark Wagland was born in 1873 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Mark Wagland and Catherine Ann Griffith.
- At the age of 25 years, Maurice Mark Wagland married Barbara Gertrude Fiechtner in 1898 in Queensland.
- Maurice Mark Wagland died in 1939 in Queensland.
Child of Maurice Mark Wagland and Barbara Gertrude Fiechtner
- Lloyd Maurice Wagland b. 1911, d. 24 December 1986
Walter Wagland
M, b. 1869, d. 1891
- Walter Wagland was born in 1869 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Mark Wagland and Catherine Ann Griffith.
- Walter Wagland died in 1891 in Queensland.
Annie Margaritta Wagner
F, b. 13 March 1865
- Annie Margaritta Wagner was born on 13 March 1865 in Toowoomba, Queensland.
- At the age of 24 years, 7 months and 5 days, Annie Margaritta Wagner married James Scott Watson Robb on 18 October 1889 in Queensland.
Child of Annie Margaritta Wagner and James Scott Watson Robb
- Elizabeth Robb b. 29 December 1891, d. 2 June 1958
Cyril Wagner
M, b. circa 1910
- Charts: Descendants of Stephen Hooper
- Cyril Wagner was born circa 1910.
- Cyril Wagner married Mavis Kathleen Hooper, daughter of James Thomas Hooper and Catherine Agnes (Kate) Hayes, circa 1936.
Louise Friedrike Charlotte Wagner
F, b. circa 1840
- Louise Friedrike Charlotte Wagner was born circa 1840.
- Louise Friedrike Charlotte Wagner married Ernst Rudolf Just circa 1870.
Children of Louise Friedrike Charlotte Wagner and Ernst Rudolf Just
- Carl Wilhelm Rudolf Just+ b. 1871, d. 1957
- Louisa Hannah Magdaline Just b. 1873, d. 1928
Mary Ann Wain
F, b. circa 1840
- Mary Ann Wain was born circa 1840.
- Mary Ann Wain married Mark Lovell circa 1880.
Child of Mary Ann Wain and Mark Lovell
- Albert Lovell b. 1862, d. 18 October 1953
Esther Winnifred Wainwright
F, b. 18 April 1910, d. 2008
- Charts: Descendants of Charles Eyles
- Esther Winnifred Wainwright was born on 18 April 1910.
- At the age of 32 years, Esther Winnifred Wainwright married Gilbert John Godinagh, son of Matthew Martin Godinagh and Lucy Ella Bishop Cresswell, in 1943 in New Zealand.
- On 4 July 1971,her husband, Gilbert John Godinagh died in New Zealand at age 64.
- Esther Winnifred Wainwright died in 2008 in New Zealand.
Baldwin Wake IV
M, b. 1238, d. 1282
- Baldwin Wake IV was born in 1238. Lord of Bourne and Liddell. Son and heir of Hugh Wake by Joan, first daughter and heir of Nicholas de Stuteville.
- At the age of 22 years, Baldwin Wake IV married Hawise (Margaret) de Quincey Unknown, daughter of Sir Robert de Quincy Lord of Ware and Helen (Ellen, Elen) Unknown Princess of Wales and Countess of Chester, Huntingdon and Cambridge., in 1260.
- Baldwin Wake IV died in 1282.
Child of Baldwin Wake IV and Hawise (Margaret) de Quincey Unknown
- Sir Hugh Wake+ b. circa 1271, d. 1315
Sir Hugh Wake
M, b. circa 1271, d. 1315
- Sir Hugh Wake was born circa 1271. Second and younger son of Hawise and Baldwin.
- He was the son of Baldwin Wake IV and Hawise (Margaret) de Quincey Unknown.
- Sir Hugh Wake married Joan Baldwin of Bolany in 1294.
- Sir Hugh Wake died in 1315.
Child of Sir Hugh Wake and Joan Baldwin of Bolany
- Sir Thomas Wake 0f Blisworth and Deeping+ b. circa 1296, d. 1347