Harold Waldron Merritt 
M, b. 1878, d. 1956
- Harold Waldron Merritt was born in 1878 in Pechey, Queensland.
- He was the son of Alfred William Merritt and Lucy Harris.
- At the age of 27 years, Harold Waldron Merritt married Margaret Geraghty in 1905 in Queensland.
- Harold Waldron Merritt and Margaret Geraghty appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1914 living at Gowrie Estate, Kingsthorpe.
- Harold Waldron Merritt died in 1956 in Queensland.
Henry Merritt
M, b. 1858, d. 1932
- Henry Merritt was born in 1858 in Brisbane, Queensland.
- He was the son of Moses Merritt and Sarah Taylor.
- Henry Merritt died in 1932 in Queensland.
John Merritt
M, b. 1823, d. 1891
- John Merritt was born in 1823.
- He was the son of William Merritt and Patience Wigg.
- John Merritt died in 1891 in Queensland.
John Francis Merritt
M, b. 1885
- John Francis Merritt was born in 1885 in Queensland.
- He was the son of William Merritt and Elizabeth Jane Hounslow.
Joseph Bailey Merritt
M, b. circa 1840, d. December 1879
- Joseph Bailey Merritt was born circa 1840.
- He was the son of William Merritt and Elizabeth Harding.
- Joseph Bailey Merritt died in December 1879 in Brisbane, Queensland.
- Joseph was buried on 26 December 1879 in Toowong Cemetery.
Julia Alice Merritt
F, b. 1868
- Julia Alice Merritt was born in 1868 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Moses Merritt and Sarah Taylor.
Laura Jane Merritt
F, b. 1899
- Laura Jane Merritt was born in 1899 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of William Merritt and Elizabeth Jane Hounslow.
Lillian Merritt 
F, b. 1875
- Lillian Merritt was born in 1875 in Queensland. She was a twin to Florence.
- She was the daughter of Alfred William Merritt and Lucy Harris.
- In 1901 Lilly and (presumedly) Florence were running a boarding house at Fernbank (Cabarlah). The Queensland Country Life reported on 12 April 1901" ... Proceeding along the railway line one passes the small stations, Klineton, Cabarlah, where the Miss Merritt's have an excellent
boarding house on the edge of the range, and which is held in high esteem as a health resort." - Lillian Merritt appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1905 living at "Fernbank", Cabarlah. Lilly was a boarding house keeper.
- At the age of 34 years, Lillian Merritt married Leonard Griffith Sims in 1909 in Queensland.
Miriam Merritt
F, b. 1847, d. 9 March 1870
- Miriam Merritt was born in 1847.
- She was the daughter of William Merritt and Elizabeth Harding.
- Miriam Merritt died on 9 March 1870 in Queensland.
- Miriam was buried on 11 March 1870 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. PUB2-1R3-0009.
Morris Moses Merritt
M, b. 1851, d. July 1928
- Morris Moses Merritt was born in 1851.
- He was the son of Moses Merritt and Sarah Taylor.
- Morris Moses Merritt died in July 1928 in Chinchilla, Queensland. The Queenslander reported:-" The death took place at the Chin- chilla Hospital last week of Mr. Morris Merritt, a very old resident of the district, who was also well known in Toowoomba and Dalby. He is survived by his widow and two sons, three daughters, and a number of grandchildren. De- ceased was in his 77th. year.
Moses Merritt 
M, b. 1821, d. 24 June 1881
- Moses Merritt was born in 1821.
- He was the son of William Merritt and Patience Wigg.
- Moses Merritt married Sarah Taylor circa 1850.
- Moses Merritt died on 24 June 1881 in Queensland.
- Moses was buried on 26 June 1881 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. METH1-003-0013.
Children of Moses Merritt and Sarah Taylor
- Morris Moses Merritt b. 1851, d. July 1928
- William Merritt+ b. 1854, d. 7 July 1918
- Henry Merritt b. 1858, d. 1932
- Edith May Merritt+ b. 1862, d. 28 February 1932
- Julia Alice Merritt b. 1868
Sarah Alice Merritt
F, b. 1891
- Sarah Alice Merritt was born in 1891 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of William Merritt and Elizabeth Jane Hounslow.
Walter Roger Bailey Merritt
M, b. 1876, d. 4 December 1877
- Walter Roger Bailey Merritt was born in 1876 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Alfred William Merritt and Lucy Harris.
- Walter Roger Bailey Merritt died on 4 December 1877 in Queensland.
- Walter was buried on 5 December 1877 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. PUB2-1R3-0009.
Walter William Merritt
M, b. circa 1840, d. 1924
- Walter William Merritt was born circa 1840.
- He was the son of William Merritt and Elizabeth Harding.
- In 1888 Walter was the mail man for the St Lawrence district.
- Walter William Merritt died in 1924 in Queensland.
William Merritt
M, b. 1854, d. 7 July 1918
- William Merritt was baptized in 1854 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Moses Merritt and Sarah Taylor.
- William Merritt married Elizabeth Jane Hounslow circa 1870.
- William Merritt died on 7 July 1918 in Queensland.
- William was buried on 8 July 1918 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. METH1-1R3-0017.
Children of William Merritt and Elizabeth Jane Hounslow
- John Francis Merritt b. 1885
- Albert William Merritt+ b. 1887, d. 15 August 1952
- Donald Tom Merritt b. 1889, d. 1966
- Sarah Alice Merritt b. 1891
- Eva Rose Merritt b. 1893, d. 1912
- Annie May Merritt b. 1896
- Laura Jane Merritt b. 1899
- George Frederick Merritt b. 1901, d. 1901
- Arthur Gordon Merritt b. 1904
William Merritt 
M, b. 1808, d. 28 November 1874
- William Merritt was born in 1808.
- He was the son of William Merritt and Patience Wigg.
- William Merritt married Elizabeth Harding circa 1830.
- His marriage, at 48 years, to Charlotte Allen was registered in the June 1856 Quarter Registration District.
- On 9 June 1862,his wife, Charlotte Allen died in Queensland.
- In March 1869, William Merritt and Duncan Munro attended a function hosting the Governer to the Geham area. The Queensland Times reported:- "The party then adjourned to the large dwelling-house adjoining the mills, under the verandah of which the dinner was laid out in Mr. Wright's best style. Mr. William Merritt, the oldest established farmer at Highfields, occupied the chair, supported on the right by his Execellency and Mr. Terry, on the left by Mr. Duncan Munro and Mr. W. H. Groom,M.L.A. The vice-chair was occu pied by Mr. E. W. Pechey, supported on his right by the Mayor of Toowoomba, and on the left by Mr. William Handcock."
- In July 1869 David Kynoch was charged with the theft of three calves from William Merritt. The Darling Downs Gazette reported:- "David Kynoch, Catherine Ambrose, and William Patrick Ambrose, were charged with feloniously stealing three head of cattle the property of William and Alfred Merritt, at Highfields. Mr. Boyle for the defendants. J. B. Barry said he was a constable stationed at Ipswich ; he went to the prisoners' house, at Perseverance Station, on Wednesday last, and found the two younger prisoners on the premises ; they were step-children of the prisoner Kynoch ; told the girl he was a detective constable, and asked her to show her father’s brands ; she brought about eight or ten from the dairy, and when be asked if there were not two or three more she replied, ' no ;' afterwards searched the dwelling house, and found the CAW brands, now produced, under the bed; Alfred Merritt was present when the brands were found, and Catherine Ambrose said, "If Mr. Merritt will not press the charge against my father he can have all the horses and bullocks we have ; we did not know that the calves belonged to Mr. Merritt when we brought then up the range, from Luke's waterhole ." asked her if the brands now produced were those used in branding the cattle, and she replied, 'Yes they are ;" he (witness) said to her "You knew they are not your own cattle, although you did not know they were Mr. Merritt's," and she said " Yes; I have been very foolish, and I am sorry for it; " We drove the cattle to the yard at Perseverance Station, kept them there one night, and then drove then over to the farm, which is about ten-miles nearer to Toowoomba ; they remained there three or four days, where they were branded by herself, her brother, and a man named Paddy O'Neil ; he (witness) had compared the brands now produced with the brands upon the cattle, and found them to correspond; arrested Catherine and William Ambrose on Wednesday evening, and had shown them the cattle this (Friday) morning'; they were identified by them as the cattle they had branded; and Catherine said it was her father who had assisted to brand them, and not Paddy O'Neil as she had first stated; arrested the prisoner David Kynoch outside the Court that morning, and after reading the warrant to him he said, ''the cattle are mine "took him into the yard to look at , and he said " Yes, those are the cattle ; I branded them and they are my property." By the Bench: The cattle were found in a paddock nearly adjoining the prisoners farm on Reedy Creek and were identified by Mr. Merritt as his property Wm. Merritt, examined by Detective Barry, said he missed a mob of cattle from his paddocks about five weeks ago ; there were several milking cows with their calves among the mob, they were returned about nine days afterward with the exception of three unbranded calves, almost eight or nine months old ; saw them next in a paddock near Reedy Creek, where they were fresh branded ; the cattle outside the Court were those he had referred to, and were the property of himself and his son ; met the prisoner Kynoch on the Highfields road on Thursday afternoon and he said, "This is a very bad job, Mr Merritt, cannot we arrange the matter' he (witness) told him that the case was totally out of his control, and prisoner replied, “I will do anything if you will stop the proceedings. If there are any of your calves among them you can take them and I will give you anything I have; we did not know the calves belonged to you at the time they were branded; they were branded by myself, and I took them from my own paddock and put them into Cameron's paddock.' Alfred Merritt corroborated the evidence of the apprehending constable. At the close of the examination Detective Barry applied for a remand until Tuesday next, for the purpose of producing further evidence. . On the application of Mr. Boyle, bail was granted to the prisoners Ambrose, themselves in £20, and two sureties of £10 each, but the Bench refused to admit Kynoch to bail."
- On 25 February 1874 William Merritt lived at an unknown place . The Darling Downs Gazette reported "The road to Highfields has been of late considerably improved by the erection of numerous culverts across the various gullies, and a road has been cleared through the scrub, within about half a mile of the residence of Wm. Merritt, Esq. J.P., and the road party are now engaged in erecting a culvert across a nasty gully close to where they have been clearing."
- William Merritt died on 28 November 1874 in Brisbane, Queensland.
- William was buried on 30 November 1874 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery.
- In June 1877, William Merritt and Unknown Tansey living at in Merritts Creek. The Darling Downs Gazette reported on 27 June 1877:- "Upon the creek known as Merritt's Creek are several fine farms, notably Mr. Merritt's and Mr. Tansey's. Mr. Tansey's farm is mostly a pastoral one, and devoted to cattle, but he has some fine cultivation. Lucerne, prairie grass, and several other paddocks that are well cultivated keep up a winter's supply of feed for a large number of cattle and horses. Mr. Tansey has also been fortunate enough to obtain in the Burnett district a 5000-acre selection, besides the large area held by him on Merritt's creek."
Children of William Merritt and Elizabeth Harding
- William Harding Merritt b. 1833, d. 11 December 1893
- Walter William Merritt b. circa 1840, d. 1924
- Joseph Bailey Merritt b. circa 1840, d. December 1879
- Alfred William Merritt+ b. 1843, d. 22 January 1902
- Miriam Merritt b. 1847, d. 9 March 1870
Children of William Merritt and Charlotte Allen
- Donald Merritt b. September 1857, d. 1927
- Elizabeth Merritt b. March 1862
William Merritt
M, b. circa 1780
- William Merritt was born circa 1780.
- William Merritt married Patience Wigg circa 1800.
Children of William Merritt and Patience Wigg
- William Merritt+ b. 1808, d. 28 November 1874
- Moses Merritt+ b. 1821, d. 24 June 1881
- John Merritt b. 1823, d. 1891
William Harding Merritt
M, b. 1833, d. 11 December 1893
- William Harding Merritt was born in 1833.
- He was the son of William Merritt and Elizabeth Harding.
- William Harding Merritt died on 11 December 1893 in Toowoomba, Queensland. The Brisbane Courier reported:- "A man named Merritt was brought into the Toowoomba Hospital this afternoon from Clifton suffering from poison from laudanum, and he died two hours after his admission. The case has been placed in the hands of the police."
- William was buried on 12 December 1893 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. PUB2-1R2-0009.
Mary Merryn
F, b. circa 1600
- Mary Merryn was born circa 1600.
- Mary Merryn married Henry Gill on 15 April 1627 in Mevagissey, Cornwall.
Children of Mary Merryn and Henry Gill
- Agnes Gill b. 14 April 1628
- Ambrose Gill+ b. 8 August 1630, d. before 1693
- Mary Gill b. 31 March 1633
- Henry Gill+ b. 13 September 1635
Anna Louisa Mesken
F, b. 1896, d. 1969
- Anna Louisa Mesken was born in 1896 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- At the age of 31 years, Anna Louisa Mesken married Robert Noffke in 1927 in Brisbane, Queensland.
- Anna Louisa Mesken died in 1969 in Queensland.
August Ludwig Mesken
M, b. 1887, d. 1928

Jacob Mesken and Augusta Blanck with their three eldest children August (at back), Emilie (Mille) and Carl (front). Taken about 1895. Photo thanks to Noeleen
- August Ludwig Mesken was born in 1887 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- At the age of 27 years, August Ludwig Mesken married Louisa Mary Riethmuller, daughter of Christian Jacob Riethmuller and Maria Catherina (Mary) Kirstenfeldt, in 1914 in Queensland.
- August Ludwig Mesken died in 1928 in Queensland.
Carl August Mesken 
M, b. 26 June 1892, d. 10 January 1938

Jacob Mesken and Augusta Blanck with their three eldest children August (at back), Emilie (Mille) and Carl (front). Taken about 1895. Photo thanks to Noeleen
- Carl August Mesken was born on 26 June 1892 in Bergen, Queensland.
- He was the son of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- At the age of 25 years, Carl August Mesken married Ethel Emelia Politch, daughter of Heinrich Politch and Bertha Albertine Caroline Schultz, in 1918 in Queensland.
- Carl August Mesken died on 10 January 1938 in Oakey, Queensland, at age 45.
- Carl was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Christie Mesken
M, b. 1900, d. 4 July 1974
- Christie Mesken was born in 1900.
- He was the son of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- At the age of 23 years, Christie Mesken married Esther Peters, daughter of Friedrich Ferdinand Peters and Bertha Louise Welke, in 1923.
- Christie Mesken died on 4 July 1974 in Queensland.
- Christie was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Emilie (Millie) Mesken
F, b. 1890, d. 19 January 1916

Jacob Mesken and Augusta Blanck with their three eldest children August (at back), Emilie (Mille) and Carl (front). Taken about 1895. Photo thanks to Noeleen
- Emilie (Millie) Mesken was born in 1890 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- Emilie (Millie) Mesken died on 19 January 1916 in Queensland.
- Emilie was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Child of Emilie (Millie) Mesken
- William Charles Mesken b. 1910
Herman Mesken
M, b. 1900, d. 1900
- Herman Mesken was born in 1900 in Queensland.
- Herman Mesken died in 1900 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
Herman (Herb) Mesken 
M, b. 21 September 1904, d. 5 July 1976
- Herman (Herb) Mesken was born on 21 September 1904 in Bergen, Queensland.
- He was the son of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- Herman (Herb) Mesken died on 5 July 1976 in Toowoomba, Queensland, at age 71.
- Herman was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Jacob Mesken 
M, b. 1 June 1850, d. 10 April 1919

Jacob Mesken and Augusta Blanck with their three eldest children August (at back), Emilie (Mille) and Carl (front). Taken about 1895. Photo thanks to Noeleen
- Jacob Mesken was born on 1 June 1850 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. He was the son of Wilhelm Mesken and Mary Fransen.
- At the age of 35 years, Jacob Mesken married Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck, daughter of Carl August Ludwig Blanck and Ernestine Scharlan, in 1886 in Queensland.
- In 1901 Jacob was listed as a farmer of Goombungee in the Crow's Nest Post Office Directory.
- Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Goombungee. Jacob was a farmer.
- Jacob Mesken died on 10 April 1919 in Queensland at age 68.
- Jacob was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Children of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck
- August Ludwig Mesken b. 1887, d. 1928
- Jacob William Mesken b. 1888, d. 1889
- Emilie (Millie) Mesken+ b. 1890, d. 19 January 1916
- Carl August Mesken b. 26 June 1892, d. 10 January 1938
- Jacob Mesken b. 27 June 1894, d. 20 May 1985
- Anna Louisa Mesken b. 1896, d. 1969
- Christie Mesken b. 1900, d. 4 July 1974
- Herman Mesken b. 1900, d. 1900
- Martha Auguste Mesken b. 16 May 1902, d. 28 January 1975
- Herman (Herb) Mesken b. 21 September 1904, d. 5 July 1976
- Mary Mesken b. 1906
Jacob Mesken
M, b. 27 June 1894, d. 20 May 1985
- Jacob Mesken was born on 27 June 1894 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- Jacob Mesken died on 20 May 1985 at age 90.
- Jacob was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Jacob William Mesken
M, b. 1888, d. 1889
- Jacob William Mesken was born in 1888 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- Jacob William Mesken died in 1889 in Queensland.
Martha Auguste Mesken 
F, b. 16 May 1902, d. 28 January 1975
- Martha Auguste Mesken was born on 16 May 1902 in Bergen, Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Jacob Mesken and Augusta Alberta Fredricka Blanck.
- At the age of 23 years, 3 months and 9 days, Martha Auguste Mesken married Norman Leslie Kuhl, son of Carl Johann Heinrich Kuhl and Anna Maria Luise Trost, on 25 August 1925 in Toowoomba, Queensland.
- Martha Auguste Mesken and Norman Leslie Kuhl appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1943 and 1949 living at Upper Cooyar. Norman was a farmer.
- Martha Auguste Mesken died on 28 January 1975 in Nambour, Queensland, at age 72.