Eric Henry Burgess

M, b. 4 October 1909

Ethel May Burgess

F, b. 1889, d. 1960

Eva Kate Burgess

F, b. 1878, d. 1881
  • Eva Kate Burgess was born in 1878 in Goulburn, New South Wales. Died a small child.
  • She was the daughter of John Burgess and Sarah Jane Herbert.
  • Eva Kate Burgess died in 1881 in Goulburn, New South Wales.

Florence Burgess

F, b. 27 June 1897, d. 10 September 1922
  • Florence Burgess was born on 27 June 1897 in Mersey, Tasmania.
  • She was the daughter of Henry Burgess and Mary Ann Sheehan.
  • At the age of 20 years, 5 months and 4 days, Florence Burgess married Alfred George Roy Stone on 1 December 1917 in Guilford Junction, Tasmania.
  • Florence Burgess died on 10 September 1922 in Devon Hospital, Latrobe, at age 25.
  • Florence was buried on 12 September 1922 in Labrobe Cemetery COE.

Florence Burgess

F, b. 12 February 1910, d. 4 April 1994

Florence Burgess

F, b. 14 November 1902, d. 14 November 1902
  • Florence Burgess died on 14 November 1902 in Brisbane, Queensland.
  • She was born on 14 November 1902 in Brisbane, Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Emily Ellen Burgess.

Florence Sarah Olive Burgess

F, b. 21 March 1895
  • Florence Sarah Olive Burgess was born on 21 March 1895 in Deloraine, Tasmania.
  • She was the daughter of William James Burgess and Frances Elizabeth Grundy.
  • At the age of 17 years, Florence Sarah Olive Burgess married Charles Edgar Cornwall, born 31 Aug 1891, the son of Francis Joseph Cronwall and Esther Louisa
    in 1913 in New Zealand.

Francis Maxwell Burgess

M, b. 28 May 1918, d. 14 June 1918
  • Francis Maxwell Burgess was born on 28 May 1918 in Moorleah, Tasmania. He was a twin to Kenneth George.
  • He was the son of Charles Edwin George Burgess and Sarah Ann Hayes.
  • Francis Maxwell Burgess died on 14 June 1918 in Moorleah, Tasmania.

Frank Burgess

M, b. 15 February 1888, d. 19 August 1916

War Memorial Deloraine, Tasmania - includes Frank Burgess' name. Photo thanks to Liz
  • Frank Burgess was born on 15 February 1888 in Deloraine, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of George Burgess and Mary Ann Smith.
  • At the age of 22 years, 5 months and 5 days, Frank Burgess married Sophia Jackson on 20 July 1910 in Sheffield. Frank was a 22 year old farmer of Droinlin? and Sophia a 20 year old spinster of Beulah.
  • Frank Burgess enlisted in the AIF on 16 October 1915 His service number was 4954 and he gave his next of kin as Sophia BURGESS, his wife of Kimberley. He had four children He was a farm labourer of Upper Natone. Frank joined the 15/12th Batallion and servced in France.
  • He was killed in action on 19 August 1916 in France at age 28.
  • Frank was buried in Courcelette British Cemetery, Somme.
    Grave of Frank Burgess (1888-1916) son of George Burgess and Mary Ann Smith - Courcelette Cemetery, Somme, FRANCE. Photo thanks to B. Kelly

Children of Frank Burgess and Sophia Jackson

Frank Burgess

M, b. 1899, d. 1987

Child of Frank Burgess

Frank Theodore Burgess

M, b. 1878, d. 1878
  • Frank Theodore Burgess died in 1878 in Goulburn, New South Wales.
  • He was born in 1878 in Goulburn, New South Wales. Died an infant.
  • He was the son of John Burgess and Sarah Jane Herbert.

Fredercik Burgess

M, b. 22 October 1908, d. 3 March 1981
  • Fredercik Burgess was born on 22 October 1908 in Melrose, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of Henry Burgess and Mary Ann Sheehan.
  • At the age of 21 years, 10 months and 8 days, Fredercik Burgess married Ruby Grace Harding on 30 August 1930 in Holy Trinity Church, Ulverstone. Ruby was born 24 Feb 1912, the daughter of Henry James Harding and Annie Smith.
  • Fredercik Burgess died on 3 March 1981 at age 72.
  • Fredercik was buried on 5 March 1984 in Mersy Vale Lawn Cemetery, Devonport.

Frederick Burgess

M, b. circa 1898

Frederick Jackson Burgess

M, b. 14 April 1882, d. 1958
  • Frederick Jackson Burgess was born on 14 April 1882 in Queensland.
  • He was the son of Allan George Burgess and Catherine Gillis.
  • Frederick Jackson Burgess appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at "Hill Farm", Gowrie Little Plain. He was a labourer, living with his mother Catherine, and step father Arthur Hill.
  • At the age of 25 years, Frederick Jackson Burgess married Maria Minnie Kath, daughter of Hermann Kath and Minna Annie Dorothy Schultz, in 1908 in Queensland.
  • Frederick Jackson Burgess died in 1958 in Queensland.

Children of Frederick Jackson Burgess and Maria Minnie Kath

George Burgess

M, b. 27 February 1814, d. 9 May 1887
  • George Burgess was baptized on 27 February 1814 in Chiselborough, Somerset, England. His father, Samuel occupation is shown as a labourer.
  • He was the son of Samuel Burgess and Ann Crocker.
  • At the age of 23 years, 9 months and 28 days, George Burgess married Ann Haines, daughter of John Haines and Maria Unknown, on 25 December 1837 in St Marks Church, West Chinnock, Somerset, England. Ann's surname was spelt HAINS. She was the daughter of John HAINS, a labourer and was a nineteen year old spinster. George was a 24 year old bachelor labourer of East Fields, West Chinnock. His father was Samuel Burgess. They signed with their mark. Witnesses to the marriage were Simeon HAMLYN and Elizabeth PURCHASE.
  • George Burgess and Ann Haines immigrated to Tasmania, Australia, on 22 November 1842. They travelled with their children George and William on the "Royal Saxon". They were Bounty Passengers, sponsered by the Launceston Immigration Aid Society. George was assigned to Mr Jennings of Kelso, presumabley as a shepherd as that was his listed occupation. He earned a wage of ?52 withoiut rations. According to the immigration records neither George nor Ann could read or write and they were of the Church of England faith.
  • George was mentioned in a letter from his parents to Samuel, George's brother in 1854. Samuel and Ann asked a neighbour of their son in law Samuel Bargery to write this letter to their son Samuel in Australia. The neighbour was George Taylor who lived in Croft Lane. He was a baker. Burgess descendants have the original letter.

    " Chiselborough May 9th, 1854
    Dear Son and Daughter,
    In answer to your kind and welcome letter of July 31st, 1853 which came safe to hand and we was glad to hear from you and more so you was enjoying good helath which is a great Blessing for you from the Alwise Creator of the Universe but we have to inform you of quite a different story. Old age and Infirmity are staring us both in the face unable Either of us to perform any kind of labour & obliged to come to the Parish allowance and you can guess what that is we want a little nourishment for old bodys while we Linger a little longer upon the Earth but we cant procure it out of our allowance only 5 shilling per week for Both and Bread 9 pence the four pound loaf and every other thing according to it and out of that we have to pay 6 pence per week for a room to live in so if it is in your power to help us to a trifle God will reward you for so doing it will be no more than the rest of you brother Emigrants done to their parents. Your cozen Henry Burgess have sent his father some Edward Langdons Emma has sent her father some Matthew Taylor have sent his father some but after all this we don't wish to distress you if you are not in abilities to do it.
    Now begin with your brother George we have not heard from him since you left home. We gave you the directions we received from him in 1842 Mr Henry Jennings Solicitor Charles Street Launceston Van Dimonds Land now about your wifes relations we sent the letter to them the same day as we received it from you. They took off the directions but we cant say where they have wrote or not They was glad to here from you and all seemed to be pretty well and remembered their kind love to you if they have not written to you we are sorry to hear of your misfortunes of loosing of your poor child and hope Ishmael is well likewise of loosing your horses hope you have recovered the loss beore this reach you your sister Anna in Jersey and husband gives their love to you they have four children times in hard on that island Elizabeth and husband gives their kind love to you they have four children your brother John and wife gives their kind love to you they have four children they would like to have come out to you but owing to their children being under age they could not come they cant come with 3 children under 7 years of age they will come when their children are above age if you give a good account of the plase then the next time you write please give us account of your occupation your sister Sarah dont injoy but a poor state of health she gives her kind love to you all she lives in Middle Chinnock they allow her only two shillings per week now about sister Ann would have come out but she cant manage to do it there is a pound to pay entrance besides and sertain quantity of clothing besides going to the port where the vessel sails from she gave in her name but cant get the money so we dont think she will come out this time she is a fine young woman and would make a good servant your sister Mary and husband gives their kind love to you they have 3 children they live in Chiselboro your uncle Daniel and all the family gives their kind love to you likewise your uncle James your cosin Jane is coming out her money is paid in it is likely she will sail this month if this reach you you will answer as soon as you can make it convenient we should be glad to hear from you once a year we hope you go to a place of worship your poor mother is sitting by the writer with tears in her eyes perhaps you little think who the writer is it is the old and staunch teetotaller George Taylor ____ like to forget if you hear from your brother George please give us his direction in your next now in conclusion may god bless you both and your dear children likewise is the earnest prayer of your affectionate father and mother Sam & Ann Burgess

    (on the front of the letter above and below the address)
    We forgot Mr Dibble and Mrs they read the newspapers theyare quite well remembers to you and hope you will do well good bye god bless you your sister Ann will be sure to come to you if you send the five pound as you promised I hope you will be able to do it

    Samuel Burgess
    ____Jews Buring Ground
    Near Goulburn in the
    County of Argyleshire
    New South Wales

    your uncle Daniels son Henry is out I give you his address Henry Burgess care of Mr Wm Mathews Storekeeper Penrith Sydney New South Wales if you write to him tell us in your next and if you ave heard or seen Mr Joseph Greenham please to let us we know he is about your neighbourhood if he is living or dead let us know."
  • After fulfilling his Bounty obligations, George worked in a number of places including Elizabeth Town and Westbury berfore finally settling on his own farm at Parkham, Deloraine where his last three children were born. However things did not go smoothly for him.. On 9 October 1858 the "Launceston Exmainer" reported a list of insolvencies. Included was George Burgess of Deloraine He was reported to have assets worth 25 pound 10 shillings and liabilities of 145 pound, 14 shilling and 9 pence.
  • George senior's name was amongst those residents of the Deloraine district listed in the "Launceston Exmaminer" on Tuesday as having been granted a Railway Rate. He received one pound three shillings as did his son Willliam. George junior received one pound seven shillings
    on 10 March 1874.
  • On 9 May 1881 the "Launceston Examiner" reported on a case in the Deloraine District Court where a George Burgess was a witness in a dispute over payment for a stack of hay.
    The article read -
    WYATT V. HEWITT. Claim for £18 12s 6d, balance due for upwards of 17 tons of hay sold and delivered by plain tiff to defendant, who, after payment of £35 on account, resisted further payment on the ground of the hay having been badly got up by plain tiff and mixed with a quantity of rubbish, making it practically useless to him. Mr G. T. Collins appeared for the plaintiff, and it was agreed between the parties that the case should be heard before the Commissioner only, without a jury. The evidence of the plaintiff was to the effect that about the 7th January defendant came to his farm, looked at his crops, and agreed to take the hay at £3 a ton, plaintiff to make it, cut, cart, and stack it in defendant's yard; witness cut the crop of defendant's hay, and carried out the agreement, delivering 17 tons 2qrs 6lbs; Mc'Mahon, who was employed by witness, ascer tained the quantity. He had received from de fendant a horse valued at £15, and £20 in cash. defendant made no complaint about the quality of the hay while the stack was being built in his yard ; it was not in witness's agreement to thatch the stack, but he put a little on to oblige defendant ; the hay did not contain a large quantity of rubbish; the stack was made rather larger than the de fendant wished. Terence Hewitt deposed that he measured the stack in March last ; Mr Hewitt refused to take it over ; it was a fair sample of hay and got up green. For the defence the defendant deposed that he agreed with plaintiff's father for from 25 to 30 tons of prime hay, and plaintiff came and asked if witness would take the hay from him instead of his father ; he went to see defendant's hay, and objected to docks, briars, and dande lion, and told plaintiff he would have nothing to do with it if that was in it ; plaintiff built the stack badly, and agreed to thatch it but did not ; the wet had gone through to the bottom and had spoilt the stack on one side ; witness was not present during the building of the stack ; he produced samples of the hay; he was using it and had used about a ton. George Burgess deposed that the first portion of the hay was in very bad state, but it was a good deal better now; the stack was not put up in a workman like manner and wet had gone through to the bottom of the stack; he valued it at from 30s to 35s a ton; he had sold good hay this year at £2 a ton. George McCleary deposed that the hay was in very bad order, and he would not give above 30s a ton for it ; there was a portion of wet hay in the middle, and there was rubbish in the stack ; he had examined it that morning. His Honour considered some abatement of the claim was due for the bad quality of the hay, and delivered a verdict for plaintiff for £14 2s 6d."
  • George Burgess died on 9 May 1887 in Westbury, Tasmania, at age 73.
  • George was buried on 10 May 1887 in Deloraine.

Children of George Burgess and Ann Haines

George Burgess

M, b. 2 January 1839, d. 25 October 1925

George Burgess & Mary Ann Smith. Photo thanks to Liz
  • George Burgess was baptized on 2 January 1839 in Chiselborough, Somerset, England. His father's occupation was shown as a labourer.
  • He was the son of George Burgess and Ann Haines.
  • George Burgess immigrated on 22 November 1842 to Tasmania, Australia, with George Burgess and Ann Haines. They travelled with their children George and William on the "Royal Saxon". They were Bounty Passengers, sponsered by the Launceston Immigration Aid Society. George was assigned to Mr Jennings of Kelso, presumabley as a shepherd as that was his listed occupation. He earned a wage of ?52 withoiut rations. According to the immigration records neither George nor Ann could read or write and they were of the Church of England faith.
  • At the age of 21 years, 7 months and 30 days, George Burgess married Mary Ann Smith on 1 September 1860 in Church of England, Deloraine, Tasmania. Witnesses to their marriage were George's brother and sister William and Maria BURGESS. Both George and Mary Ann signed with their marks. The minsiter was John McIntyre. George established a farm in the Delorane area.
  • George senior's name was amongst those residents of the Deloraine district listed in the "Launceston Exmaminer" on Tuesday as having been granted a Railway Rate. He received one pound three shillings as did his son Willliam. George junior received one pound seven shillings
    on 10 March 1874.
  • On 9 May 1881 the "Launceston Examiner" reported on a case in the Deloraine District Court where a George Burgess was a witness in a dispute over payment for a stack of hay.
    The article read -
    WYATT V. HEWITT. Claim for £18 12s 6d, balance due for upwards of 17 tons of hay sold and delivered by plain tiff to defendant, who, after payment of £35 on account, resisted further payment on the ground of the hay having been badly got up by plain tiff and mixed with a quantity of rubbish, making it practically useless to him. Mr G. T. Collins appeared for the plaintiff, and it was agreed between the parties that the case should be heard before the Commissioner only, without a jury. The evidence of the plaintiff was to the effect that about the 7th January defendant came to his farm, looked at his crops, and agreed to take the hay at £3 a ton, plaintiff to make it, cut, cart, and stack it in defendant's yard; witness cut the crop of defendant's hay, and carried out the agreement, delivering 17 tons 2qrs 6lbs; Mc'Mahon, who was employed by witness, ascer tained the quantity. He had received from de fendant a horse valued at £15, and £20 in cash. defendant made no complaint about the quality of the hay while the stack was being built in his yard ; it was not in witness's agreement to thatch the stack, but he put a little on to oblige defendant ; the hay did not contain a large quantity of rubbish; the stack was made rather larger than the de fendant wished. Terence Hewitt deposed that he measured the stack in March last ; Mr Hewitt refused to take it over ; it was a fair sample of hay and got up green. For the defence the defendant deposed that he agreed with plaintiff's father for from 25 to 30 tons of prime hay, and plaintiff came and asked if witness would take the hay from him instead of his father ; he went to see defendant's hay, and objected to docks, briars, and dande lion, and told plaintiff he would have nothing to do with it if that was in it ; plaintiff built the stack badly, and agreed to thatch it but did not ; the wet had gone through to the bottom and had spoilt the stack on one side ; witness was not present during the building of the stack ; he produced samples of the hay; he was using it and had used about a ton. George Burgess deposed that the first portion of the hay was in very bad state, but it was a good deal better now; the stack was not put up in a workman like manner and wet had gone through to the bottom of the stack; he valued it at from 30s to 35s a ton; he had sold good hay this year at £2 a ton. George McCleary deposed that the hay was in very bad order, and he would not give above 30s a ton for it ; there was a portion of wet hay in the middle, and there was rubbish in the stack ; he had examined it that morning. His Honour considered some abatement of the claim was due for the bad quality of the hay, and delivered a verdict for plaintiff for £14 2s 6d."
  • On 22 January 1894 A George Burgess was called upon to give evidence at the inquest of the death of John Spicer in Elizabeth Town. The result of the inquest was reported in the "Launceston Examiner" on Tuesday 23 January 1894. It read:- "An inquest was held yesterday at Elizabeth Town, before Mr John Hart, Coroner, and a jury of seven, on the death of John Spicer, which occurred on the previous day, the result of his being thrown from a buggy on Saturday last. Evidence was given by John A. Spicer, the son of deceased, George Burgess, and Dr. Morris, who detailed the injuries the deceased received. A verdict was returned in accordance with the medical testimony, to the effect that the deceased had died from internal haemorrhage and shock received through being accidentally thrown out of a buggy at Elizabeth Town."
  • On 10 August 1910,his wife, Mary Ann Smith died in Elizabeth Town, Tasmania, at age 67.
  • George Burgess died on 25 October 1925 in Deloraine, Tasmania, at age 86.
  • George was buried on 27 October 1925 in Deloraine, Tasmania.
    Grave of George Burgess (jnr) 1839-1925 and Mary Ann Burgess (nee Smith), Deloraine Cemetery, Tasmania. Photo Courtesy of Jenny's Lintywhite's Family History website
  • On 30 October 1925 George Burgess's obituary appeared in Advocate. It read:- NEWS OF THE NORTH-WEST -DUNORLAN
    Pioneer Passes : After suffering very infifferent health for, some mouths, a very highly respected resident of the district passed away on Sunday in the person of Mr. George Burgess, at the advanced age, of 86 years. The deceased gentleman was well and favorably known throughout the district. He was brought from England at the early age of two years, but had spent the greater part of his life in and near Dunorlan. With his wife, who predeceased him by fifteen years, he brought up a family of fifteen, two of whom have passed away. The remaining thirteen gathered on Tuesday from as far south as Bruny Island,
    and as, far west as Trowutta, to attend the funeral, as did also three brothers of the late Mr. Burgess. The funeral was largely attended by residents, and at the Deloraine cemetery the service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. Weld-Thomas."

Children of George Burgess and Mary Ann Smith

George Burgess

M, b. 26 May 1852, d. March 1939
  • George Burgess was born on 26 May 1852 in Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia.
  • He was the son of Samuel Burgess and Mary Ann Cleal.
  • George Burgess married Catherine (Kate) Unknown circa 1900.
  • George Burgess appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Captains Flat, Queanbeyan. He was a labourer.
  • He and Catherine (Kate) Unknown appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1913 living at Botany Road, Alexandria, New South Wales. George was a labourer.
  • Between 1930 and 1932 George Burgess lived in Kitchener, Sydney Road, Goulburn.
  • In 1935 In their book "The Hoopers", Elizabeth and John Hooper wrote :-"During their honeymoon (1935), Ann Hooper's granddaughter Audrey and her husband Len Volger vistied another George Burgess and his wife in Surry Hills. This couple were in their 80's and he was thought to be the son of Ann's youngest brother Samuel. Audrey's mother and brother, Elizabeth Hooper and Jack, travelled to Sydney by boat and also visited them. They were poor folk and asked for financial assistance."
  • He and Catherine (Kate) Unknown appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1935 and 1937 living at 403 Riley Street, Surry Hills. He was retired.
  • George Burgess died in March 1939 in 403 Riley Street, Surry Hills, New South Wales, at age 86.
  • George was buried on 7 March 1939 in Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood. The funeral notice in The Sydney Morning Herald read:-
    "BURGESS -The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. CATHERINE BURGESS, of 403 Riley Street, Surry Hills, are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved HUSBAND, George Burgess, late of Kitchener, Sydney Road, Goulburn; to leave Sydney Funeral Directors' Parlours, 240 King Street, Newtown, THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood. By request, no flowers."

George Burgess

M, b. 31 August 1788
  • George Burgess was baptized on 31 August 1788 in Chiselborough, Somerset, England.
  • He was the son of Edward Burgess and Susannah Hallet.
  • At the time of the 7 June 1841 census, George Burgess was living in the household of Susannah Hallet in "Old House", Chiselborough, Somerset. She is shown as an 80 year old agricultural labourer, living with her son George also an agricultural labourer, and daughter Mary.

George Burgess

M, b. 1864

George Burgess

M, b. September 1851, d. 1894
  • George Burgess's birth was registered in the Somerset, an unknown place Registration District in the September 1851 Quarter.
  • He was the son of John Burgess and Susan Hamlin.
  • George Burgess immigrated in 1855 to Moreton Bay, Queensland, with John Burgess and Susan Hamlin. John 36, and his wife Susan 31 travelled on the "Conrad" with their children Harriet 10, Elilza 7, George 4 and Anne 2. A son, William, was born on board the ship. John's sister Ann and her husband were also on the ship which arrived on 4 August.
  • George Burgesspossibly died in 1894 in Sydney. His parents are listed UNKNOWN on the death registration.

George Burgess

M, b. 14 October 1866, d. 1 October 1946
  • George Burgess was born on 14 October 1866 in Deloraine, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of George Burgess and Mary Ann Smith.
  • At the age of 31 years, 6 months and 13 days, George Burgess married Sophia Catchpole on 27 April 1898 in Sister Creek, Emu Bay, Tasmania. She was the daughter of Charles CATCHPOLE and Mary Ann MCINTOSH.
  • George Burgess died on 1 October 1946 in Wynyard, Tasmania, at age 79.
  • George was buried on 11 October 1946 in Wynyard Cemetery.
  • On 11 October 1946 George Burgess's obituary appeared in The Advocate. It read:- "MR. G. BURGESS, Mr. George Burgess, of Boat Harbor, who died in the Spencer Hospital on October 1. He was the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Burgess, of Deloraine, where he was born 80 years ago. Coming to the N.W. Coast as a young man he worked in Boat Harbor and surrounding districts for a few years and purchased several adjoining lots in, the Boat Harbor Village Reserve1 (then dense bush) as they became available. These he converted to a choice and picturesque holding. He then took up stock fattening, at which he was very successful. Owing to failing health in recent years, he had let some of hisland to neighbors. In 1898 he married Miss Sophie Catchpole, who survives him. There are no children. Latterly the couple had lived very quietly in their home overlooking Boat Harbor Beach. His straight dealing, genial disposition and dry humor made him a general favorite. Surviving
    brothers are Messrs. Arthur (Smithton). Ambrose (Preston), and Samuel (Elizabeth Town) and his sisters are Amelia (Mrs. Broomhall. Parkham), Maria (Mrs. Bennett, Waratah). Selina (Mrs. Betts. Railton), and Eliza (Mrs.T. Bennett, North Motton).
    The remains were interred in the now public cemetery, Wynyard, on October 8, REV. Terry conducting the last rites before à large gathering of friends.
    Chief mourners were Mrs. Burgess (widow), Messrs. Ambrose, and Samuel
    Burgess (brothers), and V. Broomhall (nephew). The carriers were Messrs. L.
    W. Bramich, T. S. Ridge, J. Matthews, and C. Edwards, and the pall bearers Messrs. W. H. Bramich; W. Edwards, C. Dobson and P. Ridge."

George Burgess

M, b. 30 May 1886, d. 12 April 1976
  • George Burgess was born on 30 May 1886 in Emu Bay, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of Edwin Burgess and Harriet Ramskill.
  • At the age of 25 years, 6 months and 27 days, George Burgess married Bertha Ann Lucas on 27 December 1911 in Tasmania.
  • George Burgess died on 12 April 1976 in Preston & Northcote Commun. Hospital, Preston, Victoria, at age 89.
  • George was buried in General Cemetery, Carlton, Melbourne.

Children of George Burgess and Bertha Ann Lucas

George Harold Burgess

M, b. 24 April 1904, d. 2 March 1979
  • George Harold Burgess was born on 24 April 1904 in Smithton, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of Arthur Burgess and Sarah Elizabeth McPhee.
  • At the age of 22 years, 1 month and 2 days, George Harold Burgess married Ivy Ethel Marthick on 26 May 1926 in Smithton, Tasmania.
  • George Harold Burgess married Louise May Close circa 1950.
  • On 26 March 1975,his wife, Louise May Close died at age 68.
  • George Harold Burgess died on 2 March 1979 at age 74.
  • George was buried in Burnie General Cemetery.

George John Burgess


Child of George John Burgess and Elizabeth Jane Staines

George Samuel Arthur Burgess

M, b. 20 August 1887, d. December 1948
  • George Samuel Arthur Burgess was born on 20 August 1887 in Emu Bay, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of Henry Charles Burgess and Elizabeth Walters.
  • At the age of 29 years, George Samuel Arthur Burgess married Elizabeth Middleton in 1917 in New Zealand.
  • George Samuel Arthur Burgess died in December 1948 in Otago, New Zealand, at age 61.

George Simon Burgess

M, b. 22 December 1897

George Wellesley Burgess

M, b. 1886, d. 13 March 1961
  • George Wellesley Burgess was born in 1886. He was the son of George Burgess and Esther Jane Pascoe.
  • At the age of 25 years, George Wellesley Burgess married Elsa Hebbel, daughter of John Heinrich Hebbel and Mathilda Magdeline Andersen, in 1911 in Brisbane, Queensland.
  • George Wellesley Burgess died on 13 March 1961 in Queensland.
  • George was buried on 16 March 1961 in Cabarlah Cemetery. LUTH1-00L-0019.

Georgina Burgess

F, b. 3 April 1885, d. 27 April 1951
  • Georgina Burgess was also known as Jean.
  • She was born on 3 April 1885 in Wynard, Tasmania.
  • She was the daughter of Edwin Burgess and Harriet Ramskill.
  • At the age of 18 years, 11 months and 13 days, Georgina Burgess married Alfred John Poke, son of Jabez Poke and Jane Bisset, on 16 March 1904 in Somerset, Tasmania.
  • Georgina Burgess died on 27 April 1951 in Wynyard, Tasmania, at age 66.
  • Georgina was buried on 29 April 1951 in Wynyard Cemetery.

Children of Georgina Burgess and Alfred John Poke

Gladys Ivy Burgess

F, b. 6 November 1902, d. 1993
  • Gladys Ivy Burgess was born on 6 November 1902 in New Zealand.
  • She was the daughter of Crosby Morren Burgess and Ethel May Hunter.
  • At the age of 20 years, Gladys Ivy Burgess married John Joseph Gill in 1923 in New Zealand.
  • Gladys Ivy Burgess died in 1993 in New Zealand.

Gordon Thomas Burgess

M, b. circa 1913, d. 8 March 1968
  • Gordon Thomas Burgess was born circa 1913.
  • He was the son of George Burgess and Bertha Ann Lucas.
  • Gordon Thomas Burgess died on 8 March 1968 in Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria.