Charles Alexander Johnson

M, b. 26 May 1901, d. 4 June 1977

Coral Grace Johnson

F, b. 1914, d. 13 September 1971
  • Coral Grace Johnson was born in 1914 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of William Arthur Johnson and Hannah Sarah Laura Newland.
  • At the age of 21 years, Coral Grace Johnson married Cecil George Adam Schaffer in 1935 in Queensland.
  • Coral Grace Johnson died on 13 September 1971 in Queensland.
  • Coral was buried on 15 September 1971 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. PUB2-1R2-0034.

Donald Johnson

M, b. 1928, d. 1928

Donald John Johnson

M, b. 18 July 1911

Edward William Johnson

M, b. circa 1913

Ellen Collins Johnson

F, b. 1862, d. 8 April 1952
  • Ellen Collins Johnson was born in 1862. She was the daughter of Thomas Johnson and Mary Ann Collins.
  • At the age of 18 years, Ellen Collins Johnson married William Douglas in 1880 in Queensland.
  • Ellen Collins Johnson and William Douglas appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Goombungee. William was a farmer. Their son Richard was a labourer at Goombungee.
  • Ellen Collins Johnson and William Douglas appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1925 living at Goombungee. William was a farmer. Their daughter Isabell most likely lived with them as did their son Harold.
  • On 7 October 1930,her husband, William Douglas died in Ivanhoe, Goombungee, Queensland.
  • Ellen Collins Johnson died on 8 April 1952 in Queensland.
  • Ellen was buried on 9 April 1952 in Goombungee Cemetery. CE1-00J-0001.

Children of Ellen Collins Johnson and William Douglas

Elsie Selina Johnson

F, b. circa 1914, d. 1986

Evelyn Johnson

F, b. 23 October 1903, d. 1976

Fanny Johnson

F, b. circa 1855

Child of Fanny Johnson and George Edward Harper

Francis Douglas Johnson

M, b. 22 February 1899, d. 30 October 1964

Frank Johnson

M, b. 16 August 1917, d. 1994
  • Frank Johnson was born on 16 August 1917 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Frank Johnson died in 1994.

Geoffrey Johnson

M, b. circa 1934, d. 1934

George Johnson

M, b. 9 August 1896, d. 4 May 1966
  • George Johnson was born on 9 August 1896 in Sassafras, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of Henry Johnson and Sarah Ann Burgess.
  • George Johnson enlisted in the Military on 14 April 1917 in Ulverstone, Tasmania. He was a 20 year old farmer with fair complexion, blue eyes and brown hair. He was 5"10" tall and weighted 170 lbs. He gave his next of kin as his father Henry JOHNSON of Preston.
    He was discharges as medically unfit due to a knee injury sustained when he fell off a motor bike in May 1916.
  • George Johnson married Dulcie Fay Stevens, daughter of John Stevens and Mary Ann Elizabeth Banfield, circa 1920.
  • George Johnson died on 4 May 1966 in Ulverstone, Tasmania, at age 69.
  • George was buried in Ulverstone Cemetery.

Children of George Johnson and Dulcie Fay Stevens

Hart Johnson

M, b. 1880, d. 1883

Harty John Johnson

M, b. 26 November 1884, d. 11 September 1956
  • Harty John Johnson was born on 26 November 1884 in Sassafras, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of Henry Johnson and Sarah Ann Burgess.
  • Harty John Johnson married Mary Martin circa 1910.
  • Harty John Johnson died on 11 September 1956 in Ulverstone, Tasmania, at age 71.

Child of Harty John Johnson and Mary Martin

Henry Johnson

M, b. 5 August 1856, d. 6 December 1941
  • Henry Johnson was born on 5 August 1856 in Huon, Tasmania.
  • At the age of 21 years and 12 days, Henry Johnson married Sarah Ann Burgess, daughter of George Burgess and Ann Haines, on 17 August 1877 in Brady's Plains, Deloraine, Tasmania. They had sixteen children, ten of which reached adulthood. The children were all born in Sassafras.
  • On 4 March 1926,his wife, Sarah Ann Burgess died in Ulverstone, Tasmania, at age 66.
  • Henry Johnson died on 6 December 1941 in Ulverstone, Tasmania, at age 85.
  • Henry was buried on 8 December 1941 in Ulverstone Cemetery.
  • On 10 December 1941 Henry Johnson's obituary appeared in The Advocate. It read:- "OBITUARY
    Late Mr. Henry Johnson,
    Preston. The funeral took place on Monday af ternoon at the Ulverstone cemetery of Mr. Henry Johnson, of Preston. De ceased was born in the Huon district 85
    years ago. At an early age he moved to Dunorlan, where he married Miss Sarah Burgess at the age of 21 years. They reared a family of 10 children, eight
    of whom are living-six sons, Messrs. William (Devonport), H. J. (Central Castra), Ambrose (Upper Castra), John and George (Preston) and Albert (Victoria) and two daughters, Mrs. S. Burgess (Elizabeth Town) and Mrs. P. J. Marshall (Heka). A son. Henry, and a daughter. Mrs. E. Marshall, died some years ago. Deceased moved to Preston 37 years ago, selecting 120 acres
    of virgin bush, which he developed into a fine farm. Twenty-two years ago he
    and his wife retired to Ulverstone, where they lived until the death of his wife six years later. Deceased then returned to Preston and took up residence with his son, Mr. John Johnson. Of sterling character, he had a
    wide circle of friends.
    The funeral service at the Baptist Church and graveside was taken by Rev. A. F. Roberts. The pall-bearers were Messrs. J. and T. Lewis. S. Wing and J. S.
    M'Pherson, and the carriers our nephews, Messrs. T. G. and L. J. Marshall and D. G. and L. A. Johnson. Included in a large number of wreaths were those from the Methodist Church, Preston; Parents and Friends' Association. Preston, and Ulerstone Baptist Church."

Children of Henry Johnson and Sarah Ann Burgess

Henry Johnson

M, b. circa 1880

Child of Henry Johnson and Ann Elizabeth Shearer

Henry George Johnson

M, b. 1884, d. 1885
  • Henry George Johnson was born in 1884 in Sassafras, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of Henry Johnson and Sarah Ann Burgess.
  • Henry George Johnson died in 1885 in Sassafras, Tasmania.

Henry Pat Johnson

M, b. 4 February 1888, d. 1938

Child of Henry Pat Johnson and Elsie Selina Bennett

John Johnson

M, b. 17 August 1894, d. 23 September 1957

John Frederick Johnson

M, b. 11 February 1897, d. 17 September 1970

Karl Kitchener Johnson

M, b. circa 1923, d. 1 January 1995

Leonard Johnson

M, b. circa 1927, d. 1927

M Johnson

M, b. 1889, d. 5 September 1889
  • M Johnson was born in 1889 in Sassafras, Tasmania.
  • He was the son of Henry Johnson and Sarah Ann Burgess.
  • M Johnson died on 5 September 1889 in Sassafras, Tasmania.

Margaret Johnson

F, b. 1878, d. 1951
  • Margaret Johnson was born in 1878. She was the daughter of Joseph JOHNSON and Mary Jane BROOKFIELD.
  • At the age of 24 years, Margaret Johnson married Heinrich Wecker, son of George Wecker and Elizabeth Mengel, in 1902 in Queensland.
  • On 24 December 1903,Margaret Johnson's son, Leslie George Wecker was buried in Pittsworth Cemetery.
  • Margaret Johnson died in 1951 in Brisbane, Queensland.
  • Margaret was buried on 13 April 1951 in South Brisbane Cemetery.

Children of Margaret Johnson and Heinrich Wecker

Margaret Mary Johnson

F, b. 10 May 1905, d. 1996

Merle Audrey Johnson

F, b. circa 1936, d. 1936
  • Merle Audrey Johnson was born circa 1936 in Korumburra, Victoria.
  • Merle Audrey Johnson died in 1936 in Korumburra, Victoria.
  • She was the daughter of Albert Johnson and Florence Amelia Bennett.

Molly Jane Johnson

F, b. 2 December 1930, d. 10 July 1984
  • Molly Jane Johnson was born on 2 December 1930.
  • She was the daughter of George Johnson and Dulcie Fay Stevens.
  • Molly Jane Johnson died on 10 July 1984 at age 53.

Pearl Ruby May Johnson

F, b. 1911, d. 1975
  • Pearl Ruby May Johnson was born in 1911 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of William Arthur Johnson and Hannah Sarah Laura Newland.
  • At the age of 24 years, Pearl Ruby May Johnson married Allan David McLean in 1935 in Queensland.
  • Pearl Ruby May Johnson was listed as the next of kin of Allan David McLean when he enlisted in the Australian Army on 27 May 1940 in Toowoomba. Allan gave his wife as his next of kin and was living in Toowoomba at the time he enlised. He was discahrged from the HQ Guard Battalion on 5 April 1944 with the rank of Sapper.
  • Pearl Ruby May Johnson appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1943 living at Crow's Nest. She carried out home duties. Allan didn't appear on the roll.
  • In 1959,her husband, Allan David McLean died in Queensland.
  • Pearl Ruby May Johnson died in 1975 in Queensland.

Phoebe (Febey) Johnson

F, b. 19 July 1892, d. 28 February 1925

Child of Phoebe (Febey) Johnson

Children of Phoebe (Febey) Johnson and Ernest Edwin Marshall