Lawrence F Werner

M, b. 1885, d. 1886
  • Lawrence F Werner was born in 1885 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. There was no father's name given on the birth certificate only his mother's Rosina Werner. He was born before Rosina married William in 1886 but died after the marriage.
  • He was the son of Rosina C Louise Werner.
  • Lawrence F Werner died in 1886 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. Lawrence's death was registered as Lawrence Bailey, father Charles W Bailey, mother Rosina.

Lex Ronald Werner

M, b. circa 1 January 1936, d. 27 October 1995
  • Lex Ronald Werner was born circa 1 January 1936 in Stanthorpe, Queensland.
  • He was the son of James Roy Werner and Beryl Emma Newley.
  • Lex Ronald Werner died on 27 October 1995.
  • Lex was buried in Stanthorpe Cemetery.

Lillian Werner

F, b. 1896, d. 1979

The Werner family- from the left: Hannah, Louis, Frances, Elizabeth nursing Lucy, Sidney, Roseanna (sitting), Edward and Lillian sitting on the ground. Albert and James are missing. Taken c 1908 perhaps in Toowoomba.

  • Lillian Werner was born in 1896 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • She was the daughter of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French.
  • Lillian Werner commenced school at Pinelands State School on 10 April 1905.
  • In 1908 Frances (nee Bezanson) and Walter Tickle visited Frances' aunt, Elizabeth Werner in Toowoomba. They brought Frances' young sister Eva with them. While they were there a family photo was taken.
  • Lillian and Lucy was a bridesmaid at the wedding of Emmanuel Victor Newman and Frances Elizabeth Werner, daughter of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French, on 21 May 1914 in Esk, Queensland; The following article appeared in The Brisbane Courier on 26 May 1914.
    "Newman-Werner. A wedding of considerable local interest was celebrated at the Methodist Church, Esk, yesterday (writes our Esk correspondent on May 22), when Mr. E. V. Newman, of Murrumba was married to Miss Frances Elizabeth Werner (daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. L. Werner, of Mt. Brisbane). The church was nicely decorated for the occasion, and was well filled with friends of the bride and bridegroom. The Rev. R. Whaites officiated. The bride wore a becoming gown of embroidered Crepe de Chine, trimmed with silk lace, beads, and orange blossoms. She also wore the customary wreath and veil, and carried a beautiful bouquet of everlasting daisies, lilies of the valley, Jonquils, asparagus plumosus, and maidenhair fern (the gift of the bridegroom). Three bridesmaids were in attendance - Misses Lily and Lucy Werner, and Lee Johnston, who wore Japanese silk frocks, trimmed with embossed lace and insertion, and hats to harmonise. They each carried a bouquet. Mr. J. Johnston (Brisbane) acted as best man, and Mr. A. Wolno (Murrumba) as groomsman. After the ceremony an adjournment was made to the Lyceum Hall, where about 80 guests were entertained at a wedding breakfast. The usual toasts were honoured. Mr. and Mrs. Newman left by the aftenoon train for Sydney for the honeymoon. Mrs. Newman wore a travelling dress of saxe blue cloth, with silk to harmonise, and vest of cream lace. She also wore a black velvet hat with white ostrich plume. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a travelling bag, and the bridegroom's gift to the bride was an engraved Elgin lever gold watch and muff chain. To the bridesmaids he gave handsome gold brooches. The presents were numerous and handsome, and included many cheques."
  • Lillian Werner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1919 living at Mt Brisbane Station, Murrumba. Lillian lived at Mt Brisbane and carried out home duties. Her brother Edward and was a team driver, and also lived at Mt Brisbane. Her father Louis was a teamster and her mother Elizabeth carried out home duties. A Charles Werner lived at the Club Hotel Toogoolawah and was a groom (not sure of relationship to the family.)
  • At the age of 24 years, Lillian Werner married Thomas Reid, son of Thomas Reid and Sarah Ellen Hine, in 1920 in Queensland.
  • Lillian Werner and Thomas Reid lived in Mt Tamborine, Queensland. They then moved to 69 Charlotte Street, Paddington before settling at 27 Real Avenue, Norman Park.
    Home Lillian (nee Werner) and Thomas Reid in 69 Charlotte Street, Paddington. Photo courtesy of Helen J.
  • In 1973,her husband, Thomas Reid died in Queensland.
  • Lillian Werner died in 1979 in Brisbane, Queensland.

Children of Lillian Werner and Thomas Reid

Lionel Owen Werner

M, b. 14 October 1902, d. 28 February 1987
  • Lionel Owen Werner was born on 14 October 1902 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • He was the son of George Werner and Elizabeth Jane Bezanson.
  • At the age of 26 years, Lionel Owen Werner married Alexandrina A R Mallet in 1929 in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia. They lived at Mole Vale, Tenterfield.
  • The following article appeared in the The Northern Star on 25 July 1936. It reported that "Mrs. Lionel Werner, of Tenterfield is at present an inmate of St. Vincent's Hospital, Lismore, where she is to undergo an operation. Meanwhile her small son, is staying with Mrs. Werner's aunt, Mrs. E. J. Johnson, of Clovas."
  • On 17 October 1941 the Northern Star (lismore) reported that - "Mr. and Mrs. L O. Werner and their son, Jim, of Noble Vale, Tenterfield, have returned home after a fortnight's motor tour of the Richmond, Brunswick and Byron Bay districts."
  • Lionel Owen Werner appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1954 and 1958 living at 107 Woy Woy Road, Woy Woy. He was a carrier. His father George lived at 1909 Paton Road, Woy Woy.
  • Lionel Owen Werner died on 28 February 1987 in Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia, at age 84.

Louis Francis Albig Werner

M, b. 27 August 1859, d. 6 May 1938

The Werner family- from the left: Hannah, Louis, Frances, Elizabeth nursing Lucy, Sidney, Roseanna (sitting), Edward and Lillian sitting on the ground. Albert and James are missing. Taken c 1907 perhaps in Toowoomba.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner was born on 27 August 1859 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. Louis' birth certificate shows his father, Louis Werner was a 33-year-old saddler born Germany and his mother, Rosina Albig, 26 was also born in Germany. It also shows that Louis and Rosina had a son (cannot find any record of this son) and daughter (Hannah) both living at the time of Louis' birth. Mrs Reid was present at his birth.
  • He was the son of Louis H R Werner and Magdalena (Rosina) Albig.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner was almost killed by lightening when it struck the home of his parents Louis H R Werner and Magdalena (Rosina) Albig on 27 December 1861the Werner home was struck by lightning, rendering a young man [perhaps John Bonhag, Rosina's nephew] unconscious, almost hitting a baby in a cradle [Francis Louis Albig Werner who would have been 16 months old], and causing considerable damage to the house.
    The Maitland Mercury reported the incident:- " SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS - This town was visited by a very severe thunderstorm on the night of Thursday and morning of Friday last. The storm commenced about five o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and continued with great violence until nine o'clock, when an abatement of a few hours took place, the heavens being partially clear, and perfect quiet reigning all around. However, another storm came up from the west ward about three o'clock on Friday morning, which exceeded in violence the preceding one, and startled the inhabitants from their repose. Indeed, such a severe storm has not been experienced in this neighbourhood for a considerable period. The only damage to the township which we have learned occurred at the house of Mr. Louis Werner, which was struck by the electric fluid and sustained material injury. The chimney was the attracting medium, which was literally destroyed, and the lightening, passing down both sides of the fireplace, where the wood is reduced to splinters, tore up the earthen floor and raised a quantity of dust which almost smothered the inmates. It then found its way into another chamber where a young man slept, striking him so that he lay insensible for a considerable time. The electricity then seems to have scattered about the building in all direction, causing the greatest confusion, when it ultimately found a good conductor in a cross-cut saw which was suspended from one of the rafters. The rafter and a number of the shingles of the roof were thus destroyed, and then the work of destruction ceased.
    It may be deemed very providential than none of the inmates were fatally hurt, as three separate rooms were occupied by them. A young sleeping child in a cradle had a very narrow escape, as its head was within a foot of the cross-cut saw which conducted the electric fluid though the roof. Others took place on Friday afternoon and Sunday."
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner witnessed the marriage of James William French and Mary Jane O'Brien on 1 December 1883 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia; Mary Jane O'Brien was a widow and was aged 34 years at the time of her marriage to James. He was a 26-year-old shearer. According to a letter from one of her descendants her maiden name was O'Brien. It appears that her mother had also remarried to someone named Weldon. Mary's second marriage took place at her mother's residence in Tenterfield. Witnesses to the marriage were Elizabeth Ann Weldon (her mother?) and Louis Werner. The service was officiated by William Denning according to the rites of the Weslyan Church. Mary Jane had four young children under nine at the time of the marriage.
  • At the age of 24 years, 5 months and 3 days, Louis Francis Albig Werner married Elizabeth French, daughter of William French and Elizabeth Baker, on 30 January 1884 in Tenterfield, New South Wales. The marriage record shows Louis was a 23-year-old bachelor of Tenterfield, a labourer, father Louis Werner, mother Rosina Heiss. Elizabeth (signed with her mark) was an 18-year-old spinster, a domestic servant, born Paterson River and residing in Tenterfield. Her parents were William French and Elizabeth Baker. The marriage took place at the residence of Mr Louis Werner, Tenterfield in a Wesleyan service. Witnesses to the marriage were John Heiss and Rose Louisa Werner. Consent of Elizabeth Hoskins (formerly French) mother of the bride was given to the marriage as Elizabeth French was under the age of 21 years. Louis signed his name and Elizabeth gave her mark.
  • In 1885 he was farmer at Tenterfield. The Parliamentary Returns of Landholders showed Louis owned 7.5 acres of land, previously Tenterfield Station, along with 3 horses and 5 cattle.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French had nine children . Sid, Fanny, Rose, Ted, Hannah, Lillian, Bert, Roy and Eva were all born in Tenterfield.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French moved to Pinelands, Crow's Nest, Queensland, between December 1904 and 1905.Many of the French and Werner families moved to the Toowoomba/Crow's Nest area about this time. Louis and Elizabeth's baby daughter Eva, died in a fall in February 1905 in Toowoomba. Louis found work as a teamster, hauling pine logs at Pinelands. Lilian, Hannah and Albert attended Pinelands State school from April 1905 to June 1906.
  • On 23 February 1905,their daughter, Eva Florence Werner died in Toowoomba, Queensland. Eva, excited to see the passing Salvation Army parade, climbed up on the verandah railing and fell back hitting her head.
  • On 10 April 1905 Louis and Elizabeth enrolled 11 year old Hannah, 8 year old Lily and Albert aged 5, at Pinelands State School. James, aged 5 was enrolled the following year.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French moved to Thallon Street, Crow's Nest, in 1906.Their youngest daughter Lucy was born at Pinelands, but the family moved to Crow's Nest later that year.
  • Between 1908 and 1910 Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French lived in Archibald Street, Cocks Estate, Toowoomba, Queensland. Elizabeth's sister-in-law, wife of George French gave birth to twins at the Werner home in 1908.
  • In 1913 he was a labourer at Mount Brisbane Station. They most likely lived at the Station. While they were at the Brisbane Station, their daughter Hannah married.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1913 living at Murrumba. Louis was a teamster and Elizabeth carried out home duties. Their daughter Frances also lived with them and carried out home duties.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1919 living at Murrumba, Queensland. Louis was a teamster and Elizabeth carried out home duties. Their son Edward lived at Mt Brisbane and was a team driver, Lillian also lived at Mt Brisbane and carried out home duties. A Charles Werner lived at the Club Hotel Toogoolawah and was a groom (not sure of relationship to the family.)
  • In October 1922 Louis and Elizabeth travelled to Norfolk Island to visit their son Sidney and his family. Sid was stationed there as a Police Constable for the NSW police service. According to a Newspaper article in The Brisbane Courier on Monday 23 October, 1922 the family also went to help another son on his farm.
    "Mr. Louis Werner, of Murrumba, will leave this week for Norfolk Island, when he will join one of his sons in farming and fruit culture at that place". Both Albert and James had applied for land grants on Norfolk Island in 1920.
    Elizabeth and Lucy may have returned to the island in 1925 to help Sid and his family with the move back to Sydney. A shipping notice in The Sydney Morning Herald stated " THE MAKAMHO'S PASSENGERS.
    NORFOLK ISLAND, Thursday.
    The Burns, Philp island mail steamer Makambo arrived here at daylight yesterday from the New Hebrides, and sailed at 6 p.m. for Sydney, via Lord Howe Island. The following is a list of passengers:- Mesdames Werner (2) and three children; Misses Martin, Nobbs, and Werner, Messers. Robertson, Nobbs, Bernie, Werner, Baggs, Mackenzie, Cornish, Miller, Trotter and Finlayson (2), Mesdames Cross (2)." The Werner's mentioned may have been Elizabeth and her daughter in law Sarah; Sarah and Sidney's three children; perhaps Lucy; and Sidney.
  • Later in life Louis and Elizabeth ran a chicken farm in Ropely Road, Lindum. During the war, Elizabeth's niece Ada French rented the house. Elizabeth had most likely gone to live with one of her children after the death of Louis.
    Louis Francis Werner busy plucking a choook on his farm at Ropely Road, Lindum. Taken in 1930's. Photo courtesy Helen J.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1936 living at Lindum, Queensland. Louis was a labourer and Elizabeth carried out home duties.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1937 living at "Penalby", Ganges Street, West End, Brisbane. No occupation was given for Louis. Elizabeth carried out home duties. They appeared to be living with their grandson Frank Werner, an electrician and his wife.
  • Louis Francis Albig Werner died on 6 May 1938 in Ropely Road, Lindum, Brisbane, Queensland, at age 78. Louis had been suffering from chronic myocardia and senility. Hannah his daughter registered his death, giving his parents as Louis Werner, a saddler, and mother as Rose Ann Ice (Heiss.)
  • Louis was buried on 7 May 1938 in Hemmant Cemetery, Brisbane.
    Grave of Louis Francis Albig Werner 1859-1938, Lindum Cemetery. Photo courtesy of Helen J.

Children of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French

Louis H R Werner

M, b. 1826, d. 13 January 1891
  • Louis H R Werner was born in 1826 in Prussia. Note: His name may have been Louis Heinrich R, or Louis Hermann Robert, the name he gave his third son.

    He may have been born in Ottobeuren, Unterallgau, Bayern, Germany, a sister town to Tenterfield but it is unproven.
    Memorial to German Settlers in Tenterfiled (Werner name included). Tenterfield and Ottobeuren are partner towns. Photo thanks to Lola
  • He was the son of Louis Henry Werner and Josephine Unknown.
  • Louis H R Werner immigrated to Sydney in 1855. He is thought to have arrived on the Daniel Ross, which arrived in Sydney on the 27 April 1855 from Hamberg captained by J L Kessal. Louis was naturalised on 6 August 1859 and gave his ships name as Daniel Ross and the date of arrival as 1855, however his name cannot be made out on the passenger list.
  • At the age of 31 years, Louis H R Werner married Magdalena (Rosina) Albig, daughter of Johann Friedrich Christof Albig and Johanna (Rosina) Heiss, on 12 July 1857 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. The marriage was officiated by Timothy McCauley /McCarthy?, in the "Church of Rome". Witnesses to the marriage were X Abbig and Catherine Hedley. The name Albig was spelt ABBIG throughout the certificate. The place of birth of the bride and groom, parents name and occupation were all given as NOT KNOWN.
  • On 15 July 1857 Louis and Rosina were witnesses to the marriage of Johann Christian SHAETTE and Louise Dorothea VON EINEM born KOCH.

  • In 1858 Louis H R Werner and Magdalena (Rosina) Albig lived in on the corner of Miles and Scott Street, Tenterfield, New South Wales.
    Louis and Rosina's daughter Rose (Rosina Bailey)'s obituary written in 1952, gives details of where the Werner family lived. "The Werner home was situated at the corner, near the intersection of Miles and Scott Street and occupied the site where later the Curren home was erected. Mrs Bailey was born in 1862 and was the third child in a family of eight. Two of this family still survives, namely Miss Louisa retired hospital matron, and George, both of Sydney."
  • In 1859 Louis was naturalized. His place of origin was given as Prussia and his age 33. According to the Naturalization list he arrived on the ship "Daniel Ross" in 1855.
  • Louis H R Werner was the informant of the death of Johanna (Rosina) Heiss on 23 February 1860 in Tenterfield, New South Wales. Rosina's death certificate shows she was born Wurternburg, Germany and had been in New South Wales for 5 years. Maiden name Heiss, her father was a farmer. The informant was her son in law Louis Werner. Husband's name Frederick Albig. She was 66 years old and died of dropsy.
  • On 27 December 1861 the Werner home was struck by lightning, rendering a young man [perhaps John Bonhag, Rosina's nephew] unconscious, almost hitting a baby in a cradle [Francis Louis Albig Werner who would have been 16 months old], and causing considerable damage to the house.
    The Maitland Mercury reported the incident:- " SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS - This town was visited by a very severe thunderstorm on the night of Thursday and morning of Friday last. The storm commenced about five o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and continued with great violence until nine o'clock, when an abatement of a few hours took place, the heavens being partially clear, and perfect quiet reigning all around. However, another storm came up from the west ward about three o'clock on Friday morning, which exceeded in violence the preceding one, and startled the inhabitants from their repose. Indeed, such a severe storm has not been experienced in this neighbourhood for a considerable period. The only damage to the township which we have learned occurred at the house of Mr. Louis Werner, which was struck by the electric fluid and sustained material injury. The chimney was the attracting medium, which was literally destroyed, and the lightening, passing down both sides of the fireplace, where the wood is reduced to splinters, tore up the earthen floor and raised a quantity of dust which almost smothered the inmates. It then found its way into another chamber where a young man slept, striking him so that he lay insensible for a considerable time. The electricity then seems to have scattered about the building in all direction, causing the greatest confusion, when it ultimately found a good conductor in a cross-cut saw which was suspended from one of the rafters. The rafter and a number of the shingles of the roof were thus destroyed, and then the work of destruction ceased.
    It may be deemed very providential than none of the inmates were fatally hurt, as three separate rooms were occupied by them. A young sleeping child in a cradle had a very narrow escape, as its head was within a foot of the cross-cut saw which conducted the electric fluid though the roof. Others took place on Friday afternoon and Sunday."
  • Louis H R Werner was the informant of the death of Johann Friedrich Christof Albig on 17 February 1868 in Tenterfield, New South Wales. On his death Frederick Albig was registered as Frederick Albig Heiss. He was a well sinker, aged 77 and he died of natural decay after a 7-day illness. There had been no doctor in attendance. His parents names were recorded as Unknown. The informant was his son-in-law Louis Werner of Tenterfield. The undertaker was Jacob Heiss (Frederick's son whose birth surname was Albig), minister Arthur Rutledge (Wesleyan) and witnesses were Henry Bachfield and Charles Krahe. Frederick had been born in Germany, and had been in NSW for 12 years. Frederick had married at age 26 to Johanna Rosina Heiss and their children were Laurence, Rosina (twins since deceased), Christian 41, Andrew 38, Jacob 35 and Rosina 31.
  • In July 1868 Louis collected monies for the Prince Albert Hospital Fund, donating 1shilling himself.
  • In June 1869 Louis was an active memeber of the community and had an interest in the schooling of his children. On 20 Jul 1869 the Clarence & Richmond Examiner reported - " NATIONAL SCHOOL - The monthly meeting of the Local Patrons of the National School, was held on Monday, 5th. June, Mr. William Gordon was voted, into the chair. Four additional Local Patrons were added to the list, viz., Messrs. J. M.Scuter, S. Davidson, T. Allen, and T. Peberdy. Mr Lewis Werner was elected secretary pro tem. The late secretary charged Mr. Werner with having made use of certain expressions at a previous meeting, that was rather derogatory to the Board, and he considered that Mr. Werner ought to resign. Some discussion then ensued when Mr. Gordon asked leave to vacate the chair, which having been granted, Mr. Merrill took the same, when the meeting unanimously decided that "Mr. Werner be requested to resign his office as secretary."
  • The Grevilles Post Office Directory of 1872 shows him as WERNER LOUIS SADDLER --- TENTERFIELD.

  • In October 1874 Louis caused himself harm as reported in the Clarence and Richmond River Examiner on 20 October 1874 - "POSSESSED OF A DEVIL Louis Werner, a labourer residing in Tenterfield, last week, gouged his right eye with a fork, and after burying it, filled the cavity up first with stinging nettles, then with coarse salt, all because that member offended him. It seems that Werner periodically becomes a mono-maniac, and during the madness, he does most rash and curious things. At times he will work in his garden in the dead of night, clothed only in nettles; at other times his poor children must go with him in the most solitary places, to pray. These fits last about a week, and it is more than probable that the loss of his eye sorely grieves him, and he ought to be thankful that the injury is not greater, for after he had plucked his eye out, he was about cutting off his foot, but was prevented by some neighbours who luckily observed him."
  • In 1885, according to the Parliamentary Land Deeds, Louis owned 3.5 acres of Tenterfield Station, and 8 cattle.
  • Louis H R Werner died on 13 January 1891 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. His son Herman (Richard) was the informant of his father's death. The certificate shows Louis was a 65 year old harness maker of Tenterfield, who was born in Prussa and had been in Australia for 36 years. His father was Louis Henry Werner, a captain in the Prussian Army and mother Josephine. Louis had been married in Tenterfield 31 years ago to Rosie HEISS (should be ALBIG). His living children were listed as Hannah 33, Louis 31, Rose 29, Charles 27, Herman 23, Elizabeth 19, Louisa 16 and George 14. There was one deceased male (Frederick) and one deceased female (Catherine L). He died of inflammation of the bowels.
  • Louis was buried on 15 January 1891 in Tenterfield Cemetery. The undertaker was John Williams. He was buried by a Wesleyan minister. Witnesses to the burial were John Lomax and Walter Dimmick - Row 1 Lot 29 with a Headstone.
    Grave of Louis Werner (1826-1891) and Rosina Albig (1835-1905) and their son Frederick (1870-1887). Tenterfield Cemetery. Photo thanks to Lesley W.

Children of Louis H R Werner and Magdalena (Rosina) Albig

Louis Henry Werner

M, b. circa 1800
  • Louis Henry Werner was born circa 1800.
  • He was Captain in Prussian Army.
  • Louis Henry Werner married Josephine Unknown circa 1824.

Child of Louis Henry Werner and Josephine Unknown

Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner

M, b. 1889, d. 1965
  • Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner was born in 1889 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • He was the son of Charles Frederick Werner and Catherine Rosina Geyer.
  • Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner was also known as Lewis. Louis started spelling his first name as Lewis during the first World War to Anglicise it.
  • Lewis worked as a well sinker for the Department of Water Conservation and Irrigation, a job taking him all over the mid west of New South Wales. The family lived at Condobolin until the children were in their mid teens. The family then moved to Canterbury.
  • At the age of 27 years, Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner married Florence Emma May Knight, daughter of John Knight and Emma Brett, in 1916 in Alburn, New South Wales.
  • Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner and Florence Emma May Knight appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at Coogee, Bathurst Street, Condobolin, New South Wales. Lewis was a driller and Florence carried out home duties.
  • Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner and Florence Emma May Knight appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1936 living at 24 Canton Street, Canterbury, New South Wales. Lewis was a driller and Florence carried out home duties.
  • Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner and Florence Emma May Knight appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1949 living at 10 Taybank Street, Canterbury. Lewis was a driller and Florence carried out home duties. Their children John Lewis, a patternmaker and Vera Florence, as salesgirl and Edith Constance, a salesgirl also lived with them.
  • Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner and Florence Emma May Knight appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1963 living at 10 Phillips Avenue, Canterbury, Sydney, New South Wales. Lewis was still listed as a driller and Florence carried out home duties. Their son and his wife lived in Wearne Street, Canterbury.
  • Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner died in 1965 in Sydney Private Hospital, Ashfield, Sydney.

Child of Louis Herman (Lewis) Werner and Florence Emma May Knight

Louisa M Werner

F, b. 1874, d. 1961

Louisa Werner (1874-1961), on right, daugther of Louis Werner and Rosina Albig. Taken in 1914. Photo thanks to Helen J.

  • Louisa M Werner was born in 1874 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • She was the daughter of Louis H R Werner and Magdalena (Rosina) Albig.
  • He was a hospital matron.
  • On 16 April 1919 Louisa wrote a letter to the District Commandant of the Army enquiring as to the whereabouts of her nephew George Andrew Werner's Distinguished Conduct Medal. Her sister-in-law, Jean Mann, had given the Army Louisa's address (Villa Santamarina, Albion Street, Waverly) as her contact address in February 1919 and was presumedly living with Louisa at the time of Louisa's letter to the Army.
  • Louisa M Werner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at 325 Marrickville Road, Dulwich Hill, Sydney. She was a matron.
  • She appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1936 living at 48 Jersey Road, Paddington. She carried out home duties.
  • She appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1943 and 1958 living at 21 or 25 Moore Park Road, Centennial Park, Queensland. She was a nurse.
  • Louisa M Werner died in 1961 in Burwood, Sydney, New South Wales.

Lucy Isabel Werner

F, b. 2 January 1906, d. 27 September 1984

Alfred Jabez Harriman & Lucy Isabel Werner on their wedding day 12 July 1930. Photo courtesy of Helen J.

  • Lucy Isabel Werner was born on 2 January 1906 in Pinelands, Crow's Nest, Queensland. Her father Louis Francis Werner was the informant and gave his occupation as a labourer, aged 45 years, born Tenterfield. Her mother was Elizabeth nee French aged 39 years born Paterson, NSW. She had 8 living sibling and one deceased (Eva.)
  • She was the daughter of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French.
  • In 1908 Frances (nee Bezanson) and Walter Tickle visited Frances' aunt, Elizabeth Werner in Toowoomba. They brought Frances' young sister Eva with them. While they were there a family photo was taken.
  • In 1908 Fanny and Rose conducted a dressmaking business from their parent's home in Archibald Street. These photos show Frances and Rose on the verandah of two houses with their mother Elizabeth and sister Lucy. The plaque on the fence and wall behind them advertises the dressmaking business.
  • Lucy Werner did her schooling at Murrumba Crossing on the Brisbane River while her father worked on the Brisbane Station - the crossing and the surrounding area are now covered by the Wivenhoe Dam. Lucy stayed with her elder sister Hannah (then SEDGEMAN) to finish primary school in Kilcoy. In her later teens she lived for a time with her parents on Norfolk Island - a visit to her eldest brother Sid who was working as a NSW policemen there. They then returned to live in Ropely Road Lindum (near Wynnum) where the little house was still occupied a few years ago.
    Murrumba School 1920. Lucy Isabel Werner is standing on the left in the white dress. Her mother Elizabeth is on the right in the back row and Jean Werner (wife of Edward) is holding Grace Isabel in the middle back row. Photo courtesy of Helen J.
  • Lillian and Lucy was a bridesmaid at the wedding of Emmanuel Victor Newman and Frances Elizabeth Werner, daughter of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French, on 21 May 1914 in Esk, Queensland; The following article appeared in The Brisbane Courier on 26 May 1914.
    "Newman-Werner. A wedding of considerable local interest was celebrated at the Methodist Church, Esk, yesterday (writes our Esk correspondent on May 22), when Mr. E. V. Newman, of Murrumba was married to Miss Frances Elizabeth Werner (daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. L. Werner, of Mt. Brisbane). The church was nicely decorated for the occasion, and was well filled with friends of the bride and bridegroom. The Rev. R. Whaites officiated. The bride wore a becoming gown of embroidered Crepe de Chine, trimmed with silk lace, beads, and orange blossoms. She also wore the customary wreath and veil, and carried a beautiful bouquet of everlasting daisies, lilies of the valley, Jonquils, asparagus plumosus, and maidenhair fern (the gift of the bridegroom). Three bridesmaids were in attendance - Misses Lily and Lucy Werner, and Lee Johnston, who wore Japanese silk frocks, trimmed with embossed lace and insertion, and hats to harmonise. They each carried a bouquet. Mr. J. Johnston (Brisbane) acted as best man, and Mr. A. Wolno (Murrumba) as groomsman. After the ceremony an adjournment was made to the Lyceum Hall, where about 80 guests were entertained at a wedding breakfast. The usual toasts were honoured. Mr. and Mrs. Newman left by the aftenoon train for Sydney for the honeymoon. Mrs. Newman wore a travelling dress of saxe blue cloth, with silk to harmonise, and vest of cream lace. She also wore a black velvet hat with white ostrich plume. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a travelling bag, and the bridegroom's gift to the bride was an engraved Elgin lever gold watch and muff chain. To the bridesmaids he gave handsome gold brooches. The presents were numerous and handsome, and included many cheques."
  • Lucy Isabel Werner and her parents Louis and Elizabeth travelled to Norfolk Island to visit their son Sidney and his family. Sid was stationed there as a Police Constable for the NSW police service. According to a Newspaper article in The Brisbane Courier on Monday 23 October, 1922 the family also went to help another son on his farm.
    "Mr. Louis Werner, of Murrumba, will leave this week for Norfolk Island, when he will join one of his sons in farming and fruit culture at that place". Both Albert and James had applied for land grants on Norfolk Island in 1920.
    Elizabeth and Lucy may have returned to the island in 1925 to help Sid and his family with the move back to Sydney. A shipping notice in The Sydney Morning Herald stated " THE MAKAMHO'S PASSENGERS.
    NORFOLK ISLAND, Thursday.
    The Burns, Philp island mail steamer Makambo arrived here at daylight yesterday from the New Hebrides, and sailed at 6 p.m. for Sydney, via Lord Howe Island. The following is a list of passengers:- Mesdames Werner (2) and three children; Misses Martin, Nobbs, and Werner, Messers. Robertson, Nobbs, Bernie, Werner, Baggs, Mackenzie, Cornish, Miller, Trotter and Finlayson (2), Mesdames Cross (2)." The Werner's mentioned may have been Elizabeth and her daughter in law Sarah; Sarah and Sidney's three children; perhaps Lucy; and Sidney
    with Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French in October 1922.
  • Lucy Isabel Werner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at Maranoa Electroral District, Queensland.
  • In 1930 he was a nurse.
    Nurse Lucy Werner (1906-1984), daughter of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French. Photo courtesy of Helen J.
  • Between July 1930 and July 1934 Lucy Isabel Werner and Alfred Jabez Harriman lived in Stanthorpe, Queensland. Alfred was a partner in Crisp's Transport with his cousins Arnold Alfred Crisp and Norman Ernest Crisp.
  • At the age of 24 years, 6 months and 10 days, Lucy Isabel Werner married Alfred Jabez Harriman, son of Ernest Harriman and Emma Newley, on 12 July 1930 in Albert Street Methodist Church, Brisbane, Queensland. After their marriage Lucy and Alfred lived in Stanthorpe where Alfred was a partner in Crisps Transport.
    Alfred Jabez Harriman & Lucy Isabel Werner on their wedding day 12 July 1930. Attendants are Emma Joyce Harriman and Colin McLucas. Photo courtesy of Helen J.
  • Between 1933 and 1950 Lucy Isabel Werner and Alfred Jabez Harriman lived in Silver Spur, Texas, Queensland. Alfred drew a block of land at Silver Spur where they family dairied for 17 years. Lucy travelled back to Stanthorpe for the birth of their second and third sons.
  • Lucy Isabel Werner and Alfred Jabez Harriman appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1936 and 1949 living at Maranoa Electroral District, Queensland.
  • Between 1951 and 1955 Lucy Isabel Werner and Alfred Jabez Harriman lived in Drillham. Here they operated a dairy farm.
  • Between 1955 and 1960 Lucy Isabel Werner and Alfred Jabez Harriman lived in Kingsthorpe. Alf operated a butcher's shop there until it was closed. The family then moved to Brisbane where Alf found work as a builder's labourer. The family moved around Brisbane several times. Alf and Lucy finally retired to Zillmere.
  • In September 1984 Lucy Isabel Werner and Alfred Jabez Harriman lived in 1 Lovegrove Street, Zillmere.
  • Lucy Isabel Werner died on 27 September 1984 in Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, at age 78. Lucy died from bronchopneumonia from which she had suffered for 24 hours. She also suffered from subarachnoid haemmorrhage.
  • Lucy was cremated on 29 September 1984 in Albany Creek Crematorium.

Marcella Ellen Werner

F, b. 1895, d. 7 December 1895
  • Marcella Ellen Werner was born in 1895 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • She was the daughter of Hermann Robert Emil Werner and Jean Mann.
  • Marcella Ellen Werner died on 7 December 1895 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. She was one week old.
  • Marcella was buried in Tenterfield Cemetery. Row 1 Lot 30 in an Unmarked Grave.

Raymond J Werner

M, b. 1898, d. 1898

Robert Emil Werner

M, b. 21 August 1897, d. 4 July 1956

Robert Emil Werner (1897-1956), son of Hermann Robert Emil Werner and Jean Mann. Photo courtesy of Helen J.
  • Robert Emil Werner was born on 21 August 1897 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • He was the son of Hermann Robert Emil Werner and Jean Mann.
  • Robert Emil Werner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at Emmaville. He was shown as Emil Robert and was a grocer. A Frederick William Rothchild Werner, a miner also lived in Emmaville but he does not appear to be related to Robert Emil.
    House that once belonged to Bob Werner in Emmaville. There was once a shop, now removed attached to the side of the house.
  • At the age of 33 years, Robert Emil Werner married Phyllis Lorna Bagster, daughter of George Bagster and Catherine Ann Donoghue, in 1931 in Emmaville, New South Wales.
  • He was a shopkeeper employed by John Foley Ltd and then Davidson and Curnow.
    Staff of Foley's store - back L-R - Dick Curnow, Bob Werner, Davey Davidson, Ken Lowrey. Front L-R Dudley Say, Verdyn Rooney. Photo courtesy of Emmaville Mining Museum
    Bob Werner (on left) & Verdyn Rooney of the Davidson & Curnow staff burying a lantern in a ceremony to celebrate to coming of electricity to Emmaville in October 1951. Note the tartan & bagpipes behind Verdyn. Photo thanks to Emmaville Mining Museum
    Bob Werner moving drums of lamp fuel, while customer line up to by new electrical appliances in the Davidson & Curnow store, Emmaville October 1951. Photo courtesy of Emmaville Mining Museum
  • Robert Emil Werner and Phyllis Lorna Bagster appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1936 and 1943 living at Inverell Road, Emmaville. Emil was a grocer and Phyllis carried out home duties. An Allan Werner & Frederick William Werner, both miners but no relation also lived in Emmaville.
  • Robert Emil Werner enlisted in the Military on 10 August 1942 in Emmaville, New South Wales. He was a Corporal in the 3rd Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps part time. He listed his next of kin as Phyllis. Robert was discharged on 30 September 1945.
  • He and Phyllis Lorna Bagster appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1954 living at Emmaville. Emil was a grocer and Phyllis carried out home duties. Their daughter also lived with them as worked as an office assistant.
  • Robert Emil Werner died on 4 July 1956 in Emmaville, New South Wales, at age 58. He died after suffering three heart attacks. After Robert's death Phyllis moved to Sydney.
  • Robert was buried on 5 July 1956 in Emmaville Cemetery.

Rosanna Werner

F, b. 2 January 1889, d. 1 August 1964

Roseanne Austin (1889 - 1964), daughter of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French. Taken c 1910 after her marriage to George James Austin. Photo courtesy of Helen J.

  • Rosanna Werner was born on 2 January 1889 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • She was the daughter of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French.
  • In 1906 In 1906 Rose accompanied her family from Tenterfield to Queensland. Her baby sister Eva died in a fall in Toowoomba in February 1905. Her father Louis Werner had found work at Pinelands hauling pine. The family lived at Pinelands from April 1905 until June 1906 where her siblings Hannah, Lillian and Bert attended the Pinelands School. The family then moved to Crow's Nest for a few years. While in Crows Nest Rose met young George Austin. By 1908 the family was living at Archibald Street, Toowoomba and Rose most likely went to work for Dr Hendrickson as a receptionist.
  • In 1908 Fanny and Rose conducted a dressmaking business from their parent's home in Archibald Street. These photos show Frances and Rose on the verandah of two houses with their mother Elizabeth and sister Lucy. The plaque on the fence and wall behind them advertises the dressmaking business.
    Rose, Ellzabeth (holding Lucy), and Frances Werner standing in front of their house where possibly both Frances and Rose ran a dressmaking business. Photo taken c 1909. Photo thanks to Ray Cullen
    Rose, Frances, Lucy and Elizabeth Werner at their home in Archibald Street, Toowomba. Rose and Fanny condcuted a dressmaking business from the house. The plaques advertising the busineess can be partially seen behind Rose. Taken c 1910. Photo courtesy Helen J.
  • At the age of 21 years, 4 months and 9 days, Rosanna Werner married George James Austin, son of Thomas Henry Ascendant Austin and Ellen Hooper, on 11 May 1910 in Crow's Nest, Queensland, Australia.
    George James Austin and Roseanna Werner on their wedding day 11 May 1910, Crow's Nest.
  • Family hearsay has it that Rose ran a dressmaking shop with her older sister Fanny in Crows Nest before her marriage. Other sources indicate a cafe. Rose is believed to have made Alice Ann Gillies wedding dress for her marriage to Egbert Thomas Spencer Lower Maddern on 15 Feb 1911 and a matching dress for her sister Jessie Gillies who married James Perkins in a double wedding. This would have been a hard task for Rose, as she had her first baby, Cyril, around the same time as Alice and Egbert's marriage.
  • In their first three years of marriage Rose and George lived at Mountain Camp, then Rose accompanied George to Cooyar where he was contracted to haul timber, living in a tent with their small children. By the time the family returned from Cooyar, there were four children, Cyril, Myrtle, Iris and Berry. Rose always returned to Crow's Nest to have her children. During the day, not being trustful of strangers she would often take to hiding in the bush with the children if she heard anyone approaching the campsite.
  • Rosanna Werner and George James Austin appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1913 and 1936 living at Virginia, Crow's Nest. He was a teamster.
  • "The Courier Mail" reported on the death of Iris on 26 June 1918. "Child Fatally Burned - A burning accident, attended with fatal results , occurred at Virginia, six miles from Crows Nest, on Monday, the victim being Iris May Austin, the two-and-a-half-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. G Austin. The little one fell into a fire and was badly burned about the body and head. She was conveyed to the Toowoomba General Hospital for treatment but died in that institution during Monday night."
  • Rose was an excellent seamstress and made most of the children's clothes by hand, a few being bought from the travelling salesman. She made all of Georges flannel shirts by hand, double seaming them with tiny stitches. She was able to play the piano by ear and always kept the house immaculate, scrubbing the pine floors white.
  • Rosanna Werner and George James Austin appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at Virginia. George was a teamster.
  • Rosanna Werner and George James Austin appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1943 living at Virginia, Crow's Nest. George was a teamster and Rose Ann carried out home duties. Their sons George Eric and Vivian Edward, farm labourers and farmer were also living at Virginia.
  • Rosanna Werner died on 1 August 1964 in Toowoomba, Queensland, at age 75.
  • Rosanna was buried in Crow's Nest, Queensland.
    Grave George James Austin and Rose Ann Werner - Crow's Nest Cemetery
  • In October 1964Rosanna Werner's obituary appeared in The Toowoomba Chronicle. It read:- "Mrs Rose Ann Austin of Virginia who passed away recently was one of the Crows Nest Districts well known personalities. Formerly Miss Rose Anne Werner she was born at Tenterfield NSW on 2 January 1889. In 1906, accompanied by her parents she first came to Toowoomba and then to Crows Nest where her father worked a horse team hauling pine from Pinelands to Crows Nest.
    She and her sister Fanny conducted a café in Crow’s Nest for a number of years. In 1906(?) she went to work for Dr Hendrickson in Toowoomba as a receptionist until she married George Austin on 10(11) May 1910. Mr and Mrs Austin moved to Mountain Camp for three years, then Cooyar where they spent another five years. They finally moved back to Virginia where they carried on dairying and grazing right up until the time of Mrs Austin's death.
    Mrs Austin was one of the foundation members of the Virginia Public Hall and was an ardent worker for all hall and school functions.
    Mrs Austin had a family of six sons and six daughters, a son and a daughter predeceased her. In addition to her husband, five sons and five daughters the late Mrs Austin had 48 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren"
    (Inserted by her husband George Austin.)"

Children of Rosanna Werner and George James Austin

Rosina C Louise Werner

F, b. 1862, d. 3 April 1952

William Bailey and Rose (nee Werner). Taken c 1900. Photo thanks to Alan Taber.

  • Rosina C Louise Werner was also known as Rose.
  • She was born in 1862 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • She was the daughter of Louis H R Werner and Magdalena (Rosina) Albig.
  • In October 1876 Rose was present when her friend drowned in Tenterfield Creek.
    The Evening News (Sydney) reported on 31 October 1876 - " Sad Death of a Brave Girl
    A poor little girl, in endeavouring to save her younger brother from drowning, met with her death last Saturday in the Tenterfield Creek, close to the town and, as will be seen by the following brief account of the disaster, a nobler example of true heroism has never been chronicled. It appears that a little boy, named William Linedale, aged seven years, son of Mr. A . Linedale, carpenter and builder, went to bathe in the Tenterfield Creek in company with several other children, shortly after four o'clock in the afternoon. He was unable to swim, having gone into very deep water, he almost immediately sank. His sister was standing on the bank, and seeing his danger, jumped in to his rescue, but the water being very deep she was not able to succeed in her humane efforts at saving her brother's life. Another little girl named Rosina Werner couragiously leaped in to render assistance and in doing so was herself placed in immediate danger, the deceased laying hold of her foot and holding on for dear life. After Rosina Werner managed to reach the bank deceased cried out, ' Save me, Rosy, do," and immediately sank. On alarm being given, Mr. Beattie, who was at work in a neighbouring paddock, succeeded in rescuing the boy. The spectators must have been paralysed, with fear or else so anxious about the boy's life that no one could inform Mr. Beattie where Mary Linedale had disappeared, but that gentleman continued his search unassisted till a messenger was dispatched to the cricket ground near at hand, where there were several young men congregated. The information, however, was of such a dubious nature that those present did not pay much attention to the intelligence, treating it at first as a joke, but subsequently perceiving the danger they hastened, with all possible speed, to render their assistance. When they arrived at the scene, no one seemed to know the exact place where the little girl had disappeared; but to their credit be it said, that all who were able to swim went into the water immediately, and the people on the bank (of whom there were a large number) were most anxious about the saving of the child ; all efforts, however, were in vain, and it was not until she had been in the water about forty minutes, that Mr J. Woods fancied he felt something with his feet. Mr Laird, who arrived, dived and succeeded in bringing the body to the surface. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon last, and the large numbers who followed the remains of the deceased girl to her last resting place showed the esteem in which she was held during her short earthly career, also the sympathy felt by the public for the bereaved family.— Tenterfield Star."
  • On 9 September 1879 the Maitland Mercury reported: -News was received in town on Thursday morning of an offence of a like nature being attempted in the same neighbourhood as the previous one, and this time also at the house of one of the sons of the above-named gentleman. It appears that Mr. John Curry, although carrying on the business of butcher in Tenterfield, resides with his wife and young family about two miles from the town, and about half-a-miile from the residence of his father. On Thursday morning, Mr. Curry had occasion to be in town very early, and left his residence with his wife about 6 o'clock, leaving only the servant, a girl named Rose Werner, in charge of the house. About half-an-hour after Mr. Curry and wife had left, the attention of the girl was attracted to a man that she saw skulking behind a log near the house. She watched him for some time, but after awhile had occasion to go to another part of the house, when she heard a noise in one of the bedrooms. She went to ascertain the cause, and found the man partly in the room through an open window. The girl called for assistance, and the intended thief made off to a short distance from the house, and hid behind some bushes. He, however, appears to have watched the girl, for he again made the attempt to get into the house. The girl, greatly terrified, screamed for assistance, and her cries being heard by the elder Mr. Curry, he at once went to see what was the matter, but in the meantime the scoundrel had made off, and although Mr. Curry searched for him he got clear away."
  • Rosina C Louise Werner witnessed the marriage of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French on 30 January 1884 in Tenterfield, New South Wales; The marriage record shows Louis was a 23-year-old bachelor of Tenterfield, a labourer, father Louis Werner, mother Rosina Heiss. Elizabeth (signed with her mark) was an 18-year-old spinster, a domestic servant, born Paterson River and residing in Tenterfield. Her parents were William French and Elizabeth Baker. The marriage took place at the residence of Mr Louis Werner, Tenterfield in a Wesleyan service. Witnesses to the marriage were John Heiss and Rose Louisa Werner. Consent of Elizabeth Hoskins (formerly French) mother of the bride was given to the marriage as Elizabeth French was under the age of 21 years. Louis signed his name and Elizabeth gave her mark.
  • At the age of 24 years, Rosina C Louise Werner married William Charles Bailey, son of William Bailey and Elizabeth Cubis, in 1886 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • On 25 February 1916,her husband, William Charles Bailey died in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia, at age 53.
  • Rosina C Louise Werner appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at Curry's Creek, Tenterfield, New South Wales. She carried out home duties.
  • Rosina C Louise Werner died on 3 April 1952 in Mt McKenzie, Tenterfield, New South Wales.
  • Rosina was buried in Tenterfield Cemetery.
    Headstone of William Bailey and Rosina (Rose) Werner, Tenterfield Cemetery. Photo thanks to Lesley Whitla
  • In April 1952 Rosina C Louise Werner's obituary appeared in Tenterfield newspaper. It read:- "OBITUARY
    On April 3, 1952 there passed away at her home near Mt McKenzie, one of the oldest most useful and highly respected ladies of Tenterfield, in the person of Mrs Rose Bailey. She had reached the venerable age of 90 years.
    During the last few years she had suffered some severe illnesses, which undermined her physical strength, but her mental faculties were alert and she could read without glasses right up to the time of her death. Almost to the end of her life she was a familiar figure about the town.
    Her father was Louis Werner, who arrived in Tenterfield in the fifties of the last century. He was a well known harness maker of the town.
    He mother, before her marriage, Miss Rose Heiss – on her arrival in Australia, resided Wyangarie Station on the Upper Richmond River. One brother was killed there as a result of an accident with a horse. Another brother was the late Jacob Andrew Heiss, of Tenterfield, father of Mr. C Heiss.
    The Werner home was situated at the corner, near the intersection of Miles and Scott Street and occupied the site where later the Curren home was erected. Mrs Bailey was born in 1862 and was the third child in a family of eight. Two of this family still survives, namely Miss Louisa retired hospital matron, and George, both of Sydney.
    Miss Rose Werner married William Bailey, son of pioneer William Bailey. Other children of William Bailey sen and his wife – previously Miss Cubis – were George who died recently at Kyogle at a great age; Herbert; Arthur usually called “Peter”; Thurza (Mrs Collins); and Elizabeth (Mrs French). The Bailey home, long since demolished was not far from the corner of Molesworth and Scott Streets, and was situated between the two other old homes in the vicinity, Plowman’s and the corner house which were recently demolished.
    The home in Scott Street (Plowman’s) was the home of Arthur Bailey (Mr. Arthur T Bailey’s father), while the corner house was the home of William Bailey who married Rose Werner. It was there that their only child Fred was born.
    The Bailey property extended from Scott Street to Tenterfield Creek and included what are now the two bowling greens and crocket lawn and old freezing works. They also owned the property across Molesworth Street, on which is the old brick house, now occupied by Walter Marshall.
    The portion on which the first bowling green is constructed was disposed of for the erection of a butter factory. This was in operation there for many years, until eventually, it was burnt down, and the present factory erected at the intersection of Rouse and Cowner Streets.
    It may surprise some to the bowlers to know that the old factory well is still under the bowling green. If the covering may some day give way, some unfortunate bowler may suddenly disappear into the depths.
    At a later period, Mr. and Mrs William Bailey, and their son Fred lived in the stone house in Douglas Street (now Boston’s) and other parts of town.
    Mr. Bailey was an expert shearer in the time of blade shearing, and was at time a competitor in the shearing contests put on by the Show Society.
    In 1908 he selected the property adjoining the Mt McKenzie road, and soon afterwards the family took up residence there. This remained the home of Mrs Bailey up until the time of her death.
    In 1916 Mrs Bailey suffered the loss of her husband. With brave and unconquerable spirit she continued to work the farm. She not only reared her own son but also several other children who were left motherless.
    Not only did Mrs Bailey with the help of her son Fred, attend to the many duties of the farm, and of the home, but she unselfishly spent her long life in active service for the welfare and advancement for the district and community.
    She attended the first Agricultural show, which was held in the original part of the School of Arts and adjacent land at the rear. The only show she missed since then was in 1916, the year her husband died.
    She was a keen exhibitor at the shows and a great worker for the district exhibits, which were for years a valuable feature of the annual exhibitions. In connection with the show society bazaars she took a leading part, and rendered active and invaluable service. She was amongst the earliest members of the Country Women’s Association and Every Little Helps Society, and was later elected patroness to both societies.
    Mrs Bailey was a founding member of Rebecca Lodge, IOOF, and was awarded a certificate of merit for gaining most new members for her lodge.
    She was a faithful member and worker for the Church of England, and also rendered generous assistance to other churches in their efforts.
    During the First World War Mrs Bailey was one of the hardest workers for the Red Cross, and patriotic efforts and functions. So highly were her services appreciated, that the authorities presented her with a certificate in recognition of her devoted services.
    Advancing years and physical weakness had in recent years prevented such active participation in service to the community, but right to the close of life she continued to render such service as she was able.
    Tenterfield has been blessed by the life and service of many fine women, many of whom were natives of the district. Among these Mrs Bailey holds a high place."

Child of Rosina C Louise Werner

Child of Rosina C Louise Werner and William Charles Bailey

Sidney Charles Werner

M, b. 27 January 1885, d. 1969

The Werner family- from the left: Hannah, Louis, Francis, Elizabeth nursing Lucy, Sidney, Roseanna (sitting), Edward and Lillian sitting on the ground. Albert and James are missing. Taken c 1908 perhaps in Toowoomba.
  • Sidney Charles Werner was born on 27 January 1885 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. Mrs Hoskins (most likely his grandmother Elizabeth Hoskins, formerly French, nee Baker) was witness to his birth.
  • He was the son of Louis Francis Albig Werner and Elizabeth French.
  • In 1906 Sidney Charles Werner lived in Thallon Street, Crow's Nest.
  • In 1912 he was Policeman, NSW Police Force.
  • At the age of 28 years, 7 months and 5 days, Sidney Charles Werner married Sarah Catherine Delaney, daughter of Richard Delaney and Elizabeth Mary Baker, on 1 September 1913 in Tempe, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Between 1913 and 1925 Sidney worked as a policeman on Norfolk Island. Sidney Werner was appointed as an officer in the Norfolk Police on 10 September 1913 - 9 days after his marriage to Sarah.
    The following are extracts from the Reports of the Administrator for Norfolk Island for the years 1915/1918
    1915 - Page 6 Constabulary
    There are three constables employed. Constable Werner of the NSW Police Force is temporarily in charge, and under him are two constables who are natives of the island and of Pitcairn descent. The acting chief police officer (Werner) reports that the principal of employing members of the community as constables is not satisfactory, as the close relationship existing is incompatible with constabulary duty, and in practice it is found that they bring no cases before the court, and that they do not sufficiently interest themselves in cases brought under their notice. One of the local constables has recently tended his resignation. It is not desirable to appoint another Norfolk Islander in his place.
    1916- Page 8 Constabulary
    During the year two constables were employed. Corporal Buffet (Pitcairn descendant) recently tended his resignation in order to avail himself of more remunerative employment and Super Intendant Quintall (Pitcairn Descendant) who was on active service with the Australian Imperial Forces in Galloipe, returned incapacitated. On his return, he was welcomed home by the Administrator and members of the Executive Council. He was informed that his position in the constabulary was open to him, but he stated that he was unable to satisfactorily perform the duties and tended his resignation. He informed me that he was being well cared for by the Commonwealth Defence Force.
    Constable Werner is in charge and reports that there has been less cause for complaint this year than in the proceeding two years. As a rule the residents are peaceful and law abiding and the serious cases are few and far between. This is attributed to a large extent to the existence of the Liquor Prohibition Law. The Leading Lights and Signals are in charge of the constable, who also acts as forest ranger. It is proposed that when available as assistant will be temporarily employed in connection with the Leading Lights and Signals at Kingston.
    1917 - Page 6 Constabulary
    Constable Werner is at present in sole charge and he performs all the constabulary duties. He reports as satisfactory condition of affairs in regard to the residents generally, who are as a rule peaceful and law abiding. He also acts as forest ranger. The slaughter yards are subject to periodical inspection, and these are being gradually improved, so as to satisfactorily provide for proper sanitary conditions. The number of cattle slaughtered was 329, including 75 heifers. All the cattle slaughtered are reported to have been in a healthy condition. From periodic inspections made of the lemon and fish factories they are reported to be in a good sanitary condition. The constable is assisted by a youth in connection with the Leading Lights and Signal Station.
    1918 - Page 7 Constabulary
    Constable Werner is still in charge. He performs all the constabulary duties; he also acts as forest ranger and assists at the signal station when necessary. He reports that the slaughter yards have been improved during the year, and that the Lemon Factory and fish works are kept in a sanitary condition. The community generally is well behaved and law abiding.
    1924 Page 4 Constabulary
    SC Werner DOB 27/1/1885
    Date of Appointment 10/9/1913
    Rank - Chief Police Officer *
    * Receives a
    £24 allowance for uniform and 12 pound as horse allowance.
  • On 3 April 1925 Sid and Sarah moved back to Sydney. His mother Elizabeth and sister Lucy may have returned to the island to help Sid and his family with the move. A shipping notice in The Sydney Morning Herald stated " THE MAKAMHO'S PASSENGERS.
    NORFOLK ISLAND, Thursday.
    The Burns, Philp island mail steamer Makambo arrived here at daylight yesterday from the New Hebrides, and sailed at 6 p.m. for Sydney, via Lord Howe Island. The following is a list of passengers:- Mesdames Werner (2) and three children; Misses Martin, Nobbs, and Werner, Messers. Robertson, Nobbs, Bernie, Werner, Baggs, Mackenzie, Cornish, Miller, Trotter and Finlayson (2), Mesdames Cross (2). " The Werner's mentioned may have been Elizabeth and her daughter in law Sarah; Sarah and Sidney's three children; perhaps Lucy; and Sidney.
  • Sidney Charles Werner and Sarah Catherine Delaney appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1930 and 1936 living at Idaleigh, Unwin's Bridge Road, Undercliffe, New South Wales. Sid was a police officer and Sarah carried out home duties.
  • Sidney Charles Werner and Sarah Catherine Delaney appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1936 living at Lang District, New South Wales.
  • Sidney Charles Werner and Sarah Catherine Delaney appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1943 living at 94 Homer Street, Undercliffe. Sid was a police officer and Sarah carried out home duties. Their daughter, Eileen, a shop assistant also lived with them.
  • Sidney Charles Werner and Sarah Catherine Delaney appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1963 living at 88 Homer Street, Earlwood. Sarah carried out home duties, no occupation was given for Sidney.
  • Sidney Charles Werner died in 1969 in Newtown, Sydney.

Children of Sidney Charles Werner and Sarah Catherine Delaney

Wilhelmine Werner

F, b. circa 1870, d. 1944

Children of Wilhelmine Werner and Albert Gustav Steinmuller

William Charles Werner

M, b. 7 August 1884, d. 1968
  • William Charles Werner was born on 7 August 1884 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia.
  • He was the son of Charles Frederick Werner and Catherine Rosina Geyer.
  • At the age of 23 years, William Charles Werner married Elsie M Doyle, daughter of John Doyle and Sarah Jane Lane, in 1908 in Emmaville, New South Wales, Australia.
  • On 14 May 1909,his wife, Elsie M Doyle died in Emmaville, New South Wales.
  • At the age of 28 years, William Charles Werner married Ida I Conroy in 1913 in Glebe, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
  • William Charles Werner began military service on 10 December 1942 in Ingleburn, Sydney, New South Wales. His service number was NX149640. He was living at Lane Cove at the time of his enlistment and his next of kin was Ina Werner.
  • He ended military service on 8 July 1944. He was discharged with the rank of Captain in the A C OF S L OF C.
  • William Charles Werner died in 1968 in St Leonards, Sydney, New South Wales.

Auguste Louise Mathilde Werth

F, b. 1876, d. 22 January 1961
  • Auguste Louise Mathilde Werth was born in 1876. She was the daughter of Gottfried Friedrick WERTH and Wilhelmina SCHTOLDT.
  • At the age of 20 years, Auguste Louise Mathilde Werth married Friedrick Carl Morgenstern, son of Friedrich William Morgenstern and Louise Kinzel, in 1896 in Queensland.
  • Auguste Louise Mathilde Werth died on 22 January 1961 in Brisbane, Queensland.
  • Auguste was buried on 24 January 1961 in Toowoomba & Drayton Cemetery.

Children of Auguste Louise Mathilde Werth and Friedrick Carl Morgenstern

Herman Heinrich Werth

M, b. 31 August 1874, d. 3 October 1937
  • Herman Heinrich Werth was born on 31 August 1874 in Queensland. He was the son of Wilhelmina Schtoldt and Godfred Frederick Werth.
  • At the age of 31 years, 1 month and 11 days, Herman Heinrich Werth married Minna Augusta Trost, daughter of August Frederick Trost and Henrietta Florentine Wilhelmine Sanft, on 11 October 1905 in Queensland.
  • Herman Heinrich Werth died on 3 October 1937 at age 63.

Maria Bertha Werth

F, b. 21 August 1909, d. 16 September 1992
  • Maria Bertha Werth was born on 21 August 1909.
  • At the age of 20 years, Maria Bertha Werth married Cecil Spies, son of Adolp Spies and Anna Wilhelmina Hartwig, in 1930 in Queensland.
  • Maria Bertha Werth and Cecil Spies appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1937 living at Woolmer. Cecil was a farmer.
  • Maria Bertha Werth died on 16 September 1992 at age 83.
  • Maria was buried on 18 September 1992 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery.

Ada Lucy Wesche

F, b. 1908

Heinrich Wilhelm Wesche

M, b. circa 1880
  • Heinrich Wilhelm Wesche was born circa 1880.
  • Heinrich Wilhelm Wesche married Bertha Elizabeth Blann in 1897 in Queensland.

Child of Heinrich Wilhelm Wesche and Bertha Elizabeth Blann

August Wesener

M, b. circa 1876

August Friederick Ferdinand Wesener

M, b. 1880

Augusta Johanna Wilhelmina Wesener

F, b. 1879, d. 1879

Emile Wesener

M, b. circa 1877

Ferdinand Frederick Wilhelm Wesener

M, b. 1849, d. 1943
  • Ferdinand Frederick Wilhelm Wesener was born in 1849.
  • At the age of 26 years, Ferdinand Frederick Wilhelm Wesener married Friedierche Justine Ludke, daughter of Wilhelm Ludke and Maria Christine Hocher, on 5 December 1875 in Eikstedt, Germany.
  • Ferdinand Frederick Wilhelm Wesener and Friedierche Justine Ludke immigrated to Queensland on 7 February 1879. Ferdinand, 29 and Christine, 28 travelled on the "Fritz Reuter" with their three chidlren August 3, Emile 1 and an infant.
  • On 7 August 1911,his wife, Friedierche Justine Ludke died in Laidley, Queensland, at age 60.
  • Ferdinand Frederick Wilhelm Wesener died in 1943 in Queensland.

Children of Ferdinand Frederick Wilhelm Wesener and Friedierche Justine Ludke

Elizabeth Fuller Wesnutt

F, b. circa 1780
  • Elizabeth Fuller Wesnutt was born circa 1780.
  • Elizabeth Fuller Wesnutt married Robert Peters circa 1800.

Child of Elizabeth Fuller Wesnutt and Robert Peters

Ann West

F, b. circa 1820

Children of Ann West and James Jenkins