William Edward Sharry
F, b. 8 June 1897, d. 1977
- William Edward Sharry was born on 8 June 1897 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Stephen Joseph Sharry and Mary Byrne.
- William Edward Sharry died in 1977 in Brisbane, Queensland.
Alexander Howard Shaw 
M, b. 1866, d. 10 December 1915
- Alexander Howard Shaw was born in 1866.
- He was the son of John Mackenzie Shaw and Emily Maria McKinstry.
- Alexander Howard Shaw died on 10 December 1915 in Brisbane, Queensland.
- Alexander was buried in Crow's Nest Cemetery. CE1-00H-0017.
Alfred Shaw
M, b. 1864, d. 1952
- Charts: Descendants of Charles Robinson
- Alfred Shaw was born in 1864.
- At the age of 25 years, Alfred Shaw married Delia Clayton, daughter of William Clayton and Bessey Robinson, on 28 February 1889 in Thirsk, Yorkshire.
- Alfred Shaw died in 1952.
Child of Alfred Shaw and Delia Clayton
- Alfred Shaw+ b. 26 December 1901, d. 7 February 1985
Alfred Shaw
M, b. 26 December 1901, d. 7 February 1985
- Charts: Descendants of Charles Robinson
- Alfred Shaw was born on 26 December 1901 in York, Yorkshire.
- He was the son of Alfred Shaw and Delia Clayton.
- At the age of 21 years, 7 months and 27 days, Alfred Shaw married Hilda Florence Wallis on 22 August 1923 in York, Yorkshire.
- Alfred Shaw died on 7 February 1985 in York, Yorkshire, at age 83.
Amelia Florence Shaw
F, b. 1916, d. 2005
- Charts: Descendants of Stephen Hooper
- Amelia Florence Shaw was born in 1916.
- At the age of 24 years, Amelia Florence Shaw married James Hope Matthews, son of James Michael Matthews and Elizabeth Jane Bezanson, in 1940 in Randwick, Sydney.
- Amelia Florence Shaw died in 2005.
Amy Constance Mackenzie Shaw 
F, b. 1857, d. 12 February 1912
- Amy Constance Mackenzie Shaw was born in 1857.
- She was the daughter of John Mackenzie Shaw and Emily Maria McKinstry.
- At the age of 24 years, Amy Constance Mackenzie Shaw married Andrew Anderson MacDiarmid in 1881 in Queensland.
- On 1 October 1893,her husband, Andrew Anderson MacDiarmid died in Bothwell, South Coast Junction (Yeronga), Brisbane, Queensland. The Queenslander reported:-" Death of Mr. A.A. MacDiarmid.
The many friends of Mr. A. A. MacDiarmid will be grieved to hear of his death, which took place at his residence, Bothwell, South Coast Junction, shortly before 11 o'clock on Monday morning. Although Mr. MacDiarmid had been in failing health for some months past, it was only lately that he became so ill as to cause anxiety to his friends, or to lead them to suppose that his illness would be soon have a fatal termination. Acting on medical advice, Mr. MaoDiarmid had arranged to take a long holiday, and, with that object in view, he had converted his insurance business into a limited company. While still young he had for many years been a prominent man in business circles, where his strong individuality and sound com- mon sense gained for him high rank amongst those with whom he was brought into contact. In addition to his business as insurance manager, etc, representing as he did those large and influential companies—the Sun, London and Lancashire, Standard of New Zealand, and Queensland Lloyd's, he was also director of the Queenland Mercantile Company, South Brisbane Gas Company, Scottish Queensland Land Mortgage Company, &c, as well as a member of the Marine Board, and to each of these boards he brought the sound discretion and grasp of business principles for which he was so distinguished. The representatives of the insurance companies doing business in the city not long since unitedly expressed their high appreciation of his shrewdness and unwavering integrity in an address and presen- tation of plate. It was, however, in his private life that he endeared himself to his many friends by his broad sympathies and an ever ready willingness to advise and assist them. In his death they have lost a good counsellor and a true friend. Mr. MacDiarmid has passed away at the early age of 38 years, leaving a sorrowing wife and three children to mourn their loss. His only brother is Mr. D. MacDiarmid, general manager of the Bank of North Queensland. The funeral took place on Monday morning, the cortege moving from the deceased gentleman's late residence for the South Brisbane Cemetery, the Rev. Charles Ogg officiating. The following was a large and representative one, the atten- dance showing the esteem in which Mr. MacDiarmid was held both in a public and private capacity. Amongst those present were Mr. E. J. Holmes, the remaining director of the company of A. A. MacDiarmid and Co., Limited, besides all the officials of the businesses conducted by them. The Marine Board was represented by the chairman and secretary, and the insurance profession by almost the whole of the local managers. The Hons. A. J. Thynne and T. J. Byrnes, and Messrs. Mathieson and Johnson, the Railway Commissioners, were also amongst the assemblage. Flags from the Custom-house and from shipping and mercantile firms were flying at half-mast during the day." - Amy Constance Mackenzie Shaw died on 12 February 1912 in Queensland. Her death was reported in The Brisbane Courier :-"CROW'S NEST - Sincere regret was expresssed everywhere. She was a great worker in connection with the English Church here and in Brisbane and endeared herself to all with whom she came in contact. Sheleaves three sons, Kennetty, of Sydney, and Douglas and Angus of Crow's Nest. Her brothers are Mr. Alexander Shaw, of Crow's Nest, and Mr John Shaw, of Valley Lagoons Station, Ingham. Her sister is Mrs. Kathleen Winship, of Beaudesert. The funeral took place this afternoon and was largely attened. All the shops were closed for business at 4 o'clock an a mark of respect. The Masonic Lodge, the Oddfellows Lodge, the Race Cub, and others sent beautiful wreaths."
- Amy was buried in 1912 in Crow's Nest Cemetery.
Children of Amy Constance Mackenzie Shaw and Andrew Anderson MacDiarmid
- Kenneth Shaw MacDiarmid b. 1882, d. 1943
- Douglas Holmes MacDiarmid+ b. 1884, d. 1944
- Angus Muir MacDiarmid+ b. 1886, d. 1952
Charles Herbert Shaw
M, b. 1882, d. 1949
- Charts: Descendants of Charles Eyles
- Charles Herbert Shaw was born in 1882 in New Zealand.
- At the age of 30 years, Charles Herbert Shaw married Ada Elizabeth Sutton, daughter of William Sutton and Elizabeth Cresswell, in 1912 in New Zealand.
- In 1913,his wife, Ada Elizabeth Sutton died in New Zealand.
- Charles Herbert Shaw died in 1949 in New Zealand.
Eva Elsie Shaw
F, b. 27 March 1918, d. 5 July 2006
- Eva Elsie Shaw was born on 27 March 1918 in South Australia.
- At the age of 21 years, 8 months and 14 days, Eva Elsie Shaw married Heinrich Charles Vonhoff, son of William Robert August Vonhoff and Dorothea Louise Tewes, on 11 December 1939 in Mt Isa.
- On 6 October 1978,her husband, Heinrich Charles Vonhoff died in Toowoomba, Queensland, at age 66.
- Eva Elsie Shaw died on 5 July 2006 at age 88.
- Eva was buried on 11 July 2006 in Garden of Remembrance, Toowoomba.
John Mackenzie Shaw
M, b. circa 1830
- John Mackenzie Shaw was born circa 1830.
- John Mackenzie Shaw married Emily Maria McKinstry circa 1850.
Children of John Mackenzie Shaw and Emily Maria McKinstry
- Amy Constance Mackenzie Shaw+ b. 1857, d. 12 February 1912
- Alexander Howard Shaw b. 1866, d. 10 December 1915
Lily Ramsay Shaw
F, b. 3 June 1894, d. 16 January 1979
- Lily Ramsay Shaw was born on 3 June 1894.
- At the age of 24 years, Lily Ramsay Shaw married Gordon Stuart McGregor, son of William Henry McGregor and Florence Bertha Cohn, in 1919 in Northam, Western Australia.
- On 13 August 1975,her husband, Gordon Stuart McGregor died in Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia, at age 81.
- Lily Ramsay Shaw died on 16 January 1979 in Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia, at age 84.
- Lily was cremated in Karrakattta Crematorium.
Children of Lily Ramsay Shaw and Gordon Stuart McGregor
- Stuart Ramsay McGregor b. 20 April 1925, d. 23 June 2005
- Marjorie Graham McGregor b. 17 April 1929, d. 18 November 1997
Minnie Maria Shaw
F, b. 1875, d. 28 August 1967

Minnie Cossart nee Shaw (1875-1967) with her four children Jack, Ivy, Ethel and Reginald. Photo courtesy of Rod Chapman
Photograph by Rod Chapman
- Minnie Maria Shaw was born in 1875 in Newry, Co Down, Ireland. She was the daughter of James Henry Shaw and Annie Truesdale.
- At the age of 26 years, Minnie Maria Shaw married George Cossart, son of John Cossart and Martha French, on 5 June 1901 in Enoggera Terrace Presbyterian Church, Brisbane. An account of the wedding appeared in "The Brisbane Courier" on Friday 7 June 1901
MARRIAGE - Cossart-Shaw.
A very pretty and interesting wedding took place on Wednesday last in the Enoggera Terrace Presbyterian Church, the contracting parties being Mr. George Cossart, of Toowoomba, and Miss Minne M. Shaw, of Paddington, Brisbane. The Church was well filled with a large company of friends of both parties, and was very effectively decorated by the girl friends of the bride. A pretty marriage bell, suspended above the heads of the bridal party, was specially admired. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. H. Roberts, the minister of the Church, assisted by Revs. J. Lundie, B.A., and A. G. Weller, of Toowoomba. The bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her father, and was attended by four bridesmaids-namely, Miss Shaw, sister of bride, Miss Cossart, sister of the bride-groom, and Misses Gertie Shaw, and Bessie McNulty, nieces of the bride. The bride looked very charming in her handsome wedding costume. The dress was of soft, white silk, the skirt slightly trained, and arranged with a deep circular-tucked flounce, finished at the foot with very narrow frills; the bodice, which was in the bolero style, was finely tucked, the sleeves also tucked, and worn with a pretty fichu of crepe-de-chine, trimmed with silk Maltese lace; the swathed belt was fastened with a handsome pearl buckle, and the beautifully embroidered veil with a spray of orange blossoms.
Miss Emmeline Shaw, chief bridesmaid, wore a pretty cream silk zephyr gown, the tucked bodice contrasted with buttercup chiffon; her fancy straw hat was arranged with cream chiffon, buttercup,and roses. Miss Cossart, sister of the bridegroom, was in cream silk, voile, patented in stripes, the bodice yoked with cream satin and guipure, and a very becoming hat to harmonise. The two little nieces of the bride, Miss Gertie Shaw, and Miss Bessie McNulty, were frocked alike in pale-blue cashmere, and wore white leghorn hats. The bridesmaids carried shower bouquets; the two elder wore gold brooches and the two younger gold chain bangles, gifts of the bridegroom. All the flowers at the wedding were arranged by Mr. George Lothian, of Toowoomba.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, a large company of friends of the happy couple assembled at the Foresters' Hall, Paddington, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was laid in Mr. David Webster's best style. The tables were ladened with the most tempting dainties, whilst the handsome bride cake gave a picturesque finish to a most inviting feast. The hall was nicely decorated by the hall-keeper, Mr. John Butters. Many appropriate mottos adorned the walls, the most prominent being that which extended right across the hall-the words of John Milton-" Marriage rightly understood gives to the tender and the good a paradise below." The usual wedding toasts were proposed and honoured. The Rev. Mr. Roberts, in proposing the health of the bride and bridegroom, told of the high esteem in which his young friends were held, and of the excellent service they had both rendered in the cause of God and temperance. He He wished them every happiness and godspeed in their new life. Mr.Cossart suitably replied. The health of the bridesmaids was proposed by Rev. Mr. Lundie, and responded to by Mr. John Cossart. That of the parents was entrusted to Rev. Mr. Weller, who, in a brief happy speech, told of the general esteem in which Mr. Cossart is held in Toowoomba, and paid a fitting tribute to the family of the bride, as old personal friends of his own. Mr. Cossart, sen., and Mr. .lames Shaw,sen., each replied in fitting terms. Before resuming his seat, Mr.. Shaw proposed the health of the ministers, which was replied to by Ret.Mr. Weller . This brought a highly enjoyable and interesting function to a close. In the afternoon a reception was held, and the many beautiful and useful presents inspected and admired. The bride and bridegroom left by the evening train for Wynnum for the honeymoon, after which they will reside in Toowoomba. - In June 1934 "The Queenslander" reported - Mr. and Mrs. G. Cossart and Miss Ivy Cossart (Toowoomba) were in London when recent mails left England. They intended visiting Scotland, Ireland, and France before returning to Australia in October.
- On 7 February 1936,her husband, George Cossart died in Toowoomba, Queensland, at age 60.
- On 10 March 1937 the following article appeared in the "The Argus" (Melbourne):- AFTER the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof Minnie Maria Cossart, of Campbell Street, Toowoomba, In the State of Queensland, widow, and John Henry Cossart, of Arthur street, Toowoomba aforesaid, saddler, the executrix and executor respectively of the will of GEORGE COSSART, late of Campbell street, Toowoomba aforesaid, saddler, deceased, will APPLY to the Registrar of Probates of the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria that the SEAL of the said Supreme Court may be AFFIXED to the Probate of the will of the said George Cossart, deceased, granted by the supreme Court of the said State of Queensland, on the fifth day of October, 1936, to the said executrix and executor
Dated the first day of March, 1937.
RYLAN & ANDERSON, 70 Elizabeth street, Mel bourne, proctors for the applicants.
Fix thi. - In 1938 Minnie and Ivy took a trip abroad. "The Courier Mail" reported - Mrs. George Cossart and Miss Ivy Cossart will leave Brisbane on May 25 by the Largs Bay for England, where they will join Miss Ethel Cossart. They intend spending six months abroad.
- Minnie Maria Shaw died on 28 August 1967 in Queensland.
- Minnie was buried on 29 August 1967 in Toowoomba & Drayton Cemetery. She died aged 91 years and is buried next to George.
Children of Minnie Maria Shaw and George Cossart
- John Henry Cossart+ b. 31 March 1902, d. 20 July 1969
- Ivy May Shaw Cossart+ b. 5 September 1903, d. 2 July 1973
- Ethel Beatrice Cossart+ b. 28 June 1906, d. 21 July 1965
- Reginald George Cossart+ b. 25 November 1910, d. 16 August 1989
Percy Shaw
M, b. circa 1875
- Percy Shaw was born circa 1875.
- Percy Shaw married Grace Maud Gowlett, daughter of William Gowlett and Sarah Ann Unwin, in 1906 in Queensland.
Thomas Shaw
M, b. circa 1835
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Austin
- Thomas Shaw was born circa 1835.
- His marriage to Harriet Holwell, daughter of James Holwell and Elizabeth Austin, was registered in the December 1859 Quarter in Liskeard, Cornwall Registration District.
Catherine Shea
F, b. circa 1848, d. 10 March 1894
- Catherine Shea was born circa 1848. She was the daughter of Morris Shea and Mary Connors.
- Catherine Shea married Unknown Hayden circa 1870.
- Catherine was buried on 10 March 1894 in Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery. RC1-017-0052.
- Catherine Shea died on 10 March 1894.
Eva Maud Shea
F, b. 1872, d. 1941
- Eva Maud Shea was born in 1872 in Eden, New South Wales. She was the daughter of William and Winifred Laura Shea.
- At the age of 27 years, Eva Maud Shea married Robert Alfred (Bob) McGregor, son of John McGregor and Elizabeth Fountain, in 1899 in Braidwood, Sydney, New South Wales.
- Family hearsay states Robert moved to Western Australia where he was an Engineer in the gold mines.
- In 1927,her husband, Robert Alfred (Bob) McGregor died in East Coolgardie, Western Australia. After Robert's death Eva and her children moved back to New South Wales.
- Eva Maud Shea died in 1941 in Rochdale, Sydney, New South Wales.
Children of Eva Maud Shea and Robert Alfred (Bob) McGregor
- Daphne H I McGregor b. 1900
- Robert D McGregor b. 1901
- Dora N McGregor b. 1904
Vera Shead
F, b. 1890
- Vera Shead was born in 1890.
- At the age of 30 years, Vera Shead married Leslie Staines, son of Thomas Staines and Ellen Gywnne Aubrey, in 1920 in Queensland.
- Vera Shead appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1925 living at Kennedy Electoral District, Queensland.
Patrick Joseph Sheahan
M, b. 1879, d. 1931
- Charts: Descendants of Charles Eyles
- Patrick Joseph Sheahan was born in 1879.
- At the age of 35 years, Patrick Joseph Sheahan married Florence Blanche Howard, daughter of Thomas Philip Howard and Alice Eyles, on 24 February 1914.
- Patrick Joseph Sheahan died in 1931 in New Zealand.
Alexander Shearer
M, b. circa 1790
- Alexander Shearer was born circa 1790.
Child of Alexander Shearer
- Ann Shearer+ b. 1820
Ann Shearer
F, b. 1820
- Ann Shearer was born in 1820 in Bykers Hill, Northumberland.
- She was the daughter of Alexander Shearer.
- At the age of 19 years, Ann Shearer married William Sobers, son of Charles Sobers and Ann Lishman, on 25 August 1839 in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland.
Child of Ann Shearer and William Sobers
- Joseph Sobers+ b. 3 April 1855
Ann Elizabeth Shearer
F, b. circa 1880
- Ann Elizabeth Shearer was born circa 1880.
- Ann Elizabeth Shearer married Henry Johnson in 1912 in Queensland.
Child of Ann Elizabeth Shearer and Henry Johnson
- Vivian William Henry Johnson b. 1912
Valma Mary Shearer
F, b. 1928, d. 6 July 2015
- Valma Mary Shearer was born in 1928.
- At the age of 18 years, Valma Mary Shearer married Roy Alfred Herbert Shum, son of Alfred Reuben Leopold Shum and Nellie Craig Bidgood, on 8 June 1946 in Queensland.
- Valma Mary Shearer died on 6 July 2015.
- Valma was buried on 10 July 2015 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery.
Mary Jane Shears 
F, b. 17 September 1892, d. 23 October 1988
- Mary Jane Shears was born on 17 September 1892 in Queensland. She was the daugther of Francis Edward Shears and Mary Hughes.
- At the age of 19 years, 8 months and 26 days, Mary Jane Shears married Walter Benjamin Walker, son of Benjamin Robert Walker and Henrietta Martin, on 12 June 1912 in Queensland.
- Mary Jane Shears and Walter Benjamin Walker appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1921 and 1930 living at Perseverance. He was an engine driver. Mary Jane carried out home duties.
- On 24 January 1976,her husband, Walter Benjamin Walker died in Toowomba, Queensland, at age 86.
- Mary Jane Shears died on 23 October 1988 in Toowomba at age 96.
- Mary was buried on 25 October 1989 in Garden of Remembrance, Toowomba.
Children of Mary Jane Shears and Walter Benjamin Walker
- William Francis Walker b. 31 July 1912
- Beryl Mavis Margaret Walker b. 25 July 1914
Alexander Shedden
M, b. 1888, d. 1967
- Alexander Shedden was born in 1888 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Robert Craig Shedden and Jane Paterson.
- Alexander Shedden died in 1967 in Queensland.
Archibald McDonald Shedden 
M, b. 1872, d. 1943
- Archibald McDonald Shedden was born in 1872 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Robert Craig Shedden and Janet McDonald.
- Archibald McDonald Shedden and Robert Craig Shedden appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1905 living at Ravensbourne. Robert was a farmer and Archi was a labourer.
- On 25 September 1906 Archibald appeared in court and was found guilty of stealing money from his step brother John William Shedden - The Brisbane Courier reported "Archibald M D Shedden was charged with having stolen £1 5s from his stepbrother, W G Shedden on August 5 at Ravensbourne. Prisoner was undefended. After evidence had been heard the jury brought in a verdict of Guilty His Honour,after severely cautioning the prisoner, sentenced him to fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour."
- Archibald McDonald Shedden died in 1943 in Brisbane, Queensland.
Christina Creigh Shedden
F, b. 1878
- Christina Creigh Shedden was born in 1878 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Robert Craig Shedden and Janet McDonald.
Donald McCreigh McDonald Shedden
M, b. 1878, d. 1877
- Donald McCreigh McDonald Shedden died in 1877 in Queensland.
- He was born in 1878 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Robert Craig Shedden and Janet McDonald.
John Shedden
M, b. 1881, d. 1881
- John Shedden died in 1881 in Queensland.
- He was born in 1881 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Robert Craig Shedden and Janet McDonald.
John McDonald Shedden
M, b. 1880, d. 1880
- John McDonald Shedden died in 1880 in Queensland.
- He was born in 1880 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Robert Craig Shedden and Janet McDonald.
John William (William John) Shedden 
M, b. 1885, d. 1965
- Timber Industry: Other Timber Workers
- John William (William John) Shedden was born in 1885 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Robert Craig Shedden and Jane Paterson.
- On 25 September 1906 Archibald appeared in court and was found guilty of stealing money from his step brother John William Shedden - The Brisbane Courier reported "Archibald M D Shedden was charged with having stolen £1 5s from his stepbrother, W G Shedden on August 5 at Ravensbourne. Prisoner was undefended. After evidence had been heard the jury brought in a verdict of Guilty His Honour,after severely cautioning the prisoner, sentenced him to fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour."
- John William (William John) Shedden appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1909 living at Ravensbourne. He was a farmer.
- At the age of 26 years, John William (William John) Shedden married Emma Virginia Harriss, daughter of Amos Harriss and Virginia Prewer-Docking, in 1911 in Queensland.
- John William (William John) Shedden and Emma Virginia Harriss appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1913 and 1915 living at Ravensbourne. John was a timber feller.
- On 22 April 1919,his wife, Emma Virginia Harriss died in Ravensbourne, Queensland.
- John William (William John) Shedden appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1921 living at Ravensbourne. He was a timber feller.
- John William (William John) Shedden died in 1965 in Queensland.
Children of John William (William John) Shedden and Emma Virginia Harriss
- Olive Virginia Shedden b. 1912
- Victor William Shedden b. circa 1914, d. 1972
Olive Virginia Shedden
F, b. 1912
- Olive Virginia Shedden was born in 1912 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of John William (William John) Shedden and Emma Virginia Harriss.