Robert Henry Woods

M, b. 25 March 1880, d. 4 February 1917
  • Robert Henry Woods was born on 25 March 1880 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
  • He was the son of George Michael Woods and Janet McGregor.
  • Robert Henry Woods began military service in 1900. the Boer War.
  • In 1911 he was Timber Feller, Dorrigo Plateau.
  • On 29 August 1911 he wrote a postcard to his mother at Teven Creek. It read - "Well I am getting good dry weather for travelling; my cold is getting better now. I called on Mrs Law yesterday evening. They are all well. I trust this will find you improving a lot. Your loving son Rob." The postcard was written in Ulmara.
  • On 6 September 1911 Rob Woods wrote to his sister Ethel Staines from "Brooklana"
    "Dear Ethel, Just a few line in keeping with my promise to write, I intended to write a long letter but it is near time to post so not much for a few days. I arrived here on Friday, I had to stop longer than I intended on the Richmond as the effects of the influenza was not quite over. I hope little Ruby is right again now. There has been a great lot of rain here a couple of weeks ago over 6 inches in one week. Trusting this will find all well. Love to all Your affectionate Brother Rob" The letter was addressed to Mrs W J Staines, Wattles, Crawford, Kilkivan Line, Queensland.
  • He enlisted in the Australian Amry on 8 October 1915. He joined the 1st Australian Imperial Force (AIF) on 29 October 1915, but his Oath of Allegiance was sworn at Lismore on 8 October 1915. He was listed as a farmer from Brooklands, near Coramba, born Sydney, aged 34. His next of kin was listed as his brother J E Woods of Taabinga Resumption via Kingaroy, Queensland (not his father George Michael which suggests he may have been in ill health). He joined the 15th Battalion, 15th Reinforcement and embarked from Brisbane on the HMS A73 Commonwealth on 28 March 1916 with his brother Donald Charles.
  • Robert Henry Woods died on 4 February 1917 in France at age 36. He died from encephalitis (inflammation of the brain caused by a fever.)
  • Robert was buried in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France. Grave Reference Number IV H 33. Dernancourt is a village three kilometres south of Albert. The communal Cemetery is west of the village, and the Extension is on the North West side of the Communal cemetery.
  • An article in the local Kingaroy newspaper regarding Robert's death read: - “The sad news was received last week by Mrs W J Staines (nee Ethel Mary Stuart Woods), of Kingaroy, of the death of her brother Private R H Woods, at the front. The deceased soldier died in Clearing Station No 29, of Inflammation of the brain, on 4th February, and the cable naturally came as a shock to his relatives in this district. His brother Mr J(ohn) E(van) Woods is well known here, being a resident of Taabinga Resumption. Deceased was a single man, and prior to his enlistment lived at the Dorrigo Tableland, near Coramba, New South Wales. He had served in the Boer War, so that he was anything but an inexperienced recruit. Another brother (Donald Charles Woods) who had volunteered has been invalided since October, but is now probably back at the front, as word was received a short time ago that he was convalescent. A rather remarkable coincidence may be mentioned, viz, that whereas Private Woods died on 4 February 1917, his father (George Michael Woods) expired exactly 12 months previously viz, on 4 February 1916."
    A memorial for Robert was erected on the headstone of his father's grave in the Taabinga cemetery. George Michael's gravestone reads George Michael Woods
    Died 4.2.1916
    Aged 70 Years
    Also his son
    Robert Henry Woods AIF
    who died in France
    4 Feb 1917
    Aged 36 years
  • On 28 Feb 1917 Robert Reid wrote a letter to Ethel Staines regarding Robert's Death
    Melbourne 28 Feb 1917
    Dear Ethel
    Just back from Adelaide and received your telegram about poor Rob. It was a great shock to learn that he had gone. I hoped our boys had only gone to Egypt and the Suez Canal where the fighting is not so deadly. It is dreadful to think we will never see them again, lots of those fine fellows that went away so bravely. Poor Rob has paid the highest possible price for his patriotism and worse luck the fellows that stayed behind do not appreciate it.
    I went out to the camp in Brisbane when I was there last March but it was the 17th of March, St Patrick's Day and the camp was almost deserted and I could not find the boys, and did not get another chance to go out there.
    Have you heard lately of the others? Are they all right?
    I was in London last October and it was very depressing. Everyone you met was in mourning for some and dear relative, and you get very close to the war there.
    I will be in Brisbane about the middle of March, but am sorry to say that I can not spare the time to go out to see you at Kingaroy, but I hope to make the trip some day.
    Kindest regards from your affectionate cousin
    and she received one from Don
    3rd Australian Aux Hospital
    Dartford, Kent
    Dear Ethel
    I hardly know how to write to you today, but feel that I must write you a short note at least. Dear Ethel you will have heard all about our dear Rob's death long ere this. I did not know for a month after he had passed away and then only by chance saw his name in the casualty list. I wrote to the OC of the hospital in France and this morning has a letter from the Chaplain in which he said that Rob was brought in from the line unconscious on the 4th of Feb and passed away the same day. They were placing a Cross and wreath on the grave. Oh dear Sister it is hard to lose him but it is God's will and he is at rest.
    I am waiting now for a boat to go home but don't know how long I will have to wait but hope before many weeks to be with you all again. I am not betting my mail these days and the last letters from you and Bessie were written on the 9th Nov. I had one from Jack written on the 29th November. Well dear Ethel forgive this short note but I trust all are well and hope to be with you all again before long.
    Love to all from your Loving Brother Don.

Robert Henry Woods

M, b. 27 January 1853, d. 1934
  • Robert Henry Woods was born on 27 January 1853 in London, England.
  • He was the son of George Woods and Sarah Ann Fleet.
  • Robert Henry Woods was christened on 1 May 1853 in Rotherhithe, London, England.
  • He immigrated on 14 September 1859 to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, with Sarah Ann Fleet. Sarah aged 40, came to Australia with her four children: - Sarah Ann aged 16, a native of Middlesex who could read and write; George Michael aged 14, also a native of Middlesex who could read and write, Church of England; Emma Mary aged 11 who could read and write and was a native of Middlesex; and Robert Henry aged 7, a native of Middlesex. They travelled from England on the Parsee, her husband George having immigrated some time before. She was listed on "Parsee’s passenger list under Section Headed - "Wives of Persons Resident in the Colony". From the Depositors Record it shows a Dr Dodd (Todd) of Kent Road Bermondsey, London gave a good character reference for Sarah and her children to emigrate. Dr George Michael Todd was Sarah's half brother, son of her mother's first husband. She was from Middlesex and religion Church of England. She could read and write and was a housekeeper. The ship left Southampton on the 7 June 1859 and reached Sydney after a voyage lasting 95 days. There were 424 immigrants on board.
  • According to family hearsay Robert Henry Woods was photographer in Bathurst, New South Wales, in 1880.
  • Robert Henry Woods died in 1934 in Blayney, New South Wales. **** Not sure about this death - age matches, no parents names given but the age is correct****.

Ruby Florence Woods

F, b. 28 July 1913, d. 12 October 2009
  • Ruby Florence Woods was born on 28 July 1913 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of John Evan (Jack) Woods and Amy Laura Upton.
  • Ruby Florence Woods appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1936 living at Benair, Kingaroy. She carried out home duties and most likely lived with her parents on their property "Bonnenne."
  • At the age of 28 years, 10 months and 23 days, Ruby Florence Woods married Reginald Addisons Crawford, son of Robert John Crawford and Annie Maria Addison, on 20 June 1942 in Methodist Church, Kingaroy, Queensland.
  • Ruby Florence Woods and Reginald Addisons Crawford appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1943 and 1968 living at Inverlaw, Kingaroy. Ruby carried out home duties and Reg was a farmer.
  • Ruby Florence Woods and Reginald Addisons Crawford appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1980 living at Inverlaw, Kingaroy. Reg's occupation was shown as a farmer and Ruby's as home duties. Reg's father and brother both Robert John Crawford were also living at "Inverlaw."
  • Ruby Florence Woods died on 12 October 2009 at age 96.
  • Ruby was buried on 16 October 2009 in Taabinga Cemetery. She was buried following a service at the Kingaroy Uniting Church in the Lawn Section.

Ruby Isabella Woods

F, b. 7 June 1889, d. 28 August 1929
  • Ruby Isabella Woods was born on 7 June 1889 in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.
  • She was the daughter of George Michael Woods and Janet McGregor.
  • On 25 April 1908 Ruby Woods wrote a note on a postcard to her sister Ethel
    "Dear Ethel, Am writing on chance, for if it is fine Don is going over there today, but it may not be fine enough. Hope you are all well as we have not heard from you lately. All is well here. love to all RW" The letter was addressed to Mr W J Staines, Main Arm, Mullumbimby. Ruby may have been concerned for her sister's health as Ethel was six months pregnant with Ruby Isabel at the time.
  • On the 4th of February 1910, Ruby wrote to her sister Ethel from Teven.
    " Dear E. Received your welcome letter during the week. We have had two or three nice fine days now and everything is drying nicely. We are all well down here and hope you are the same. Tell Bessie to hurry up with her letter. Will write again through the week. love from all to all RW."
  • Ruby wrote to Ethel Staines (her sister) regarding her mother's health on 4 October 1911.
    "Teven Wednesday. Dear E. Just a few lines to let you know how we are. Mother seems very much better this last few days and thinks the Dr told her all wrong. We are having it dry down here. I am going to Ballina so will have to hurry as its half holiday today. Hope all are well. Love to all from Ruby."
  • At the age of 25 years, 9 months and 3 days, Ruby Isabella Woods married George Henry Charlton Watson, son of George Watson and Jane Charlton, on 10 March 1915 in Teven Church, Teven, New South Wales, Australia.
  • In 1916 Ruby Isabella Woods lived in Boat Harbour, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Ruby Isabella Woods died on 28 August 1929 in Lismore, New South Wales, at age 40.

Sarah Ann Woods

F, b. December 1843, d. 1889
  • Sarah Ann Woods's birth was registered in the Poplar, London Registration District in the December 1843 Quarter.
  • She was the daughter of George Woods and Sarah Ann Fleet.
  • Sarah Ann Woods was christened on 5 January 1845 in Stepney, London, England.
  • She immigrated on 14 September 1859 to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, with Sarah Ann Fleet. Sarah aged 40, came to Australia with her four children: - Sarah Ann aged 16, a native of Middlesex who could read and write; George Michael aged 14, also a native of Middlesex who could read and write, Church of England; Emma Mary aged 11 who could read and write and was a native of Middlesex; and Robert Henry aged 7, a native of Middlesex. They travelled from England on the Parsee, her husband George having immigrated some time before. She was listed on "Parsee’s passenger list under Section Headed - "Wives of Persons Resident in the Colony". From the Depositors Record it shows a Dr Dodd (Todd) of Kent Road Bermondsey, London gave a good character reference for Sarah and her children to emigrate. Dr George Michael Todd was Sarah's half brother, son of her mother's first husband. She was from Middlesex and religion Church of England. She could read and write and was a housekeeper. The ship left Southampton on the 7 June 1859 and reached Sydney after a voyage lasting 95 days. There were 424 immigrants on board.
  • Sarah Ann Woods died in 1889 in Temple, Sydney, New South Wales.

Edith Martha Woodward

F, b. 1858, d. 1941
  • Edith Martha Woodward was born in 1858. She was the daughter of William Woodward and Ellen Godwin.
  • Her marriage, at 15 years, to William Pascoe Wood was registered in the December 1873 Quarter in Bristol, Gloucestershire Registration District.
  • Edith Martha Woodward and William Pascoe Wood immigrated to Queensland on 5 December 1890. William 39, and Edith 32, and their daughter Edith 3, travelled on the Taroba which left London on 25 October 1890. They were from Somerset.
  • Edith Martha Woodward and William Pascoe Wood appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Crow's Nest. William was a farmer.
  • In 1912,her husband, William Pascoe Wood died in Queensland.
  • Edith Martha Woodward died in 1941 in Brisbane, Queensland.

Child of Edith Martha Woodward and William Pascoe Wood

Henry George Woodward

M, b. 1903
  • Henry George Woodward was born in 1903 in Queensland. He was the son fo George Henry and Edith Mary Graham.
  • At the age of 26 years, Henry George Woodward married Grace Sarah Gowlett, daughter of James Thomas Gowlett and Mary Ball Littleton, in 1929 in Queensland. They lived in Houston, Texas.

Herbert Adam Woodward

M, b. 1890

Marjorie (Margery) Woodward

F, b. 1898

Ann Woolcock

F, b. 24 May 1761

Children of Ann Woolcock and Martin Maddern

Richard Woolcock

M, b. circa 1740
  • Richard Woolcock was born circa 1740.

Child of Richard Woolcock

Ellen Lavinia Woolley

F, b. 1853, d. 8 August 1939
  • Ellen Lavinia Woolley was born in 1853.
  • At the age of 20 years, Ellen Lavinia Woolley married James Cooper Greenwood, son of Robert Ellington Greenwood and Ann Youell, in 1873 in Warialda, New South Wales.
  • Ellen Lavinia Woolley died on 8 August 1939.
  • Ellen was buried on 9 August 1939 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery.

Children of Ellen Lavinia Woolley and James Cooper Greenwood

Esther Louisa Woolley

F, b. 22 January 1879, d. 1962

Children of Esther Louisa Woolley and George Edward Johann Peters

William Woolton

M, b. 1835

Abraham Wootton

M, b. 1850, d. 1925
  • Abraham Wootton was born in 1850. He was the son of William Wootton and Isabella Lewis.
  • Her marriage, at 30 years, to Sarah Ann Benton, daughter of George Benton and Sarah Astbury, was registered in the September 1880 Quarter in the Aston, Warwickshre Registration District.
  • Abraham Wootton immigrated on 17 December 1881 to Moreton Bay, Queensland, with William Astbury and Mary Ann Benton. Mary and William both aged 25, travelled on the Glamis which sailed from Plymouth on 15 Sep 1881. Also on board were Mary Ann's brother Walter 23 and sister Sarah 20 with her husband Abraham Wootton 31.
  • In 1893,his wife, Sarah Ann Benton died in Queensland.
  • Abraham Wootton died in 1925 in Queensland.

Children of Abraham Wootton and Sarah Ann Benton

Arthur Edward Wootton

M, b. 1893, d. 1972
  • Arthur Edward Wootton was born in 1893 in Queensland.
  • He was the son of Abraham Wootton and Sarah Ann Benton.
  • Arthur Edward Wootton died in 1972 in Queensland.

Edith Isabella Wootton

F, b. 1886

Florence Maud Wootton

F, b. 1890

George William Wootton

M, b. 1882, d. 1955

Harriet Wootton

F, b. 1825

Jane Wootton

F, b. 1837

Jesse Wootton

M, b. 1874, d. 1955
  • Jesse Wootton was born in 1874. He was the son of Benjamin Wootton and Harriet Westall.
  • He immigrated on 5 March 1883. Jesse 8 and his parents Ben 39 and Harriet 38 travelled on the Bulimba leaving Plymouth on 11 Jan 1883. With them were Jesse's siblings Fred 14, Hephzibah 9, Arthur 5, and Rowena 2.
  • At the age of 23 years, Jesse Wootton married Susan Stamp in 1897 in Queensland.
  • Jesse Wootton appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at Crow's Nest. Jesse was a fruiterer. Susan and Mildred carried out home duties.
  • In 1939,his wife, Susan Stamp died in Queensland.
  • Jesse was buried in 1955 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery.
  • Jesse Wootton died in 1955 in Queensland.

Child of Jesse Wootton and Susan Stamp

John Wootton

M, b. circa 1793
  • John Wootton was born circa 1793.
  • John Wootton married Hannah Baker, daughter of William Baker and Jean (Jane) Key, circa 1820.
  • John Wootton and Hannah Baker appeared on the census of 7 June 1841 in East Street, Ilminster, Somerset. John was the 47 year old head, living with his wife Hannah 40, children Joseph 20, Harriet 15, Mary Ann 12, William 6, Jane 4 and Sophia aged 2. A John Baker aged 20 also lived with them.

Children of John Wootton and Hannah Baker

Joseph Wootton

M, b. 1820

Martha Jane Wootton

F, b. 1855, d. June 1885
  • Martha Jane Wootton was born in 1855 in Ilminster, Somerset, England.
  • She was the daughter of Mary Ann Wootton.
  • At the time of the 2 April 1871 census, Martha Jane Wootton was living in the household of Mary Ann Wootton and Thomas Manning in Ilminster, Somerset. Thomas was a 43 year old factory worker born Buckland St Mary, living with his wife Mary Ann 40 born Ilminster, and daughter in law (step daughter)Martha Jane Wottoon aged 16 a collar factory hand, born Chard.

  • Her marriage, at 17 years, to Walter Marshallsea was registered in the December 1872 Quarter in Taunton, Somerset Registration District.
  • In March 1882, her husband, Walter Marshallsea's death was registered in the Chard, Somerset, Registration District. He was at age 27 years.
  • Her marriage, at 30 years, to Samuel Edward G Sadd was registered in the January 1885 Quarter in Taunton, Somerset Registration District.
  • Her death was recorded with the Chard, Somerset, Registration District in the June 1885 Quarter.

Child of Martha Jane Wootton and Walter Marshallsea

Mary Ann Wootton

F, b. 1829, d. June 1900
  • Mary Ann Wootton was born in 1829 in Ilminster, Somerset, England.
  • She was the daughter of John Wootton and Hannah Baker.
  • Her marriage, at 34 years, to Thomas Manning was registered in the September 1863 Quarter in Chard, Somerset Registration District.
  • Mary Ann Wootton and Thomas Manning appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 in Ilminster, Somerset. Thomas was a 43 year old factory worker born Buckland St Mary, living with his wife Mary Ann 40 born Ilminster, and daughter in law (step daughter)Martha Jane Wottoon aged 16 a collar factory hand, born Chard.

  • Her death was recorded with the Chard, Somerset, Registration District in the June 1900 Quarter.

Child of Mary Ann Wootton

Mildred Harriet Wootton

F, b. 1905
  • Mildred Harriet Wootton was born in 1905 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Jesse Wootton and Susan Stamp.
  • Mildred Harriet Wootton appeared on the Electoral Roll with Jesse Wootton in 1930 in Crow's Nest. Jesse was a fruiterer. Susan and Mildred carried out home duties.

Sarah Louisa Wootton

F, b. 1884

Sophia Wootton

F, b. 1839

Thomas Willfred Wootton

M, b. 1889, d. 1916
  • Thomas Willfred Wootton was born in 1889 in Queensland.
  • He was the son of Abraham Wootton and Sarah Ann Benton.
  • Thomas Willfred Wootton died in 1916 in Brisbane, Queensland.