Marie Cossart Nineteenth
F, b. 1680
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Nineteenth was born in 1680 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Noel Cossart Third and Ann Petit.
- Marie Cossart Nineteenth witnessed the Note of Noel Cossart Third and Ann Petit in 1696; Noel, his wife Elizabeth and their children fled to London at the time of the Revocation. He was admitted to membership in the Threadneedle Street French Church in 1696.
Marie Cossart Second
F, b. 1536, d. 1 February 1598
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Second was born in 1536 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart and Jacquette Puchot.
- Marie Cossart Second married Estienne Asselin circa 1562. They had eight sons and two daughters.
- Marie Cossart Second died on 1 February 1598. She remained Catholic.
Marie Cossart Seventeenth
F, b. 1661
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Seventeenth was born in 1661 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of David Cossart and Marguerite Congnard.
- Marie Cossart Seventeenth immigrated in 1669 with David Cossart and Marguerite Congnard. David and Marguerite fled to Ireland before the Revocation with their family of seven children and established themselves in Dublin. Another three children were born there.
Marie Cossart Sixteenth
M, b. circa 1659
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Sixteenth was born circa 1659. Marie married Jean de Vattemare.
- He was the son of Abraham Cossart Third and Marie Fallaize.
Marie Cossart Sixth
F, b. 1596
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Sixth was baptized in 1596.
- She was the daughter of Bourgeois Robert Cossart and Marie Le Fort.
Marie Cossart Third
F, b. 1565
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Third was born in 1565 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Noel Cossart and Catherine lLe Roux.
Marie Cossart Twelfth
F, b. 1628
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Twelfth was born in 1628 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Pierre Cossart Third and Marie Baudouyn.
- At the age of 19 years, Marie Cossart Twelfth married Isaac Daussey on 5 June 1647 in Rouen, France. Isaac was a merchant of Rouen. At the time of the Revocation four soldiers were quartered in his home where he was living with his wife and two daughters and a number of servants.
Children of Marie Cossart Twelfth and Isaac Daussey
- Isaac Daussey b. 1649
- Marie Daussey b. 1650
- David Daussey b. 1652
- Esther Daussey b. 1653
- Suzanne Daussey b. 1655
- Pierre Daussey b. 1657
- Ann Daussey b. 1660
- Elizabeth Daussey b. 1662
- Estienne Daussey b. 1663
Marie Cossart Twentieth
F, b. 1695
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Twentieth was born in 1695 in Rotterdam, Holland.
- She was the daughter of Jean Cossart Nineth and Judith Faneuil.
Marie Cossart Twenty-first
F, b. 1696
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marie Cossart Twenty-first was baptized in 1696 in Rotterdam, Holland.
- She was the daughter of Jean Cossart Nineth and Judith Faneuil.
Marquerita Cossart
F, b. 1578, d. 2 May 1652
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marquerita Cossart was born in 1578 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Jacques Cossart and Marguerite Toustain.
- At the age of 24 years, Marquerita Cossart married Jehan Lorin on 17 January 1602.
- Marquerita Cossart married Jacques Rogers circa 1620.
- Marquerita Cossart died on 2 May 1652.
Child of Marquerita Cossart and Jehan Lorin
- Pierre Lorin Second b. 1 October 1615
Marquerite Cossart
F, b. 1534
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marquerite Cossart was born in 1534 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart and Jacquette Puchot.
- Marquerite Cossart married Gillies Vauquier circa 1560.
Marquerite Cossart
F, b. 1636
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marquerite Cossart was born in 1636.
- She was the daughter of Jean Cossart Sixth and Marguerite Heudes.
Martha Cossart 
F, b. 18 November 1877, d. 23 July 1925
- Martha Cossart was born on 18 November 1877 in Toowoomba, Queensland.
- She was the daughter of John Cossart and Martha French.
- Martha was a bridesmaid at the wedding of George Cossart and Minnie Maria Shaw on 5 June 1901 in Enoggera Terrace Presbyterian Church, Brisbane,
; An account of the wedding appeared in "The Brisbane Courier" on Friday 7 June 1901
MARRIAGE - Cossart-Shaw.
A very pretty and interesting wedding took place on Wednesday last in the Enoggera Terrace Presbyterian Church, the contracting parties being Mr. George Cossart, of Toowoomba, and Miss Minne M. Shaw, of Paddington, Brisbane. The Church was well filled with a large company of friends of both parties, and was very effectively decorated by the girl friends of the bride. A pretty marriage bell, suspended above the heads of the bridal party, was specially admired. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. H. Roberts, the minister of the Church, assisted by Revs. J. Lundie, B.A., and A. G. Weller, of Toowoomba. The bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her father, and was attended by four bridesmaids-namely, Miss Shaw, sister of bride, Miss Cossart, sister of the bride-groom, and Misses Gertie Shaw, and Bessie McNulty, nieces of the bride. The bride looked very charming in her handsome wedding costume. The dress was of soft, white silk, the skirt slightly trained, and arranged with a deep circular-tucked flounce, finished at the foot with very narrow frills; the bodice, which was in the bolero style, was finely tucked, the sleeves also tucked, and worn with a pretty fichu of crepe-de-chine, trimmed with silk Maltese lace; the swathed belt was fastened with a handsome pearl buckle, and the beautifully embroidered veil with a spray of orange blossoms.
Miss Emmeline Shaw, chief bridesmaid, wore a pretty cream silk zephyr gown, the tucked bodice contrasted with buttercup chiffon; her fancy straw hat was arranged with cream chiffon, buttercup,and roses. Miss Cossart, sister of the bridegroom, was in cream silk, voile, patented in stripes, the bodice yoked with cream satin and guipure, and a very becoming hat to harmonise. The two little nieces of the bride, Miss Gertie Shaw, and Miss Bessie McNulty, were frocked alike in pale-blue cashmere, and wore white leghorn hats. The bridesmaids carried shower bouquets; the two elder wore gold brooches and the two younger gold chain bangles, gifts of the bridegroom. All the flowers at the wedding were arranged by Mr. George Lothian, of Toowoomba.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, a large company of friends of the happy couple assembled at the Foresters' Hall, Paddington, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was laid in Mr. David Webster's best style. The tables were ladened with the most tempting dainties, whilst the handsome bride cake gave a picturesque finish to a most inviting feast. The hall was nicely decorated by the hall-keeper, Mr. John Butters. Many appropriate mottos adorned the walls, the most prominent being that which extended right across the hall-the words of John Milton-" Marriage rightly understood gives to the tender and the good a paradise below." The usual wedding toasts were proposed and honoured. The Rev. Mr. Roberts, in proposing the health of the bride and bridegroom, told of the high esteem in which his young friends were held, and of the excellent service they had both rendered in the cause of God and temperance. He He wished them every happiness and godspeed in their new life. Mr.Cossart suitably replied. The health of the bridesmaids was proposed by Rev. Mr. Lundie, and responded to by Mr. John Cossart. That of the parents was entrusted to Rev. Mr. Weller, who, in a brief happy speech, told of the general esteem in which Mr. Cossart is held in Toowoomba, and paid a fitting tribute to the family of the bride, as old personal friends of his own. Mr. Cossart, sen., and Mr. .lames Shaw,sen., each replied in fitting terms. Before resuming his seat, Mr.. Shaw proposed the health of the ministers, which was replied to by Ret.Mr. Weller . This brought a highly enjoyable and interesting function to a close. In the afternoon a reception was held, and the many beautiful and useful presents inspected and admired. The bride and bridegroom left by the evening train for Wynnum for the honeymoon, after which they will reside in Toowoomba. - At the age of 31 years, Martha Cossart married George Lothian, son of Adam Lothian and Barbara Allen, in 1909 in Queensland.
- Martha Cossart died on 23 July 1925 in Wollongong, New South Wales, at age 47.
- Martha was buried on 25 July 1925 in Toowoomba & Drayton Cemetery.
Marthe Cossart
F, b. 1574
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marthe Cossart was born in 1574.
- She was the daughter of Thomas Cossart the Third, Sueur de Franqueville and Jeanne de Bauquemare.
Marthe Cossart Second
F, b. 17 November 1638, d. 17 December 1638
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Marthe Cossart Second was born on 17 November 1638 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Pierre Cossart Third and Marie Baudouyn.
- Marthe Cossart Second died on 17 December 1638 in Rouen, France.
Mary Cossart
F, b. 1806
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Mary Cossart was born in 1806 in Ireland.
- She was the daughter of John Cossart Fourth and Elizabeth Crosthwait.
- At the time of the 30 March 1851 census, Mary Cossart was living in the household of William Cossart Second in 2 Lennard Place, Marlebone, Middlesex. He was shown as the head of the family born Dublin in 1811. Living with him were his sisters Mary, born Dublin 1809, and Margaret born Dublin 1810, as well as his daughter Elizabeth Jane, born 1844 in Marlebone.
Mary Ann Cossart

F, b. 1863, d. 1 April 1912
- Charts: Descendants of John Maddern , Descendants of Stephen Lower, Descendants of William Gill (#1), Descendants of William Gill (#2), Descendants of Thomas Cossart (#1), Descendants of Thomas Cossart (#2)
- Accidents: Other Accidents
- Community Minded: Other Community Minded

- Mary Ann Cossart was born in 1863 in Ballisklin, County Derry, Northern Ireland.
- She was the daughter of Henry Cossart and Mary Walker.
- Mary Ann Cossart immigrated to Moreton Bay, Queensland, in 1864. from Country Armagh, Ulster on the "Flying Cloud" with her parents and siblings. She was 2 years old.
- On 27 September 1870 “The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser” printed the following article - "The Darling Downs Gazette of Wednesday last says:-" A little girl named Mary Cossart met with a frightful accident at Highfields on Tuesday week. It appears that the child went on an errand to her father, who was engaged in clearing, a short distance from the homestead, when the branch of a falling tree dashed the child to the ground, and almost buried its head in the earth. The father endeavoured to release the child by chopping away the branch which held it so firmly to the ground, but he soon discovered that such a course would not enable him to remove the timber, and would tend to increase the weight upon the child's body. He consequently resolved to dig out the poor little sufferer, and, with the assistance of several neighbours, the little prisoner was at length released. A messenger was immediately sent for medical assistance, and Dr. Roberts attended in a few hours, when the injuries received were found to be less severe than was at first supposed. Great hopes are entertained that the child will survive the terrible bruising she has received."
Sadly, five months later her brother Henry was killed when a tree fell on him while he was carting logs to the Highfields Sawmill. - She and John Maddern became engaged in 1882. Having built a home at Kedron Brook, John decided to marry. Mary Ann's father, Henry Cossart, a pioneer of the Perseverance area, had died in 1878 but Mary Ann, her sister Sarah and mother Mary continued to live at Pipeclay where her brother Joseph also had property.
- At some time after their engagement, Mary Ann Cossart and John Maddern made the decision to select more land. John was not happy with the land at Crow's Nest as he found it unproductive. They decided to establish at Homestead at Emu Creek where his friend John Barnes, and Mary Anne's old neighbour William Bidgood had already selected land. He paid £4 for the first year's rent and a survey fee of £6/14- for 160 acres, Selection No 3782 - Portion 24, Parish of Djuan, County of Cavandish. The land bordered Bum Bum Creek to the north. On 2 January 1883, just a few weeks before their marriage Mary Ann obtained a lease for Selection 6636, Portion 27, Parish of Djuan which bordered John's selection. She also paid a survey fee and first year's rent of £10/14-. They named the new property Jubilee Vale
. - At the age of 20 years, Mary Ann Cossart married John Maddern, son of Thomas Maddern and Priscilla Lower, on 5 February 1883 in Toowoomba, Queensland. The were married at the home of Mary Ann's mother by the Rev T Thatcher.
After their marriage, John and Mary Ann continued to live at Kedron Brook. However, the conditions of the selection of the land at Emu Creek were that the property be improved and that the selector occupy the property. John spent weeks at a time on his new selection. - Between 1884 and 1887 Mary Ann Cossart and John Maddern were paying rates to the Crow's Nest Shire Council for land held in Djuan and the Crows Nest area - Portions 2685 an area of 420 acres, and 6419 and area of 160 acres for John. The total rates payable was £1/5/-. Mary Ann also held land at Djuan - portion 6636 a total of 160 acres. The amount payable for this land between 1884 and 1887 was 5/-.
- On 18 August 1884 John and Mary Ann Maddern obtained the Deed of Grant to Kedron Brook. In the five years he had worked on the land he had added a home worth £40.00.00; 1/2 acres of garden valued at £20.00.00; 1/4 mile of paling fences to the value of £20.00.00 and two miles of rail fence valued at £80.00.00 - a total of £160.00.00. Charles Barnes and F A Michell attested to John's residency, and the improvements he had made over the five years.
- John was having difficulty in finding the time and money to invest in the new selections at Emu Creek. He and Mary Ann continued to live at Kedron Brook. However, his absence from the selection did not go unnoticed by the Crown Lands Agent, Alex Gorring who reported to the Lands Commission that he "Examined this selection of Maddern’s about 22nd December 1886. The Selector was absent at the time. It was occupied by a man in the selector’s employ. There was a slab hut on the Selection. This man was splitting fencing stuff at the time and I was informed that the selector was living in Crow’s Nest - and that it had been his home for some time."
As a result of this notification the Lands Commission issued John with a Show Cause letter to which John replied on 28 Mar 1887. His letter read:-
"Crow’s Nest
March 28 1887
WM Hume Esq.
We have been called upon by the Land Commissioner to show cause why our Selections should not be forfeited for non-fulfilment of Residence. I herein enclose all particulars public and private.
In the first place I selected a piece of land at Crow's Nest. To do this I had to borrow a part of the money to pay the first installment. After this I paid out all I earned to make what improvements I can so I may be able to get my Certificate. I found I could not make sufficient improvements in time. A friend offered to erect two miles of fencing for me and wait two years for the money. I accepted his offer and he erected the fence. In the mean time I got my Certificate. At the expiration of that time, or about 5 years ago I borrowed £100 pounds to enable me to pay for the fences and other debts I had contracted in trying to settle on that Selection but I found that after all my labour and money I had expended I could not make a living on it.
After this I was showed the land on Bum Bum Creek that was open for selection. I was resolved to try to get a homestead if I could raise the money to take it up. Accordingly, I took up this homestead now in question. Shortly after my present wife selected adjoining me. I thought that I may be able to pay the interest on the money I had borrowed and try and fence in and live on the Selections in Bum Bum Creek.
But to my surprise I was called in to pay up the £100 pound I had borrowed. Previous to this I had married. Therefore in the midst of the drought I had to meet this amount but I had no money. I did not know what to do. However, I went to Toowoomba and called on Mr Faulkner, the Commission Agent and asked him if he could advance me the money. He said he could not, but he thought I could get it from the Union Bank. He took me to the manager who promised to advance me the money if I had the deeds of my selection. I had then about three years rent to pay. I accordingly had to borrow £150 to meet the £100 pounds and pay the back rent and deed fees. I thus gave the bank and order to receive my deeds as Security on the money. This upset all my plans on fencing and clearing land on our Selection in Bum Bum Creek. I resolved from this time to try and pay off my debts before laying out any more expenses on the Selections, that if I continued borrowing, I should lose all that I had. This is about 3 years ago. I had built a humpy and ring barked some trees on our Selections on Bum Bum Creek.
I will now tell you how we managed to pay off this money.
In the first place I took a contract to supply 6000 paling for the Toowoomba Race Course. To save expense my wife would help me to fall the trees and I would split them up. I employed a lad to drive the horses to cart them to Cabarlah. After this contract I took a contract with Schofield to erect half a mile of fence on the Toowoomba Race Course. This I also completed in the course of eight months.
I also made hurdles for the Toowoomba Show and to save expense my wife helped me to make them. And from the time I borrowed the £150 pounds until last November the time I finished working on the palings through the help of my wife and my labours we had paid off the debt we owed the bank, £150 pounds apart from other family expenses. Thus in five years I paid off the principal and interest which amounts to about £200.0.0 and also met our rents but not without a struggle and many days hard toil and sleepless nights which no doubt was the cause of my sickness. During this time I was three times sick under the care of the Doctor. The last time I was sick about 12 months ago I was laid up about 3 months and could not do anything which was a real draw back to me.
About this time last year I lost two young horses, which died and also the half of the increase of my few cattle. The horses were worth about £30.0.0 which I hoped would helped me to pay off my debts. This loss I had to work hard for and make up that amount. The above is an account of my financial conditions.
We have lived on the selections as far as our financial position would allow us, never absenting ourselves more than two months at any time and have travelled early and late to fulfill the residence while we were paying off our debt. As you will see by my above statement that my wife has often been with me to assist me in my work instead of paying for labour.
Now ….. if we went on our selection to fence and do other improvements with £150.0.0. debt we should have been today £300.0.0 in debt and as soon as we got the selections should been obliged to sell them to pay this debt and should made a great show on the selection and should not today be called upon to show cause why they should not be forfeited. I think that I have done my best to my adopted country, to myself and my family in paying my debt.
I shall now be able to make improvements on our selections without a troubled mind. If the Government do take the selections in question from us after all our struggle to pay what we have paid on them about £35.0.0. besides other improvements it will be a blow we shall never overcome, after first passing through a struggle to pay our debts."
He followed this with another letter on the same day.
"Kedron Brook
Crow’s Nest March 28th 1887
I have enclosed to you the causes and other facts relative to my position as a Selector. Referring to the £150 pound I have borrowed from the Bank. I forgot to mention that I had to pay it within three years of the date of borrowing.
I am at present in debt about £20 pound and this I hope to pay off in the course of 12 months and make what improvements I can on our selections in the meantime to fulfill the conditions required by the Act. I have at present about half a mile of fence erected on the wife’s Selection and humpy on mine and other improvements, where we intend to cultivate as we had no cultivation ground in the Selection at Crow’s Nest. I found this out after I had paid out all my money.
I have tried to sell my Selection to pay my debts through a commission agent from the time I borrowed the money but could not.
If I could have sold it I would be in a different position today.
Now this is the only consolation I have that instead of being in the hands of the money lender I am in the hands of the Government who I hope will deal with me according to the merits of the case.
As regards my health which has been against me labouring for this last 5 years I have not enjoyed ?? one week’s good health and in the midst of this I have struggled on and paid the most of my debts but not without the help of my wife who worked as hard as me. Often times in the b?l and has helped me fall timber enough to fence her selection twice round.
So, by the above you will see what up-hill a selector have to contend with and doubtless with the great experience you had amongst Selectors you are aware of these facts already.
I hope Sir, you will excuse me for troubling you in this matter but if you could bring these facts that I have stated before the members of Land Board I should be very thankful and perhaps would help me out of my present trouble.
I remain Sir
Your obt Servant
John Maddern"
He followed it up with a sworn statement on 23 May,1887 :- " I live at Bum Bum Creek on 3782 Selection and have lived there constantly since last November, my wife has lived there also. B ???? to last November I was engaged consideratly? On contracts between Toowoomba and Crow's Nest and residing part of the time on this Selection. I had taken up my permanent abode on this Selection and propose to reside there continually. My wife is living there also.
Berirns ?? to 22nd Dec last my wife and myself were living on this selection occasionally. Sometimes we went there for two to three days a fortnight just as I could get away from my work. During the balance of the time were at Cst (Crow's Nest). My wife lived at Crow's Nest. Since I took up the Selection when I was not on the Selection I was generally living in a tent, not always with my wife. Sometimes she lived at Crow's Nest generally.
I did all the improvements including building the house personally except the help of a man for 2 ½ months. This house I built about 4 years ago. "
His friend and neighbour John Barnes also submitted a statement:- "John Barnes Sworn -I live at Bum Bum Creek on a Selection adjoining that of Madderns. He is living there now with his wife, they have been living there about five (5) months. Berions to that I have know him to be there very often, Every two months or so, Sometimes perhaps twice a month, He sometimes stayed there for a fortnight Sometimes not more than three days. "
Reg Mr Gorring. Berions to November last he did not reside there continually. He had a home at Crow’s Nest where he resided part of the time.
John Barnes.
- On 17 July 1887 John and Mary Ann's second son, Egbert was born at Jubilee Vale, Emu Creek.
- In 1901 Michael Garrahy purchased Kedron Brook from John and Mary Ann.
- Mary Ann Cossart and John Maddern appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Djuan. John was a grazier.
- In 1903 Mary Ann Cossart was payingrates to the Crow's Nest Shire Council for Portion 27 (158 acres) at Emu Creek.
- In 1911 when Egbert and Alice Gillies were married the family may have taken the opportunity to have some photos taken on the verandah of "Jubilee Vale."
- On 18 February 1911 the Department of Education compiled a list of children who were currently attending the Mossview School, but were residing near the proposed Jubilee Vale school. John and Mary Ann's children Lucy 10 and Jack 8 were on that list. They lived on Portion 24 Djuan which was about 3/4 miles from the proposed new school as compared to 4 miles from the Mossview School.
- Mary Ann Cossart died on 1 April 1912 in Queensland.
- Mary was buried in Crow's Nest Cemetery.
- On her death Mary Ann was buried with her sister Sarah who had died 8 years previously in 1904. Mary Ann was aged 49 and when he died 21years later in 1933 John was buried beside her.
"Mary Ann had been a great favourite with her brothers and sister, and in fact, all who came in contact with her." - extract from the book "History of the Cossart and Allied Families." - In 1913 held land in the estates name, 178 acres, paying rates to the Crows Nest Shire.
- The Methodist Church in Crow's Nest erected memorial plaques to early Crow's Nest Pioneers on the Church fence. John and Mary Ann's names were amongst them.
Children of Mary Ann Cossart and John Maddern
- Orlando Penzance Cossart Maddern+ b. 7 January 1884, d. 5 February 1970
- Egbert Thomas Spencer Lower Maddern+ b. 17 July 1887, d. 12 July 1969
- Priscilla Sarah (Olive) Mary Maddern+ b. 20 February 1894, d. 11 December 1969
- Ruby Annie May Maddern+ b. 20 February 1896, d. 8 July 1976
- Lucy Ida Phyllis Maddern b. 8 October 1900, d. 14 June 1989
- John Victor David Maddern+ b. 13 October 1902, d. 30 September 1987
Mary Jane Cossart 
F, b. 31 July 1871, d. 20 April 1940
- Mary Jane Cossart was born on 31 July 1871 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of John Cossart and Martha French.
- Mary Jane Cossart became a nurse. She was also a member of the Salvation Army and was Matron in Charge of the Salvation Army Rescue Home in Rockhampton. During her time there she was a witness into the death of a baby boy at the home. The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) reported on the enquiry on 16 June 1904.
An inquiry was held yesterday before the Police Magistrate (Mr. P.W. P----- into the ---- death of a male child of Edith Wagner, at the Salvation Army Home, The Range, on the 3rd instant.
Sub-inspector Toohey conducted the inquiry.
David Walsh, acting sergeant of police in charge of the Allen-town police station stated a report was made to him on the 3rd instant by Ensign Woodford, of the Salvation Army Home, and in consequence, he went to the Home and was shown the dead body of a male child on a bed with its mother Edith Wagner. He found no marks on the body except a small blood stain near the left eye. The matron explained that there had been a running from the eyes since the child's birth. The child was twelve days old. Witness said to the mother " When did you find your baby was dead? " She replied "At daylight this morning." Witness said " What time did you give it food last ? " She replied " About two o'clock." He made a report of the circumstance in writing and submitted it to the Police Magistrate. A post mortem examination was ordered. The body was taken to the morgue and an examination was held at half past two o'clock the same day by Drs F H V Voss and E B Fitzpatrick. Witness was present at the examination.
Mary Jane Cossart, ensign of the Salvation Army and officer-in-charge of the Salvation Army Rescue Home, stated she was a trained nurse. Edith Wagner came to Rockhampton from Charters Towers on the 26 of April and gave birth to a male child on the 21st of May. Witness attended her in the confinement. As far as she could see, the child was healthy. It was nursed by the mother. Witness attended the child daily up till the 3rd instant. On the 3rd instant she sent one of the girls named Maggie Anderson for the baby. She came back and told witness that it was dead. Witness went and spoke to the mother. Witness said " When did you last give the baby food? "' She replied "About two o'clock." The body of the child was warm. The child had slept with the mother from the time of its birth. Witness caused a report to be made to the police and the body was removed from the home the same evening.
By the Police Magistrate: The mother of the child was a heavy sleeper. As far as Witness could see, the mother had given the child all the attention she could. She heard the child cry about one o'clock on the morning of the 3rd instant. It was an normal cry.
Maggie Anderson, single woman, at present residing at the Salvation Army Rescue Home, said that on the 3rd instant she was sent by matron for the child of Edith Wagner. The matron wanted to give it a bath. When she asked for the child the mother replied " The baby is dead Maggie." Witness said .. "Go on " and picked the child and found it was dead. She asked ' When did it die? " The mother replied " I woke up in the night to give it a drink and found it dead". Witness reported the matter to the Matron.
Edith Wagner said she was a single woman and resided at present at the Salvation Army Rescue Home. She came to Rockhampton from Charters Towers about seven weeks ago. She was confined of a male child on the 21st of May last. She slept with the child every night and nursed it. She fed it about two o'clock on the morning of the 3rd instant and went to sleep with it on her arm. She woke up about half-past six o'clock, and, touching the child found it was dead. About a quarter to seven o'clock the matron sent the last witness in for it and witness told her it was dead. There were other bedrooms close to witness's; but they were not occupied. Ensign Woodford occupied the next room to witness and was in it when she found the child was dead.
By the Police Magistrate: She laid in her bed until someone came into the room. She did not call out to anyone or tell anybody until the last witness came into the room.
By Sub-inspector Toohey: She told the last witness that the baby had died in the night. This was not the first child she had had. She had one in Charters Towers about three years ago; but it was still born. Witness was twenty-five years of age. She did not remember the child crying in the night. She was a heavy sleeper. When she woke the child was lying alongside her. She was not lying on the child when she woke.
By the Police Magistrate: Mrs Plant of Charters Towers, paid her fare from Charters Towers to Rockhampton.
By the Police Magistrate to Ensign Cossart: This inquiry is not intended in any way to indicate that there was neglect by the Salvation Army Home authorities and I should not like you to think that that was the reason I ordered it. It is not intended to cast any slur on the home.
The inquiry was then adjourned. - Mary was buried on 20 April 1940 in Toowoomba & Drayton Cemetery. The burial records show her name as Jane.
- Mary Jane Cossart died on 20 April 1940 in Queensland at age 68.
Maud Ellen Cossart
F, b. 4 August 1909, d. 9 October 1952
- Maud Ellen Cossart was also known as Nellie.
- She was born on 4 August 1909 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Sidney Joseph Cossart and Ivy Agnes Louisa Smith.
- In December 1933 the following article appeared in the "Brisbane Courier":- GATTON.
Show Society- At a meeting of ladles, it was decided to assist the Lockyer A. and I. Society in conducting a Paddy's market. Mrs. J. Smith was appointed convenor of the ice cream, and soft drinks stall, Mrs. J. P. Yates the cake stall, Mrs. P. Logan the Jumble, and Miss Nellie Cossart the sweets and flower stall. - At the age of 31 years, 1 month and 24 days, Maud Ellen Cossart married Andrew "Dooley" Philp on 28 September 1940.
- Maud Ellen Cossart died on 9 October 1952 in Brisbane, Queensland, at age 43.
Child of Maud Ellen Cossart and Andrew "Dooley" Philp
- Andrew Joseph Philp b. 1 June 1942, d. 1998
Michelle Cossart
F, b. 1590
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Michelle Cossart was baptized in 1590 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Bourgeois Laurent Cossart and Judith Conteux.
Mildred Blandy Cossart
F, b. 1879
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Mildred Blandy Cossart was born in 1879.
- She was the daughter of Charles John Crosthwait Cossart and Anna Mary Fuber Blandy.
Myfanwy Cossart
F, b. 1913
- Myfanwy Cossart was born in 1913 in Queensland.
- She was the daughter of Norman Cecil Cossart and Margaret Jane Williams.
Nellie Rhoda Blanche Cossart 
F, b. 13 May 1891, d. 25 August 1964
- Nellie Rhoda Blanche Cossart was born on 13 May 1891 in Dugandan, Boonah, Queensland.
- She was the daughter of James Cossart and Rhoda Bidgood.
- Nellie Rhoda Blanche Cossart attended school in Boonah State School.
- She attended school in Ipswich Girls Grammar.
- At the age of 28 years, 10 months and 26 days, Nellie Rhoda Blanche Cossart married Oswald Francis St David Eva, son of Canon Richard Roberts Eva and Eliza Jane Hicks, on 8 April 1920. This was a double wedding with her sister Daisy and Rev John Wilson.
- On 5 October 1940,her husband, Oswald Francis St David Eva died in Queensland.
- Nellie Rhoda Blanche Cossart died on 25 August 1964 in Queensland at age 73.
Nicholas Cossart
M, b. circa 1657
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Nicholas Cossart was born circa 1657. He married Marie Le Brun and has a daughter Elizabeth Therese Cossart.
- He was the son of Jean Cossart Seventh and Genevieve Arnault.
Noel Cossart
M, b. 1530, d. 17 September 1572
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Noel Cossart was born in 1530 in Rouen, France.
- He was the son of Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart and Jacquette Puchot.
- At the age of 30 years, Noel Cossart married Catherine lLe Roux on 22 April 1560 in St Vivien.
- He joined the Huguenots. Noel was a man of very strong character and his change of religion placed him in opposition to all the members of his family.
- Noel Cossart died on 17 September 1572 in Rouen, France. He was among the band of Huguenots massacred in 1572 in Rouen.
Children of Noel Cossart and Catherine lLe Roux
- Noel Cossart Second b. 1562, d. 1614
- Marie Cossart Third b. 1565
Noel Cossart
M, b. 1907, d. 1987
- Noel Cossart was born in 1907.
- Noel Cossart died in 1987.
Noel Cossart
M, b. 29 March 1907
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Noel Cossart was born on 29 March 1907.
- He was the son of Charles Blandy Cossart and Maria Anne di Bianchi.
Noel Alexander Cossart
M, b. 6 January 1910, d. 23 June 1936
- Noel Alexander Cossart was born on 6 January 1910 in Queensland.
- He was the son of Thomas Alexander Cossart and Cara Hilda Lucy Greenwood.
- Noel Alexander Cossart died on 23 June 1936 in Queensland at age 26.
- Noel was buried on 24 June 1936 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery, Toowoomba. He was buried with parents Hilda and Thomas.
Noel Cossart Fourth
M, b. 1670, d. 1728
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Noel Cossart Fourth was born in 1670 in Rouen, France.
- He was the son of Noel Cossart Third and Ann Petit.
- Noel Cossart Fourth fled with Noel Cossart Third and Ann Petit to London in 1696; Noel, his wife Elizabeth and their children fled to London at the time of the Revocation. He was admitted to membership in the Threadneedle Street French Church in 1696.
- Noel Cossart Fourth died in 1728 in London, England. He left £3653 to the Threadneedle Street French Church in London.
Noel Cossart Second
M, b. 1562, d. 1614
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Noel Cossart Second was born in 1562 in Rouen, France.
- He was the son of Noel Cossart and Catherine lLe Roux.
- At the age of 33 years, Noel Cossart Second married Marie Feron in 1595.
- Noel Cossart Second died in 1614.