John Francis Walker

M, b. 1888

Jonathan Robert Walker

M, b. 1869, d. 1924

Kenneth Walker

M, b. circa 1923, d. 14 February 1926
  • Kenneth Walker was born circa 1923.
  • He was the son of Edgar John Walker and Ivy Jane Walsh.
  • Kenneth Walker died on 14 February 1926 in Wollery's Mill, Gilderoy. His parents and brother Bertie died at the same time.
  • On 10 March 1926 "The Argus" newspaper reported on the coroners finding into the deaths of those lost in the bushfires. It read " VICTIMS OF THE FIRES.



    Graphic Evidence at Inquest.


    Stories told at inquests held yesterday by the city coioner (Nr. D. Berriman) into the deaths of the bush fire victims in the Warburton and Powelltown districts told realistically of the suffering and heroism of the survivors. The first inquiry was held in the Yarra Junction Shire Hall in the morning and concerned the deaths of 14 people at Worlley's mill Gilderoy, and two at Powelltown. Women in black wept silently throughout the hearing of the evidence and among the witnesses were Arthur Walker and Harry King the only two survivors of the mill party which sought safety on an old farm and was cut off by the flames. Both men, who have been in the Melbourne Hospital had their right arms in slings. Smoke from fires in the surrounding hills swirled through the hall during the hearing

    In the afternoon the lnquiry at Warburton related to six deaths at Big Pat's Creek including those of the five members of the Donald family. The alarm bell sounded twice while the hearing was in progress and as witnesses gave their evidence they were released to join the volunteers fighting the fires round Warburton.

    All the deaths occured on Sunday, February 14.

    The victims at Powelltown and Gilderoy were: - Lindsay Douglas King aged 21 years, mill hand single; Leslie Carl Hay age 31 years, mill hand married five children; Sydney Johns aged 31 years mill hand, single; Herber Johns aged l8 years; Richard Cyril Duncan aged two years and seven months; Ivy Jane Walker aged 29 years married; Edgar John Walker aged 31 years mill worker married two years; Bertie Walker aged four years; Kenneth Walker aged three years; Albert Lunson aged 22 years timber worker single; Valentine Walsh age 27 years timber worker single; Lawrence Roberts aged 28 years mill hand single; Joseph Charles Ross Johnstone aged 34 years engine-driver married one child; Albert Ernest Sand- ham aged 26 years mill hand single; Walter Ernest Charle Bull aged 39 years telegraphist married; William Anson aged 67 years labourer single.

    Tho coroner was assisted bv Subinspector Gardner. Mr Maurice Blackburn appeared for the relatives of the deceased, and for the Victorian branch of the Australian Timber Workers' Union.

    Arthur Mark Bowe, winchdriver, Yarra Junction, said My wife was keeping a boarding house for the employees of the mill. At half past 10 o clock in the morningg I noticed a fire burning near Saxton' s mill, about a mile and a half away. An hour later burning sticks and bark came overhead and set the hill on the west side alight. By a quartet to 2 o 'clock the fire had almost reached the mill. My son Clarence and I started to make a fire break about 10ft wide at the back of the house.

    I called on the others, to help me, but they were all running about excitedly. The fire came up to our break and stopped but it worked round and caught another house close by, which set our house on fire. Men, wonen, and children made for the horse trough, and buried their luggage. I went to get a tin of water so that we could have a drink when the fire had passed over I called to the others, "The water is all gone! Get down to the creek'! That is our only chance." They left the horse trough and started for the creek. I was some distance behind when I noticed most ot the party leaving the creek. My wife, Mrs Duncan, and Clarence stayed with me and I called to the others," For God's sake don't go up there, or you are caught!"

    Lindsay King shouted, "Come on. It is all right. We can get through." They kept going and that was the last time that I saw any of them alive except Arthur Walker and Harry King. I know that they could not get through the fire and shortly afterwards it crossed the tramline behind them, so that they could not get back. We crouched in the creek and the fire swept over us at a terrific pace. The heat was unbearable. Later, I came out of the creek, and met Walker and Harry King coming towards me. King was on his hands and knees. Walker was stumbling and fell into the creek. I carried King to the creek, and poured water over them both. They were badly burned. Walking along the tramline I found the bodies of the remainder of the party. I counted 13 bodies. When it came dusk, we all left the creek and went to the top of the hill, where we remained all night.

    Lillian Howe, wife of the previous witness, said that Mrs Duncan and she would have perished in the creek had not her husband kept throwing water over them. On their way to Saxton's mill the following morning, they were blocked at one point by a large burning tree which had fallen across the track. Exhausted and hungry, they were compelled to scrape away the sand with their hands to make a hole large enough to crawl under the tree. King and Walker, who were smoke blind and badly burned, had then to be dragged through this hole.

    Elizabeth Duncan, married woman, said:

    My son, Richard Duncan. aged two years and seven months, was burnt to death in the fire. I had been assisting Mrs Rowe in conducting the boating house, and had only been at Gilderoy for a week. When we were in the creek Mr Len King took my boy and tried to make to safety at the old farm with him but was compelled to turn back. He then left my boy with the remainder of the party, and that was the last time I saw him alive.

    Main Party Cut Off

    Arthur George Walker, sawmill hand said: While the others stayed in the creek, the main party tried tn reach some cleared land up the hill. We had gone about half-way when the fire leapt up in front of us. We turned and rushed back towards the creek, but when we reached the log yard we saw that the fire was aleady over the creek. We were cut off and could neither advance nor retreat. Lind say King took Mrs Walker and tried to force his way through the flames with her. They got half way and had to come back. I then attempted to reach safety with Mrs Walker but was also forced back. I could then see that there was no chance of saving anyone so I ran through the log yard, through the mill, which was on fire, and into the creek. Harry King had gone this way some minutes before. We dropped into the creek, and stayed there for three hours.

    Reoovory of Bodies.

    Mounted constable F.R.H. Raper, stationed at Yarra Junction, said that while conveying the body of Ernest Bull to Yarra Junction he heard of the disaster at Gilderoy. He left Bull's body at Saxton's house and went to the mill which he found had been totally destroyed. He described the finding of the bodies. In one place seven bodies were huddled together, three being those of children.

    Charles Reuben Lewis, mill hand, said that he left the mill at noon on Saturday and returned on the Mondav morning from Yarra Junction. He described the finding of the bodies and how he had been able to identify them by articles of their property.

    John Henry Hudson, labourer, Yarra Junction, described the finding of a body burned beyond recognition. Lying beside it was an imitation pin made of cardboard in the form of a Union Jack, and with the name on it in ink "Joseph Johnstone." Johnstone had worn this pin ever since witness had known him.

    Death of Ernest Bull

    A statement made by Arthur Bryant butcher, Powelltown, to Detective McKerrall was read. ln this he said:-About 6 o'clock on the Sunday night I went to Morris's slaughter-yard in Powelltown to kill a beast and some sheep for the following day. Alexander Sparks and Ernest Bull were with me. Bush fires were in the hills on every side, and the smoke was very thick. Bull returned to Powell- town. I released the cattle and sheep and we then lit two small fires as a break against the main fire which was closing in on all sides. We tried to cross the gully but the scrub was so thick that we could not get through. As we ran back towards the pigsty Bull cried, " I am done," and fell on his knees. I said, "Come on; we will be burnt to to death,"and Sparks and I helped him to the pig- sty. The fire became too hot and we moved into the sty among the pigs. But then the sty caught fire and we were forced out of it, and Bull threw himself in the ground and exclaimed," I am done."

    He kept catching his throat and asked us to cut his throat. He then lay still and did not speak. I examined him, feeling heart and pulse, and he appeared to be dead. The sty was then burning fiercely, and we were compelled to run through the flames to the railway line to save our own lives. That night we returned to the spot with others and found Bull's charred body near the pigsty.

    Fatal Refusal to Leave

    Charles Henry King, a line-repairer, Powelltown, said - About a quartar to 4 o'clock on the Sunday afternoon. accompanied by Carl Thomas, I went to No 13 mill, as the fires were raging there. Willliam Anson was sitting at his hut door, and the fire was burning fiercely on the l hill opposite the hut. I said to him, "You had better pack up, Bill and come with us." He replied, "No, Charlie; I have a little patch on the top of the hill and if the mill catches fire I am going up there." I tried in every way to induce him to leave the hut but he refused to do so. Fires broke out round his hut and I tried to put them out but it was no use. The heat became so intense that we had to run away or we would have been burned. Eventually we reached Cummings house, which is two miles dis- tant. On the Tuesday I was one of a search party which recovered Anson's body. It was lying three chains from his hut in the direction of the cleared patch which he had indicated.

    Origin of Fire

    Carl Thomas labourer Powelltown gavesimilar evidence.

    Senior detective A 1 McKerrall said that his inquiries showed that the fire had begun on Mount Donna Buang about January 3, and had burnt slowly in the hills till February 14 when it had been fanned into activity by the north wind and had leapt through the bush.

    Coroner's Praise

    Tlie coroner found that the deaths of the 16 people had been caused through burns accidentally received in a bush fire.

    "I desire ," he added, " to bear testimony in such words as I can to the wonderful courage shown by the women and the men who met this holocaust on the fateful Sunday afternoon. It moves one deeply, even to think of it. Thy showed the courage that we expect from the sons and daughters of our race but they showed it in a mar- vellous way." The coroner spoke of the excellent work performed by the people of Yarra Junction in helping to bring out the bodies of the dead and in succouring the homeless. The police had given of their time and energies to the full extent- first, he was sure, as men, and second as servants of the Government. He knew, perhaps better than most, how ungrudgingly they bad gone without food and without sleep. He acknowledged also the assistance which he had received from Senior detective McKerrall, by the fine manner in which he had prepared a difficult brief."

Leonard Phillip Walker

M, b. 1907, d. 13 April 1927

Leslie Walker

M, b. 1899, d. 8 December 1918

Leslie Arthur Walker

M, b. 1899

Lillian Isabel Walker

F, b. 1898, d. 1926
  • Lillian Isabel Walker was born in 1898 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Alfred Walker and Jane Stewart McIntosh.
  • Lillian Isabel Walker died in 1926 in Queensland.

Lucy Emily Walker

F, b. 1909

Malvina May Walker

F, b. 1891

Marjorie Jean Walker

F, b. 1912, d. 9 October 1966

Martha Amelia Walker

F, b. 29 June 1885

Mary Walker

F, b. 1822, d. 12 April 1902

Mary Cossart (nee Walker) (1822-1902). Born Northern Ireland, died Toowoomba.
  • Mary Walker was born in 1822 in Antrim, Ireland. Mary's death certificate shows her fathers surname as Walker, but this may have been her mother Nancy's surname. Nancy married a McKee and died in 1861.
  • She was the daughter of Unknown Walker and Ann (Nancy) Unknown.
  • At the age of 17 years, Mary Walker married Henry Cossart, son of Joseph Cossart and Susan Davidson, in 1839 in Ireland. After their marriage Henry and Mary lived about 3 miles south east of Gracehill at Ballyminstra. At least three children were born there. By the time James was born in 1857 they had moved west to Ballyscullan, not far from the town of Bellaghy (about 10 miles south west of Gracehill). They lived at Ballymacombs in 1861.
  • The Will of Nancy McKee late of Bellaghy in the County of Londonderry Widow deceased who died 26 February 1861 at same place was proved at Londonderry by the oaths of Henry Cossart and Mary Cossart his Wife both of Ballymacombs in said County the Executors. Mary was the sole beneficiary of her mother's estate and received £45 9/- after probate. Perpaps this money was a factor in the family's decision to emmigrate.
  • On 15 February 1861 Mary Walker lived in Ballymacombs, near Balleghy, not far from Mary's mother Nancy McKee who lived at Balleghy.
  • On 29 March 1861, her applied for probate of the will of Ann (Nancy) Unknown. Nancy left assets of 45 pound, 9 shillings all of which went to her daughter Mary Cossart.
  • Mary Walker and Henry Cossart immigrated to Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, in February 1864. They came on the "Flying Cloud" with their children John 23, Joseph 21, Sarah, Henry 12, James 7, David, 6 and Mary Ann aged 2. After some delay with Quarantine in Brisbane the family set out by bullock dray for Toowoomba. Henry selected land at Highfields and the family remained there for some years. Leaving the Highfields property in the care of John who, by this time, had married Martha French, Henry and his other sons moved to property at Pipeclay in the Perseverance area.
    The "Flying Cloud" - the ship on which the Cossart family travelled to Moreton Bay in 1864.
  • On 11 January 1878,her husband, Henry Cossart died in Pipeclay Creek, Highfields, Toowoomba. The death certificate (signed by Joseph Cossart of Pipeclay Creek) showed Henry a 64 year old farmer of Pipeclay Creek. He had been suffering from dysentery and had been attended by Dr Roberts on the 4th January 1878. His parents were given as Joseph Cossart, a cabinet maker and Susan Davidson. He had been born in Ireland and had lived in the Colony for 13 years. He married Mary Walker in Ireland when he was 25 years old and had six living children John 34, Joseph 31, Sarah 22, James 20, David 18 and Mary Ann 16. [The ages are not correct].There was one deceased male.
    Joseph was also executor of his father's will and after his death sold the property to the Case family.
  • Mary Walker witnessed the birth of Orlando Penzance Cossart Maddern on 7 January 1884 in Kedron Brook, Crows Nest, Queensland; At the time of Orlando's birth, John Maddern was living at Crow's Nest. Orlando's grandmother Mary Cossart was nurse at the birth.
  • In 1886 Mary Walker was paying rates to the Highfields Council on Por 5, 294, Area 380 acres.
  • On 28 February 1898 the following article appeared in the "Brisbane Courier" - twenty years after Henry's death:- Name of Deceased Proprietor.-Henry Cossart, late of Pipeclay, near Toowoomba, farmer- Date of Death.-11th January, 1878.
    Name of Claimant -Mary Cossart, of Ipswich, widow of deceased.
    Description and Situation of Land.Selection 294 and portion 5, county of Cavendish, parish of Crow's Nest.
    Estate Claimed to be Transmitted.-Life estate.
    Particulars of Will or Otherwise.-Will dated 18th June, 1874.
    Date within which Caveat may be Lodged. -5th April, 1898

    Name of Deceased Proprietor.-Henry Cossart aforesaid.
    Date of Death.-11th January, 1878.
    Names of Claimants.-James Cossart, of Dugandan, sawmill proprietor, and David Cossart, of the same place, sawyer.
    Description and Situation of Land.-Selection 294 and portion 5, county of Cavendish. parish of Crow's Nest.
    Estate Claimed to be Transmitted.-Fee simple in remainder.
    Particulars of Will or Otherwise.-Will dated 18th June, 1874.
    Date within which Caveat.-may be Lodged. -5th April, 1898

    After Henry's death, the property at Pipeclay was sold. By this time John, Joseph and James were married. Mary and the two girls Sarah and Mary Ann moved to Toowoomba.
  • Mary Walker died on 12 April 1902 in De Lacy Street, Toowoomba, Queensland. Her son Joseph Cossart of Brisbane ws the informant on the death certificate.It showed Mary was an 80 year old housewife who had suffered cerebral haemorrhage and paralysis for five days before her death. Dr N P Elliott had seen her on the day she died. She had been born in Antrim, Ireland and had been in Queensland for 38 years. Her parents were -- Walker, a farmer and her mother's name was not known. Her marriage to Henry Cossart took place when she was 20 years old. Six children survived her - John, 60, Joseph 55, James 44, Sarah 42, and Annie 38 [Ages are not correct]. There was one deceased male.
  • Mary was buried on 13 April 1902 in Toowoomba & Drayton Cemetery.
  • C E Cossart wrote in his book - "After the death of Henry Cossart, his wife and daughters, Sarah and Mary Ann, went to live in Toowoomba. In the year 1900, Mary Cossart and her daughter Sarah, moved to Ipswich and in the meantime Mary Ann had married John Maddern. Mary Cossart died on 12 April, 1902, at the ripe old age of 80 years and after rearing a family, who have so firmly established the Cossart name.
    She had a wonderful personality and retained her full faculties and jovial nature to the end. She was very popular with her grandchildren, who visited her on every possible occasion, and were always made welcome. Her daughter Sarah died two years later on 24 September 1904.

    Appended is a cutting published in one of the Toowoomba papers in reference to her passing:

    'Another old identity of the district has just passed away, in the person of Mrs Mary Cossart, aged 80 years, who, with her husband, Mr Henry Cossart, arrived in Queensland by the ship "Flying Cloud" in Februray 1864. Mr and Mrs Cossart were pioneers of Perseverance, Mr Cossart being engaged in farming. After the death of her husband in 1878, Mrs Cossart removed to this town, where she had been a resident practically ever since - up to Saturday afternoon last when death, which was really due to the breaking up of the system, took place.
    The funeral, on Sunday last, was largely attended, her four sons - Messers John, James, Joseph and David, being present. The Rev J G Martin conducted the burial service in an impressive manner. Her sons are well known in this district, as well as in Ipswich and Brisbane, three of whom are engaged in the timber industry, two in Dugandan and one in Gatton. Mr John Cossart of Highfields being the eldest. Miss Cossart, the elder daughter, remained with her mother to the last. The youngest daughter is Mrs John Maddern, of Crow's Nest. Mrs Cossart also leaves a very large number of grandchildren to mourn her loss; and all her sorrowing relatives have in the bereavement the sympathy of a widespread acquaintance.""

Children of Mary Walker and Henry Cossart

Mary Jane Walker

F, b. circa 1870
  • Mary Jane Walker was born circa 1870.
  • Mary Jane Walker married Ernest Albert Smith in 1896 in Queensland.

Child of Mary Jane Walker and Ernest Albert Smith

Mary May Walker

F, b. 1904, d. 1972

Child of Mary May Walker and James Edwin Rutledge

Montague Albert Walker

M, b. 30 January 1904
  • Montague Albert Walker was born on 30 January 1904 in Mackay, Queensland.
  • At the age of 31 years, 2 months and 14 days, Montague Albert Walker married Ivy Louisa Carey, daughter of George Carey and Rosina May Bridgeman, on 13 April 1935 in Queensland.

Nellie May Walker

F, b. 29 August 1908, d. 2 December 1999
  • Nellie May Walker was born on 29 August 1908 in Jones Gully, Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker and Natalie Douglas Tigell.
  • Nellie May Walker appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1930 and 1943 living at Pinelands. She carried out home duties.
  • At the age of 29 years, 7 months and 21 days, Nellie May Walker married Edwin Rufus Gough (who died on 16 Sep the same year) on 19 April 1938 in Brisbane, Queensland.
  • At the age of 35 years and 20 days, Nellie May Walker married Percy Henry Brewer, son of Charles Brewer and Ellen Caroline Brown, on 18 September 1943 in St Georges Church of England, Crows Nest, Queensland.
  • Nellie May Walker died on 2 December 1999 in Toowoomba, Queensland, at age 91.
  • Nellie was buried on 3 December 1999 in Crow's Nest Cemetery. Plot LAWS1-00R-0013.

Philip Harold Walker

M, b. circa 1855, d. before 1886
  • Philip Harold Walker was born circa 1855.
  • Philip Harold Walker married Louise Wright circa 1875.
  • Philip Harold Walker married Louie Wright circa 1875.
  • Philip Harold Walker died before 1886.

Child of Philip Harold Walker and Louie Wright

Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker

M, b. 1879, d. 20 December 1940
  • Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker was born in 1879 in England.
  • He was born in 1879 in Grahtham, Lincolnshire, England.
  • He was the son of Philip Harold Walker and Louie Wright.
  • Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker immigrated on 6 January 1890 with Fred Smith and Louie Wright. Fred and Louie, both aged 35 tavelled on the Dacca from London on 13 Nov 1899, with his children Mary 17 a domestic servant (notation on manifest re Pension?), George 15 a labourer, daughter Alice 13, son Fred aged 12, and step son Phillip Walker 10 (shown as Smith.)
  • Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker appeared on the Electoral Roll with Fred Smith in 1903 in Djuan. Fred was a farmer as were his son Fred and step son Philip Walker (recorded as Smith.)
  • At the age of 27 years, Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker married Natalie Douglas Tigell, daughter of William Tigell and Sarah Douglas, in 1906 in Queensland.
  • Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1908 living at Djuan. He was a farmer.
  • He and Natalie Douglas Tigell appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1930 living at Djuan. Phillip was a farmer.
  • Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker died on 20 December 1940 in Brisbane, Queensland.
  • Phillip was buried in Crow's Nest Cemetery.

Children of Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker and Natalie Douglas Tigell

Priscilla Jane Walker

F, b. 16 December 1895, d. 2 April 1988
  • Priscilla Jane Walker was born on 16 December 1895 in Perseverance, Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Benjamin Robert Walker and Henrietta Martin.
  • At the age of 19 years, 1 month and 17 days, Priscilla Jane Walker married an unknown person on 2 February 1915 in Queensland. John Arthur Hirst (born Perth 6 May 1880, died Sydney 11 May 1954.)
  • Priscilla Jane Walker died on 2 April 1988 in Sydney at age 92.

Rayner Walker

F, b. 1885

Rebecca Lee Walker

F, b. 1883

Reginald Walker

M, b. 1888

Robena Walker

F, b. 1868

Robert Walker

M, b. 1868, d. 1917

Child of Robert Walker and Margaret Maddern Hitchens

Robert Francis Walker

M, b. 1826, d. 24 February 1892
  • Robert Francis Walker was born in 1826. He was the son of Robert Stewart Walker and Mary Ann Turnbull.
  • At the age of 19 years, Robert Francis Walker married Maria Carruthers / Crothers in 1845 in St Stephen's Church, Macquarie Street, Sydney, New South Wales.
  • Robert Francis Walker died on 24 February 1892 in Queensland.
  • Robert was buried on 25 February 1892 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. PRES1-009-0071.

Children of Robert Francis Walker and Maria Carruthers / Crothers

Robert Francis Walker

M, b. 1848, d. 1925

Child of Robert Francis Walker and Elizabeth McClevity

Robert Sydney Walker

M, b. 14 July 1891, d. 23 March 1975
  • Robert Sydney Walker was born on 14 July 1891 in Murphy's Creek, Queensland.
  • He was the son of Benjamin Robert Walker and Henrietta Martin.
  • Robert Sydney Walker appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1913 living at Perseverance. He was a labourer.
  • At the age of 22 years, 11 months and 17 days, Robert Sydney Walker married Annie Lilian Sarah Warman, daughter of John Thomas Warman and Annie Caroline Schmitt, on 1 July 1914 in Queensland.
  • Robert Sydney Walker appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1921 living at Perseverance. He was a labourer.
  • He and Annie Lilian Sarah Warman appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1925 and 1930 living at Perseverance. He was a labourer. Anne carried out home duties.
  • Robert Sydney Walker appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1936 living at Perseverance. He was a labourer.
  • On 14 May 1969,his wife, Annie Lilian Sarah Warman died in Queensland at age 72.
  • Robert Sydney Walker died on 23 March 1975 in Queensland at age 83.
  • Robert was buried on 25 March 1975 in Garden of Remembrance.

Child of Robert Sydney Walker and Annie Lilian Sarah Warman

Ronald George Walker

M, b. 12 October 1918, d. 30 July 2006
  • Ronald George Walker was born on 12 October 1918 in Grace Street, Crow's Nest, Queensland.
  • He was the son of Phillip Squires Nicoll Walker and Natalie Douglas Tigell.
  • Ronald George Walker enlisted in the Australian Army on 31 May 1941 in Crow's Nest. He was living at Crow's Nest at the time he enlisted and gave his next of kin as his wife Vivian. He was discharged from the 2nd Australian PW RECP GP with the rank of Sergeant on 22 Nov 1945.
  • He appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1943 living at Jones Gully. He was a farmer.
  • At the age of 24 years, 6 months and 25 days, Ronald George Walker married Vivian May Brewer, daughter of Charles Brewer and Ellen Caroline Brown, on 7 May 1943 in St Georges Church of England, Crows Nest, Queensland.
  • On 13 July 2004,his wife, Vivian May Brewer died in Gatton at age 82.
  • Ronald George Walker died on 30 July 2006 in Canossa Hospital, Oxley, at age 87.

Roy Douglas Walker

M, b. 24 December 1895, d. 1 November 1918
  • Roy Douglas Walker was born on 24 December 1895 in Taranaki, New Zealand.
  • He was the son of Edwin Walker and Helen Amelia Constance Holdaway.
  • Roy Douglas Walker enlisted in the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, J Company on 10 November 1916. He was a farmer and gave his next of kin as his father, E. Walker , Pakaraka, Bay of Islands, New Zealand. He was 5' 51/2 " tall and weighted 10 stone 3 pound, had blue eyes, dark hair and a fair complexion He embarked from Wellington on the 25 April 1917 on the "Tofou" for Plymouth. He served in the New Zealand Cycle Corps.
  • Roy Douglas Walker died on 1 November 1918 in Le Quesnoy, France, at age 22. He was killed in action.
  • Roy was buried in Saultain Communal Cemetery, Nord, France.

Ruth (Rebecca) Rose Walker

F, b. 1867, d. December 1935
  • Ruth (Rebecca) Rose Walker was born in 1867 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Robert Francis Walker and Maria Carruthers / Crothers.
  • At the age of 26 years, Ruth (Rebecca) Rose Walker married John Henry Butters in 1893 in Queensland. They settled at Revesby, Crow's Nest.
  • Ruth (Rebecca) Rose Walker and John Henry Butters appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Djuan. John was a farmer.
  • On 19 September 1928,her husband, John Henry Butters died in Queensland.
  • Ruth (Rebecca) Rose Walker died in December 1935 in Queensland.
  • Ruth was buried on 7 December 1935 in Crow's Nest Cemetery. UNIT-00D-0017.

Children of Ruth (Rebecca) Rose Walker and John Henry Butters