Ann  b. 1673
Unknown  b. circa 1670
Ada Margaret  b. 1893, d. 25 December 1940
Amelia Theresa Albertino  b. 1869, d. November 1932
Audrey Mavis  b. 14 October 1926, d. 6 October 2015
Clara Emily  b. circa 1880, d. 1955
Edward  b. circa 1870
Elsie Martha  b. 1903
Emily Clara  b. 1896
Ernest Edward  b. 1897
Ettrick James  b. 1857, d. May 1940
Ettrick James (Jim)  b. May 1899, d. 20 December 1986
Fredericka  b. circa 1870, d. 1941
Henry Ettrick  b. 1893, d. 1971
Ivy Gertrude  b. 1906
Mary Elizabeth  b. 1878, d. 1974
Mervyn Michael  b. 1910, d. 1941
Philip James E  b. circa 1885, d. 1952
Robert James Ettrick  b. 4 June 1933, d. 24 May 2007
Ronald David Etterick  b. 1939, d. 18 April 1999
Sarah Jane  b. 1892, d. 1977
Teresa Catherine  b. 1898, d. 1976
Thomas Frederick  b. circa 1875, d. 1947
Vera Gladys  b. October 1911
Jessie Louise  b. circa 1850
Cecil  b. 1896, d. 1896
Elizabeth  b. circa 1780
George  b. 1862, d. 1863
Gordon John  b. 1892, d. 3 May 1917
Hannah  b. 1870, d. 1942
Ivy M  b. circa 1900
James  b. 1866, d. 1940
John Frederick  b. 1864, d. 1946
Mary  b. 1860
Norman Leslie  b. 1899, d. 1951
Percival A  b. 1894, d. 1895
Prudance  b. 22 March 1829, d. 1911
Susan Elizabeth  b. 1872, d. 1959
Theodora Caroline  b. 1861, d. 1934
William  b. circa 1836, d. 1911
William  b. 1868, d. 1942
Ann  b. 27 December 1795
Hazel  b. 6 September 1911, d. 28 April 2006
John  b. circa 1810
Mary Ann  b. 1810, d. June 1887
Robert  b. circa 1790
Selina  b. 27 February 1814
Martha Ann  b. 1879, d. 1937
William  b. circa 1875
Charles David  b. 1900
Martha Ann  b. 1879, d. 1937
Bertha Caroline  b. circa 1870
Charles  b. circa 1850, d. 10 February 1897
Elsie Maud  b. 1887, d. 1900
Evelyn Mary  b. 4 July 1882, d. 1972
Frederick  b. 1874
Herbert Charles  b. 1880, d. 1949
Ida Kathleen  b. 1892, d. 1962
Jane  b. 8 April 1866, d. 14 February 1944
Leslie George  b. 1885, d. 22 January 1919
Margaret Emily  b. September 1870
Mary Jane  b. 4 December 1860, d. 1919
Mostyn James  b. 14 August 1928, d. 26 June 2000
Mostyn Roy  b. 1892, d. 31 August 1956
Nancy Rose  b. 13 November 1930, d. 8 January 2009
Rose Irene  b. 31 July 1899, d. 1975
Sarah Jane  b. 5 January 1855, d. 19 September 1932
Norah Ethel  b. December 1925, d. 1999
James  b. 17 October 1923, d. 24 February 2006
Ruby Alice  b. 2 March 1924, d. 6 January 1975
Alexander  b. 8 April 1901, d. 23 September 1981
Jessie  b. 1842, d. 26 September 1912
Alfred  b. 1889
Alice  b. circa 1725
Alice  b. circa 1725
Alice  b. 1801, d. 11 September 1849
Ann  b. circa 1630
Ann  b. 20 April 1690, d. 24 March 1694
Ann  b. 13 October 1713
Ann  b. 14 May 1758
Ann  b. 1760
Ann  b. circa 1780
Ann  b. circa 1805
Ann Bennie Gourd  b. 26 June 1831
Anne  b. circa 1806, d. before 31 August 1880
Annie  b. 1869, d. June 1894
Annie I  b. circa 1885
Arthur  b. 13 December 1712, d. 1801
Barbara  b. circa 1680
Bathsheba  b. 1834, d. June 1869
Benjamin  b. 5 May 1799, d. June 1853
Caroline  b. 15 January 1807
Caroline Dorothea Louise  b. 1862, d. December 1893
Catherine  b. circa 1575
Catherine  b. 9 January 1602
Catherine  b. 7 March 1847
Chivell (cont.)
Catherine Ann  b. 15 March 1795
Charles Cecil  b. 1897
Charlotte  b. circa 1841, d. December 1923
Charlotte  b. 1866
Charlotte Emily Ward  b. December 1841, d. March 1914
Chesten  b. circa 1673
Christian  b. 8 December 1722
Clara  b. December 1869, d. March 1895
Coste  b. March 1600, d. 27 March 1600
Denes  b. circa 1590
Edward  b. 29 October 1599
Edwin  b. circa 1844, d. June 1923
Edwin  b. 28 August 1846, d. January 1866
Edwin Jacob  b. December 1886
Elias  b. 12 March 1719
Eliza  b. 12 June 1726
Eliza  b. 5 January 1804, d. 21 February 1874
Eliza  b. circa 1829
Eliza  b. circa 1835
Eliza  b. 21 June 1837
Eliza Jane  b. circa 1850
Eliza Sarah  b. December 1873
Elizabeth  b. circa 1630
Elizabeth  b. circa 1635
Chivell (cont.)
Elizabeth  b. circa 1685, d. between 1734 and 1761
Elizabeth  b. circa 1690, d. between 1734 and 1761
Elizabeth  b. 1690
Elizabeth  b. 7 June 1715, d. before 1717
Elizabeth  b. 29 June 1717
Elizabeth  b. 6 July 1721
Elizabeth  b. circa 1730
Elizabeth  b. 1 January 1731/32, d. January 1803
Elizabeth  b. 9 October 1737
Elizabeth  b. 3 February 1760
Elizabeth  b. 28 December 1763
Elizabeth  b. circa 1765
Elizabeth  b. circa 1767, d. 7 April 1835
Elizabeth  b. circa 1790
Elizabeth  b. 2 April 1797
Elizabeth  b. 1799, d. 1827
Elizabeth  b. circa 1807, d. March 1890
Elizabeth  b. May 1829
Elizabeth  b. circa 1843
Elizabeth  b. 1844
Elizabeth  b. March 1862
Elizabeth  b. circa 1865
Elizabeth  b. circa 1873
Elizabeth Ann Vawden  b. 25 December 1836, d. June 1868
Elizabeth Jane  b. 1844, d. June 1927
Chivell (cont.)
Elizabeth Jane  b. circa February 1865
Elizabeth Nancarrow  b. 28 June 1831, d. before 10 September 1832
Elizabeth Parnell  b. 18 March 1798
Enigo  b. circa 1570
Evelina  b. 1 February 1835, d. December 1840
Evelina  b. June 1841, d. December 1900
Ffardinanda  b. circa 1640
Flora Jane  b. 1861
Florence  b. circa 1630
Florence Ann  b. circa February 1872
Florence Mabel  b. September 1889
Flossie  b. circa 1890
Frances  b. 1829, d. December 1873
Frances Anna  b. 1853, d. September 1906
Frances Bawden  b. December 1845
Frances Jane  b. December 1885
Frannces  b. circa 1600
Frederick  b. circa November 1867
George  b. 28 September 1601
George  b. 20 October 1654
George  b. circa 1680
George  b. 10 April 1698
George  b. 8 November 1719, d. 29 July 1730
George  b. circa 1760
Chivell (cont.)
George  b. 27 June 1802, d. 26 November 1806
George  b. 23 October 1803
Geroge  b. circa 1802
Geroge  b. 26 December 1832
Geroge  b. circa 1839
Gideon  b. 7 July 1666
Grace  b. 5 May 1724
Grace  b. circa 1730
Grace  b. circa 1758
Grace  b. circa 1780
Grace  b. circa 1780
Grace  b. 1785
Grace Ann (Annie)  b. circa 1879, d. December 1946
Hanna  b. 9 April 1722
Harriet  b. 1855, d. June 1871
Harriet Biddick  b. June 1849
Harry  b. circa 1570
Helena (Lina)  b. December 1874, d. 1967
Henry  b. June 1870
Henry Nancarrow  b. 18 April 1833
Henry Silvanus  b. 1895
Honor  b. 20 June 1602, d. 6 July 1602
Honour  b. circa 1760
Hugh  b. 10 March 1771
Hugh  b. 18 April 1802
Chivell (cont.)
Isaac  b. 20 July 1823
Isaac  b. 20 July 1823
Isabella  b. circa 1779, d. 7 January 1860
Isabella  b. 1838
James  b. 27 November 1791
James  b. 23 June 1799, d. December 1879
James  b. 1805
James  b. 22 April 1821
James  b. circa 1830, d. between 1875 and 1881
James  b. 7 June 1830
James Henry  b. between September 1857 and December 1857
James Henry  b. 28 October 1866, d. before 3 December 1871
James Henry  b. September 1869
James Snell  b. 1847, d. 23 September 1914
James Vawden  b. 14 September 1851
James Victor  b. 1893
Jane  b. circa 1790, d. July 1830
Jane  b. 15 November 1793
Jane  b. circa 1800
Jane  b. circa 1800
Jane  b. circa 1805, d. September 1864
Jane  b. circa 1807, d. March 1883
Jane  b. circa 1810
Jane  b. 1816
Jane  b. 1834
Chivell (cont.)
Jane  b. 1837
Jane  b. 1839
Jane  b. circa 1869
Jane Maria  b. circa 1823
Jeanette  b. 1858, d. June 1882
Jenefer  b. 20 December 1807, d. 31 August 1871
Jenifer  b. 10 September 1725
Joan  b. circa 1660, d. April 1709
Joan  b. circa 1660
Joan  b. 28 December 1696
Joan  b. 21 August 1736
Joanna  b. 14 February 1767, d. 23 October 1767
Joanna  b. circa 1790
Johan  b. 1600
Johan  b. 1610
Johan (Joan)  b. 3 July 1602, d. 3 July 1602
Johane  b. circa 1580
John  b. circa 1580
John  b. circa 1601, d. 1 September 1601
John  b. 6 October 1633, d. circa 1638
John  b. 12 January 1638
John  b. 21 June 1674, d. 22 June 1674
John  b. 5 January 1705
John  b. 7 November 1724
John  b. circa 1730
Chivell (cont.)
John  b. 23 January 1757
John  b. circa 1760
John  b. 27 March 1768
John  b. 18 August 1808
John  b. 1884
John Henry  b. March 1873, d. December 1933
Johnny  b. circa 1876
Jone  b. 13 September 1713
Joseph  b. 14 January 1716/17, d. May 1747
Joseph  b. 17 March 1756
Joseph  b. 5 May 1799, d. before 13 May 1855
Joseph  b. 1811
Joseph  b. August 1823
Joseph  b. December 1857
Joseph Henry  b. December 1885
Karen-happauch  b. circa 1760
Katherine  b. circa 1675
Kathryn  b. circa 1700
Laurance  b. circa 1630
Laurence  b. circa 1665
Laurence  b. circa 1700
Lilian  b. 8 March 1891, d. 8 September 1948
Lillian Maud  b. September 1899, d. December 1914
Louisa  b. 13 May 1838, d. March 1920
Chivell (cont.)
Louisa Mannell  b. December 1856
Lucy Matilda  b. December 1856, d. December 1909
Lydia  b. circa 1866
Margaret  b. 2 April 1710
Margaret  b. circa 1800
Margaret  b. circa 1821, d. 20 May 1889
Margaret  b. 1853, d. 1935
Margaret  b. circa 1879
Margery  b. circa 1590, d. 15 February 1653
Margery  b. 15 September 1660
Maria Rundle  b. 20 September 1795
Martha  b. 19 July 1640
Martha  b. 22 November 1812, d. before 18 November 1862
Martha  b. 17 July 1813
Martha  b. circa 1816
Martha  b. 1847, d. September 1854
Martha  b. circa 1850
Martha  b. December 1855
Martha  b. circa 1864
Martha J  b. 1840
Martha Jane  b. 1 April 1874
Mary  b. 26 March 1605
Mary  b. circa 1630
Mary  b. 28 February 1716, d. May 1744
Mary  b. 11 November 1729
Chivell (cont.)
Mary  b. circa 1740
Mary  b. circa 1760
Mary  b. circa 1766
Mary  b. 10 August 1796
Mary  b. circa 1800
Mary  b. circa 1800, d. December 1843
Mary  b. circa 1831
Mary  b. December 1840, d. December 1843
Mary  b. 1882, d. 1942
Mary Ann  b. June 1839
Mary Burt  b. 31 May 1769, d. December 1815
Mary Eliza  b. circa August 1874
Mary Jane  b. December 1836
Mary Jane  b. 1845
Mary Jane  b. June 1848
Mary Jane  b. September 1853, d. 23 October 1918
Mary Jane  b. December 1865
Mary Jane Burt  b. 30 March 1834, d. 6 February 1898
Matilda  b. 28 August 1846, d. March 1848
Matthew  b. 15 November 1761
Matthew  b. 7 August 1789, d. January 1828
Matthew  b. 26 July 1801
Miriam  b. 1879
Oliver  b. circa 1601, d. 2 September 1601
Philip  b. circa 1650, d. 1728
Chivell (cont.)
Phillip  b. circa 1630
Phillip  b. 25 November 1672
Ralph  b. 8 August 1823
Richard  b. 9 November 1599
Richard  b. 1 March 1635, d. 1720
Richard  b. 10 October 1686, d. March 1747
Richard  b. circa 1690
Richard  b. 26 April 1696
Richard  b. 8 October 1723
Richard  b. 30 January 1725/26
Richard  b. 1760, d. 1824
Richard  b. 15 November 1765
Richard  b. December 1864
Richard Joshua  b. 18 October 1810
Richard Louis  b. 26 April 1888
Richard Thomes  b. 22 January 1832
Richards  b. circa 1890
Robert  b. 20 November 1683
Robert  b. 13 September 1767, d. July 1768
Robert  b. 20 August 1769
Robert  b. 28 May 1803, d. March 1872
Robert Henry  b. 1875, d. 1876
Ruth  b. March 1856
Samson  b. circa 1570
Samuel  b. 1832, d. 21 October 1880
Chivell (cont.)
Samuel  b. March 1860, d. December 1861
Sarah  b. circa 1730
Selina  b. September 1844
Simon Craze  b. 1864
Susan  b. circa 1810
Susan  b. June 1846, d. December 1934
Susan Jane  b. 1871
Susanna  b. circa 1630
Theresa  b. March 1864
Thirza Hannah  b. 13 September 1840, d. March 1906
Thomas  b. 19 March 1619
Thomas  b. 20 January 1693
Thomas  b. 26 September 1716, d. July 1717
Thomas  b. 29 June 1718, d. June 1796
Thomas  b. 9 February 1728
Thomas  b. circa 1730
Thomas  b. 23 October 1757
Thomas  b. circa 1760
Thomas  b. 20 October 1764
Thomas  b. 9 December 1764
Thomas  b. circa 1790
Thomas  b. 11 September 1791
Thomas  b. 1794, d. 1834
Thomas  b. 4 September 1800
Thomas  b. 3 June 1805
Chivell (cont.)
Thomas  b. 19 January 1826, d. between 1861 and 1871
Thomas  b. 10 February 1835
Thomas Henry  b. 15 May 1844, d. 20 March 1911
Thomas Henry  b. September 1851, d. March 1892
Thomas Henry  b. June 1867
Thomas John  b. 1878
Thomasin Richards  b. 13 November 1831, d. September 1874
Thriza  b. March 1864
Thurzia Blanche  b. 1898, d. 1898
Tobias  b. circa 1570
Unknown  b. circa 1550
Unknown  b. circa 1600
Unknown  b. 26 May 1611
Walter  b. September 1882, d. December 1882
William  b. 14 October 1604
William  b. 3 August 1729
William  b. 4 June 1758
William  b. 18 December 1763
William  b. 13 August 1775, d. March 1778
William  b. 13 June 1779, d. 29 August 1862
William  b. 1797, d. 18 September 1842
William  b. 1 June 1798, d. 3 April 1860